Manhattan, NY - More Than $1 Million Swindled from Foundation by Executive Director
Manhattan, NY - The head of a philanthropic foundation helped himself to more than $1 million of the organization's money.
In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, the Harry and Jane Fischel Foundation - which helped Yeshiva University and also contributes to lots of Orthodox Jewish institutions - accuses Michael Jaspan of cheating it through a variety of scams while he was executive director.
Jaspan, 54, served as executive director, vice-president and a board member of the foundation until the wrongdoing was discovered. The misconduct would have been discovered sooner, but the accountants hired by the board of directors to find out where all of its cash was going only reported Jaspan's wrongdoing to one person - Jaspan.
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
who is this jaspan?
is he a misheluni?
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Probably a Chussid!
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
this once again serves as a strong reminder that not every tzedakah out there is legitimate. Many are phoney, with virtually little going to those in need.
I hope the new incoming Atty General for NYS looks into the not for profit charities. If I were a guessing man, slimy Cuomo will not pursue this area ripe with fraud. He will turn away from it. He is a slick politician, not a roll up the sleeves, do work politician. Never was, never will be. He is looking for only one thing in life.
The Oval Office. AG spot in NY is only a layaway station. He is embarking on far more ambitious goals than Attorney General. After all, ask people on this streets of NY who the attorney genral now is. See how many come up with the correct response.
Anyway, you have an achroyos to be careful where you send your tzedakah dollars.
Who is this lowlife jaspan anyway?
At 12:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jaspan is a Lawyer which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
RE: Luftak
Maybe he is a kalte litvack
At 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Burnw!
Shloma Shamos has asked you on several occasions, that you email him, why are you ignoring his pleas? trust me, he wants to give you certain privileges you'll definitely enjoy, now do the right thing....
At 5:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
You people need to watch what you say about our charities. We are zocheh to have groups in our community that work tirelessly to help the poor. Saying that the Attorney General needs to start investigating them is very dangerous. While there is a need to weed out the rotten apples we cant tarnish the name of all good Tzedakas.
I am going to name a few that people should feel very comfertable contributing to if anyone has a problem with any of these careful what you say you dont want to speak lashon hara about a Tzedaka that is Lshem Shamayim.
Hatzoloh, Tomchei Shabbos, Magen Dovid Adom (maybe not for Satmar), Met Council, all local Jewish Councils, Local Yeshivas, local Shuls, Ohel, Chai Lifeline, there are so many more.
Don't be discouraged from giving due to the mistakes of a few.
At 1:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Don't be so naive - these are all in all worthy organizations, however, don't be fooled into thinking that those people running certain organizations take home a huge paycheck. Look it up online, it's all there. Then see what percentage of the total funds raised actually goes to the needy consumer.
At 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you want a list of tzedokos, just listen to Lipa's song Mitzvah Goireres Mitzvah, but skip the last "organization" which he mentions. :):):).
At 11:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Fishel Foundation is a legitimate charity, and I happen to know Jaspan, who is overall a very decent and kind person, who I can only assume must have fallen on some hard times that made him do this kind of thing. Which of us can be so sure that we would never succumb to unethical behavior when subjected to extraordinary pressure? I can assure you this is not someone who cheats and lives high off the hog at the expense of widows and orphans.
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