Monsey, NY +Suspicious Death+
Monsey, NY +Suspicious Death+ Chesed She'll Ames on the scene at Route 306 and Viola Road for a person found DOA in a car, Police are investigating apparently he is DOA for a few days.
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At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
dead ON a car???
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
i would love to know so please if someone knowes please comment thanks
At 2:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is now a crime scene!
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
He is there laying for about 3 days S. Koneig from the sheriff dept. is in charge of the seen
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
is it meshulunu?
At 2:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
was this a teenager or older person
At 2:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just passed by the scene. There are several cars at the end of the driveway which is about 75 feet from Route 306. It is not easy to see from the road. My question is how did someone notice? Is someone living at the house? If so, why did it take a few days. If the house is vacant, well what was the guy doing in the car?
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
so many questions....any answers?
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
A 57-year-old Monsey man was found dead outside his home this afternoon.
Ramapo police do not suspect foul play in the death of Leon Stettiner, of 265 Route 306.
Sgt. Mark Emma said it appears Stettiner was backing out of his driveway onto Route 306, just north of Viola Road, when he accelerated forward and drove his minivan through brush and saplings next to his driveway. He apparently got out of the car and walked 25 feet toward his home when he collapsed.
Emma did not know when Stettiner died. The Rockland Medical Examiner's Office will now determine the time and cause of death.
Stettiner's body was discovered by Hatzolah Ambulance Corps paramedics who had come to check on him because he hadn't picked up kosher meals set aside for him.
Police believe Stettiner lived alone.
At 4:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boruch Dayan Emes
At 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Any info. on a Levaya??
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
baruch dayan emes.
who is meshulunu?
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
1) He lived alone, and has no family. Concerned people have been trying to get ahold of him since the beginning of the week.
2) A passerby noticed the meals left at his doorstep were not being taken in, and they called somebody to check up on him.
3) His car, in the woods was hidden from the street.
4) He will be having a Kosher burial, there will be people looking to raise money for the plot.
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Abe Kiss owner of Five Star Judaica took care of him all the time, Mr. Steiner used to bring him his meals, when Mr. Steiner called Abe to try to contact Dr. Stettner, because he had two meals that he didnt bring into the house, Abe decided to check up on him. Abe then saw Dr. Stettner's body, Abe Kiss then called Hazalah, Hatzala called police.
Abe is collecting money to have him buried, and for his Matzivah.
The funeral was in the Bais Hachyim of New Square at 6:00 PM
Abe was maspid him. He will be buried tomorrow in the Bais Dovid Cemetery in Elmont. This was a "Mes Mitzvah" since Dr. Stettner had absolutely no family. He was an only child, and was never married. He was 57 years old.
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
The following people were at the Levayah at this "Mes Mitzvah"
Avraham Kiss (Five Star Judaica)
Heshy Ort (Monsey Take Out)
R' Beir (chevrah kadisha, New Square)
Yiddel Friedman (New Square)
Freddie Brinn (Pres KNH)
Dan Stochel (Monsey)
Mr. Ernst Steiner (Monsey)
Robert Rothman (Monsey)
Eric Lafazan (Monsey)
An Anonymous Lady ?
There was just a Minyan and Kiss said Kaddish
It seems that only Kiss, Ort and Steiner knew the Niftar!
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey 11:10
Who are you?
Can you give us a clue?
At 12:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 11:29
here is the clue.
I wear a dress and live in Spring Valley, I wasn't at the funeral!
At 1:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
He is the anonymous lady!
At 1:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was the "Anonymous Lady" & I knew Dr. Stettiner, hence the reason I was there. By the way, I'm also from Monsey.
At 7:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
In a sad way this reminds me of the joke about 'somewhere' in Europe. A chevraman comes into shul on Purim saying he found a true evyon to do the mitzvah of giving a gift to the destitute. The others asked him, 'who is he, maybe we can help him too'. 'Oh no you don't,' he says, I need to keep him a secret for next year.
Of course there wasn't a lot of time, but the way the news of the levayah was mentioned, doesn't seem that so many were told about it. Surely many would have come.
At 9:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
I walked past this mans house all the time.
I was pretty sure he lived alone in an old house (not one of the new "shoddy" ones popping up all over monsey).
He definately could have been lying there for a few days with noone noticing. for from the road.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just a few words about the niftar.
I knew him for about 10 years. He was then an emergency room doctor in St. Francis Hospital in Long Island.
He moved to Monsey with his widowed mother and she died about 8 years ago.
His father and mother managed to escape the Holocaust and met and married in Italy, where Leon was actually born. Everyone else in the family were murdered by the Nazis.
His parents moved to the Bronx in 1952, and young Leon went to Medical school in Mexico.
Leon was fluent in 13 languages, including English, Yiddish, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Polish.
He was a cancer researcher at Wintrop hospital and then specialized in uroligy!
He lived to help thousands of people and many times did it for nothing.
He was concerned about the future of the Jewish people and loved every Jew.
For the last five years he became sick with a mutitude of different illnesses, which still did not stop him from helping his fellow Jew.
However, at this time it became very difficult for him to be mobile.
Many people helped him during this trying time.
I have to thank Bikur Cholim, and all those that I cannot mention because I dont know all of you. Please identify yourself and take credit, so that others can emulate you.
Mr. Steiner who lives on Blauvelt ... you were a Malach..
you were always there.
Heshy Ort, you welcomed him into your store and brought him meals to his house, and for everything else you did for him..
All those who co-signed loans for the Gemach .... thank you very much
For the young Lady (I forgot your name, but he always talked about your Middos)who drove him to NYC and LI ... May H grant you everything that you need in life.
Those who would stop at his house and say hello and "chap" a Shmooz, you Mamesh gave him life!
And for those who came thru... when we needed to pay for the cemetary plot and Monument..
May H repay you for your kindness.
I Will be saying Kaddish for him this year ...
however, I ask if those out there learn Mishnayos and give Tzedaka in his name
I dont at this time have his father's name, I'll update you then!Meanwhile use his mother's name, even though we only use his father's name after death!
May H have mercy on all of Klall Yisroel!
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I used to drive the niftar zt"l to Long Island tens of times to St. Francis Hospital, and other places. He had an amputated foot, due to complications of diabetes.
I unfortunately missed the funeral, as I didn't find out till shabbes, but I would imagine the anonymous lady would have been somebody from Bikor Cholim who would arrange rides for him.
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