New York, NY - Chassidic Community to Protest Prade in Jerusalem
New York, NY - Thousands of New York chassidics are set to hold a rally Thursday afternoon on the request of the Hisechdus Harabunim, opposite the Israeli consulate in the city at 800 2nd Avenue, in protest of the planned Jerusalem parade
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I will never go to naythin endorsed and supported by the hisachdus harbanim
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please publicize this. I am no fan of chasidim and certainly not of their anti-zionist tactics.
however, this filthy march cannot be allowed to occur.
is this parade being put on by the neturei karta?
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard 3PM
At 3:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
someone please advise me who this hisachdus rabonim group is?
are there flyers out on this protest rally?
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
its sad borrowing the expression "bi partisian politics"
(no pun intended)that we cant get together on issues we all agree on due to the fact that hisachdus is the one calling the march
this issue affects all kryzen of jewry whether mizrachi/young israel /agudah/yeshivish/as well as all chasidim
if we would only be able to get together on things wed bring the geuala a step closer
but it behooves us if we cant get together lman hashem
At 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard unofficially that the march was canclled by the israeli police citing security concerns I hope its true.
At 4:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why does it need to be called on a letterhead from Hisachdes Hurabunim?? wouldn't it be better with a Kol Korah from all Rebbes/Rabunim/Roshai Yeshivos, without any letterhead?!
At 4:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
The OU sent out the following press release about the parade, for all who asked where American Rabbanim are...
The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America is profoundly offended by the “Gay Pride” parade scheduled for this Friday in the Holy City of Jerusalem, Israel. Torah observant Jews cannot be silent as those who flout the word of God provocatively choose to stage this event in Judaism’s holiest city.
Homosexual behavior is explicitly and strictly forbidden by Jewish law. Any inference or suggestion that Jewish law and tradition dictates otherwise is both dishonest and offensive. Holding this event in Jerusalem is inconsiderate of the history and religious nature of the Holy City and is intended to offend deeply both the religious people of Israel and Jews worldwide committed to the traditional Jewish family.
Moreover, by holding an event of this nature in Jerusalem, its organizers clearly hope that the world community will mistakenly assume that homosexual behavior is condoned by both those in the Jewish State and by Jews worldwide. Torah truths and Torah values should not be allowed to be misrepresented.
Judaism is a religion of peace and tolerance. Absent the Jewish people’s strict adherence to the values and commandments of the Torah -- which speaks strongly and unambiguously on this issue -- the Jewish people cease to be the “light unto the nations” God commands us to be.
The extreme statements and declarations that often accompany such events simply cannot be allowed to pass without our vocal protest. We join with all people of good will and of many faiths outraged by this event and angered by its provocative placement in the Holy City.
At 6:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
The protest will be held on Second Avenue between 44th street and 45th street in Manhattan, across the street from the Israeli Embassy.
no violence anticipted.
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 234,
i suppose you dont daven 3 times a day with the word yerushalayim in it many times. o well.
At 7:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sure our good friends from Neturei Karte will be their to lend a helping hand
At 7:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
On Thursday, Nov. 9, 2006, the Central Rabbinical Congress (CRC) of the United States and Canada will protest the Gay Pride Parade scheduled in Jerusalem for this Friday, November 10th. The protest will take place in front of the Israeli Consulate, 800 Second Avenue, in New York City, at 4:30 p.m. On Friday, in Jerusalem, protestors against the parade are expected to number over 250,000, and additional local protests have been organized in most of Israel's major cities.
Israeli Police have been compelled to mobilize an incredible force of 12,000 officers from all over the country to try to prevent bloodshed, and Magen Dovid Adom, the Israeli medical corps, has been forced to mobilize 50 ambulances and 10 para- medic motorcycles.
These radical homosexuals are aided and abetted by the Israeli legal establishment, who have demanded that this parade of degeneracy take place even though the police have recommended its cancellation to preserve the peace, said the Central Rabbinical Congress. This ugly spectacle is being forced upon an unwilling public by Israel's legal oligarchy, headed by Dorit Beinisch, the radical secular chief of the Israeli Supreme Court and her left- wing Attorney General, Menachem Mazuz.
Spokesman Rabbi David Niederman stated: "It is only natural that the Zionists' total disrespect for all that is sacred to the Jewish people should culminate in their trampling, openly and proudly, on the laws of immoral relationships called by the Torah "abominations", acts that even the most assimilated Jews in past generations would never have dreamed of committing."
Coincidentally the "Gay Pride" parade is scheduled to occur during the week of the Torah lesson on the destruction of the ancient city of Sodom. Rabbi Niederman continued, "And now, in the week in which we read in the Torah about G-d's destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19), the unthinkable is happening: the modern-day Sodomites are bringing their perversion into the streets of Jerusalem, with the smiling approval of the Israeli Supreme Court, threatening to make the Holy City into the next Sodom."
At 8:11 PM,
Tina said…
This is an important event - many of our non jewish "jewish" friends will support this - this should be publicised in christian conservative circles
At 8:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
I recived a phone call lase night stating the rally today is being orginized by young israel /agudah israel / hisachdus harbanim
At 3:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
who is the hisachdus rabonim?
Is that the CRC?
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
hisachdus is the crc in the oval (central rabbinical congress) not to be confused with the cRc in the triangle which is the Chicago Rabbinical Council... both good hechsherim i might add.
At 6:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its over they have called off the parade in yerushalayim. They will now hold a gay rally in the stadium instead.
My first wish is that they all die and rot, but in the words of ashes r' meir - May they be zoche to do teshuva and hashem should cause them to become good people once again.
At 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was at the demonstration in NY and was disturbed to see that many signs usually at Neteurai Karta demonstrations were the main signs on the stage. I thought the CRC was behind the rally which does not support Neteurai Karta..
It was supposed to be against the parade and their ideals, not against the idea of having the state of israel exist.
At 6:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
any updates on the demonstration in NY. Is there any reason still to go??
At 8:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
they are not haveing the prade in jerusalem not bec. of all the protest that was going on they are not doing it because they are scared of the bombs
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
the protest was against police brutality as well so it went on
At 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
BROOKLYN, N.Y., Nov. 16 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Over ten thousand Orthodox Jews led by dozens of prominent Rabbis gathered outside the "Israeli" Consulate in New York City on Thursday, Nov. 9, to protest against the existence of the State of " Israel," the atrocities it perpetrates and against the "Gay Pride Parade" that was planned to take place in Jerusalem on Nov. 10.
The theme of the speakers was to condemn the mere existence of the State of "Israel" which is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Torah which commands the Jews to remain in exile until released by G-d himself, without any human intervention, at which time all nations of the world will live together in peace.
The Rabbis stressed that "Jews are required to be loyal citizens in all the countries that they reside, and are forbidden to rebel against any nation." Leading Rabbis elaborated on the fact that the continuation of the existence of the State of "Israel" has brought to the constant escalation of sins against the Creator. Also, it has brought about the unabated ruthlessness and barbarity being committed against humanity.
In regard to the "Gay Pride Parade" they emphasized that the public assent to practices described in the Torah and once viewed by all mankind as "an abomination" had no place in the Holy Land and certainly not in the Holy City of Jerusalem. Signs and talks pointed out that the celebration and promotion of homosexuality is born of the same denial of the Creator that brought to the creation of the State of "Israel" and to the rebellion against other nations and peoples.
Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, spokesman for Neturei Karta International said: "The rally was especially necessary and timely due to the terrible, horrific attacks, perpetrated against the people of Bait Hanun in Gaza, in the last few days."
The rally, which stretched for over five New York City blocks, was not picked up by any local or national news outlets despite coverage by the Associated Press Television who attended the event. The lack of reporting on events that potentially cast the State of "Israel" in a negative light has become a hallmark of United States news reporting, and especially coverage of anti- Zionist religious activities, there is a virtual media blackout.
Since the inception of Zionism, Jewish leaders have vigorously decried the Zionist movement and have tried to educate people on the baseless existence of the State of "Israel" which has resulted in the loss of countless Jewish and non-Jewish lives. Jews regularly meet with world and Arab leaders and organize public demonstrations to counter "Israeli" military and political actions. For additional information on the activities of Neturei Karta International,
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