Mea Shearim, Israel +Protest over the Desecration of Ancient Graves+
Mea Shearim, Israel - Several dozen haredim rolled a city garbage bin into the main intersection of Jerusalem's Mea Shearim neighborhood late motzai shabbas, in protest over the desecration of ancient graves during the construction of a national highway.
Israeli archeologists say that the graves inquestion near Highway 6 in the center of the country are not being disturbed during the work on the highway.
At 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh no not again !!! I hope this will calm down fast poor subras have no work or pleasure in life just to burn down our own quater if that makes u happy ? keep it up .... ur just kiling every protest by showing the world that its only done for lidekiet....
At 11:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
When these things are in the news, the parents of sons learing in Yerusholayim finally know how his son is "really" spending his time!
At 12:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
I cant believe that there are still garbage cans left.
I am sure this is lshem shmayim
At 12:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Come on- why does everything have to be a source for some poeple to comment and talk nenegatively about our own people!! Please everyone show some loyalty for your bretheren in Eretz Yisroel.... They are stanging up for our precious holy land FOR US so that the rest of us can be in America rolling in our money (and filth!) so that when Mashiash comes there will be something to come back too!!!
At 9:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can think of many ways to protest something. I never thought of burning smelly garbage in my own neighborhood.
At 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't see anywhere in this article that they burned garbage. All it says is "Several dozen haredim rolled a city garbage bin into the main intersection". So please, cool down.
At 12:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I don't see anywhere in this article that they burned garbage. All it says is "Several dozen haredim rolled a city garbage bin into the main intersection". So please, cool down.
9:11 AM
Cool Down, you say???!!!
And miss a chance to spread a little more hatred of charaidim???!!!
Don't you know it is a mitzvah to have sinas chinam against those who we decide have sinas chinam for us?
In 'der heime' yiddin used to bury the kinos after tisha b'av because they knew that the golus was coming soon anyway.
Some of the comments on this blog go a long way to explaining why in America we can buy fancy hardcover kinos.
At 12:18 AM,
Dovid said…
I hate to tell those imbeciles, but there have been many unreported graves found in the construction of Highway 6 and they have caused much delay and expense as the people building it are also religious. These sick Mea Shearim demonstrators should be recruited for military service, so that they can truly exercise their physical prowess.
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