New York, NY - Two Councilmen Say 'No Thanks' to Pay Raise
New York, NY - Two City Councilmen have notified the council's personnel office that they won't be accepting the 25 percent raise that was recently approved.
Democrats Tony Avella (Queens) and Mike McMahon (S.I.) sent letters asking that their base salary remain at $90,000 and not rise to $112,500.
Democrats Tony Avella (Queens) and Mike McMahon (S.I.) sent letters asking that their base salary remain at $90,000 and not rise to $112,500.
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
These are the guys that should be commended for their courage. Not the sluts like Felder who runs after money, raising property taxes, doing nothing of any substance for the community, much less the frum community.
Felder has only one goal in being council member. Kiss the rear end of Bloomberg.
Why, you ask? He gets perks from Bloomberg including several free trips to Israel on Bloomy airlines. Felder does not give a damn about his constituents. He raised our property taxes. Go ask him why. So two years later he could rasie his own salary, that govt. funded loafer. Now he is in bed with the lesbian Quinn. Go ask this frum guy why he supports someone who personifies the worst abomination the Torah discusses. Mishkav Zochor, or nekeiva in this instance. For politics, this guy will support anybody, feigelech, anti-semites, etc.
At 2:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Where that "holy" councilman of ours Simcha Felder that in office "only for the KLAL", to betterour life.
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
yeah, he will better you life alright.
By actively campaigning to get a immoral female into the office of the Mayor of the City of New YOrk
What do you think this city will become then?
Feigelech not only coming out of the closet but going into everybody else's closet!!!!!!!!!
They will be all over the streets carrying on in a most mushchisdike manner.
Got SImcha to thank for this upcoming simcha. He is quoted in the New York TImes as heavily favoring Quinn feigel for Mayor.
At 2:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
All you critics, this is a publicity stunt, dont you get it. They all like money just the same, but here Kavod & publicity for these 2 ppl is worth more.
At 2:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
They cannot legally refuse it (and they know it.) They did this for positive publicity.
At 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOW, finally an honest Democrat
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
what honest democrat?
At 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Simcha is a devoted representative of our community. It never sees to amaze me that there will be some nut-cases, some of you are well known, that will get a kick out of smearing anyone that dose anything for the good of the community.
It is the Internet, a democracy, keep it up. But you think of yourself as observing individuals. You must know that this is not a free-for-all. Your term will eventually come.
Regarding the future mayor. She is not Jewish, and we have no obligation to her on us. Orthodox people couldn’t care less what a shiksa is doing with her life. What’s important to strategize and apply the best judgment as to who will be bet to understand an under-class as we are.
The fact that she is shunned by the rest of the goym, will come to good use of all of us. I think that Quinn will be the best option of observant Jews.
After all why is is OK for them to go to Church, ant not other things?
You are apparently not disturbed by her lifestyle. You have a vicious agenda. You would like an anti-Semite to represent us, right?
As for Simcha, numerous people were assisted by him on so many different issue. He is a real nice person. Don to earth, eager to assist and help all the time. Why don’t you try to approach him, see for yourself, he just a simple nice guy.
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Are you kidding?
do you really think that they won't take the money?
Get real!
At 6:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
These postings sound like they are coming from one person who has a personal vendetta against Felder. The funny thing is that these two Councilmembers are refusing the payraises for publicity stunts--it is well known that both have aspirations for other offices. Avella is a Mayoral candidate (the NY Times just did a profile on him) and McMahon is a Democrat who is rumoured to be a candidate for Staten Island Borough President. As a Democrat, he might have a tough race in a majority Republican borough, so this is his chance to show he is "fiscally conseravative."
In any event, the City is supposed to decide on pay raises for all city-wide elected officials every four years. The last time they were raised was 1999. If you're going to get upset about the pay raises, get upset about Borough Presidents (do they do anything?) getting raises from 135k to 160k and the Public Advocate (what's that?) from 150k to 165k.
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Simche is the BEST.
At 7:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wish shlomo would stop posting the stupid comments (richilus) against Felder. He is the nicest person to have representing us and our community.
I guess even the nicest people have an enemy or two. Its just a shame that the moderator lets this guy spew his hate on this great blog.
At 10:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
The current city council term is almost over, so refusing a pay raise really doesn't mean much in terms of dollars and sense.
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
> Anonymous said...
They cannot legally refuse it (and they know it.) They did this for positive publicity.
2:41 PM
How does Bloomberg getaway with only a $1 salary? I think you don't know what you're talking about.
At 12:29 AM,
Shtender Bender said…
Mitzvah gedolah lihyos b'Simcha.
Simcha Felder is doing a fine job.
Who do you know that you can name that has done better?
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
shtender bender,
I can tellyou that MIke Nelson, who represents a very large contingent of frum, is no better than simcha. Perhaps just as bad or worse.
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Simcha is great
compared to the dear Councilman who only represented himself
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
dear was grossly ineffective.
he was nearlyh crying for future votes in a letter to the editor in a major jewish newspaper last week.
he is a loser than cannot hold a real job other than to be a lazy govt. worker, or politician, in this instance.
He never held a real job.
At 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Simcha Felder is a walking talking
I wish that my children grow up to be like him.
At 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
o gevald,
Dear's brain has been soaking in the HUMUS for far toooo long.
Let us hope we never ever see him in public office again.
At 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
what is simcha felder doing for those poor single women who need section 8 and dont get it HUH
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