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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Berlin, Germany - Death Threats for Holocaust Survivor

Berlin, Germany - Facing death threats from neo-Nazis, one of Germany's Holocaust survivors has been forced to have police install security measures at his home as attacks by the far-right in the country spiral.

On Thursday, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, Isaak Behar, 83, is to lead an annual ceremony at Grunewald railway station, in west Berlin, in which he will say Kaddish for his parents, Nissim and Lea, who were murdered at Auschwitz. A thousand or more Germans, are expected to attend.

Behar - who is one of the few Jews to have returned to his native Berlin after the war - says he has been forced to connect his home to an elaborate security system after receiving threats from neo-Nazi groups. The city's police have installed a complex system of buttons that trigger an emergency call when pressed. He and his wife have a button on either side of their bed, and there is one in every other room in their home.
"I have received threats: 'Close your mouth or we will close your mouth,'" he said.
"By night, they have played Nazi music three times on the telephone. We have changed our phone numbers three times." "Every step I take I have to tell the police. If anything happens to me, they don't want the newspapers to write: 'Where were the police?'"


  • At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    burnw your totally on the money

    this guy chose to go back into a country who's earth is soaked and drenched with jewish blood and is scratching his head why they dont like him its no wonder the food there is all growing with jewish blood how can the new generation love jews
    all the more puzzeling is one who actually lived thru it to want and go move back there let him at least move to israel and live out his years in peace (as long as he doesnt go to any hafgonos he should be safe in israel)

  • At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To: burnw you are a total SHMOK you dont stop critcizing. I think you are a SELF HATEING JEW (person)


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