JERUSALEM, - Stabbing
JERUSALEM, - A Palestinian man stabbed and wounded two ultra-Orthodox Jews with a large kitchen knife in Jerusalem's walled Old City.
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At 4:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
1 Was Niftar
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
from which Yshivah?
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Both from Mir Yeshiva. The niftar is a English CHOSSON named Shmuel Met. The injured bochurs name is Weissrot (or something similar sounding).
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
A young Israeli yeshiva student was killed Wednesday evening in a knife attack by a Palestinian in the Old City of Jerusalem, close to the Jaffa Gate.
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
שמו של הבחור שנפטר שמואל מעט בן 22 אזרח בריטי.
הנפטר הוא חסיד גור, תלמיד ישיבת מיר, חתן, תושב אנגליה. חברו שנפצע אף הוא לומד בישיבת מיר.
At 7:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
די צווייטע בחור איז אן אמעריקאנער
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
The second bochur is from Monsey, don't know the name.
At 7:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
The following letter was written by Moshe Simons, a Hatzolah volunteer and close friend of mine from the Old City of Yerushalayim. Im posting this as I run out to the Bochurs Levaya in The Gur Beis Medrash in Geula. The Levaya is taking place only this afternoon due to the inconsideration of the Israeli Police to insist on a Autopsy.Following demonstrations all through the night in the streets of Yerushalayim and at Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital, the Niftars Body was only just released. May we be zoche to the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.
NEWS ALERT| August 25, 2005
Young Jewish Man Murdered in Jerusalem. His crime - being Jewish.
I sit facing my computer, and words fail me. I have just witnessed one of the most tragic and traumatic events of my life.
A Jewish young man died in my arms tonight.
Yes, you read correctly. A Jewish man died in my arms tonight. His sin? Being Jewish in Jerusalem.
At about 8:25 this evening, we got a call from the MDA dispatcher about a stabbing on Rechov David - the shuk leading from Shaar Yaffo (Jaffa Gate) to the Kotel. I immediately left my apartment and sped over to the chaotic scene not far from there on a Hatzolah ambucycle. Upon arrival, a horrible sight greeted me. A young Jewish man, lying in a pool of his own blood, with a 15" knife sticking out of his stomach. After being at many bombings, car accidents and other traumatic events, this scene had the distinction of being the worst one I have ever seen.
His skin a very pale color, and his eyes half open, I reached him. The only people around were police officers, who didn't really know what to do. The young Jewish man was not breathing, and he had no pulse.
This is the nightmare of any EMT. Alone, as the only person with medical training at the scene, there is not much you can do. Many tasks need to be done, and many people are needed to do them. Starting CPR, connecting oxygen, starting numerous IV's due to massive blood loss and trying to stop the bleeding are some of the things that need to be done, but in the seconds that I was there, my mind stopped working. One cannot think rationally in such situations - one must act like a robot, doing whatever could be done as quickly as possible. First, I called for backup on my MIRS, and then I started CPR. Even with all of the expensive equipment that we have, there are times that the only thing you can use is a simple pocket mask.
Using a bag valve mask on a trauma patient that you are having trouble opening an airway for is a waste of time. It is close to impossible to use on your own on such a patient. I took out my trusty face mask, and started mouth to mouth resuscitation. I felt his lungs fill up with air, and I was slightly encouraged. One of the police officers started chest compressions (as well as he could), and we continued basic CPR for a minute or two.
At this point, an ambulance with a paramedic - Aryeh Yaffe - arrived at the scene, along with Rafi Herbst and another volunteer. We now had four sets of hands instead of one, and could now start to try to save the young Jewish man's life. We immediately searched for the wounds and tried to stop the bleeding. At the same time we tried to start an IV, but were having difficulty due to the massive amounts of blood that he lost. We continued CPR, this time with a bag valve mask and good compressions, and in the meantime, more volunteers from the Jewish Quarter arrived on foot, and quickly took my place. Shortly thereafter a MDA Mobile ICU arrived and continued to work on the patient - the Doctor I saw on their crew was one of the best I have ever seen working under pressure and keeping his cool - as well as giving fantastic care to the patient.
Soon, we had three IV's running, and we were trying to restart the young man's heart using drugs. Atropine, Sodium Bicarbonate were used among other drugs, and soon we had a heart rhythm on the EKG, although we did not have a pulse. We moved the patient to the mobile ICU who transferred him to the trauma center at Haddassah Ein Karem, but the young man was pronounced dead in the operating room - he had a massive gash in the veins and arteries in his stomach, and we could not save him. When I had arrived at the scene previously - he was no longer with us, yet we tried everything that we could to bring him back - to no avail.
What was the young man's crime? What did he do wrong? Why was he murdered by our 'peace partners'? To us, the residents of the Old City, these answers are clear. The arabs want us out of Israel - out of Jerusalem. They see clearly that violence and terrorism against Jews works, as witnessed in Gaza and Gush Katif - five years of violence culminated in the surrender of the Jews. Now, they clearly say that they want Jerusalem - and the way for them to get it is through blood - our blood.
A friend of mine commented tonight, "Jewish blood is not cheap. It's free."
The terrorism will continue - and will get much worse in Jerusalem. One thing I can tell you - we won't run. We will stand firm, and remain here until one side wins - us or them. The battle is for the soul of the Land of Israel - let no one think otherwise.
In the meantime, I'm sure you are asking yourselves - what can be done? The answer, as I see it, is threefold.
Physical help: This includes writing to congressmen, senators, politicians; trying to influence the viewpoint of others around you; visiting Israel; helping us in our struggle. After tonight, I've realized that every volunteer EMT in the Old City should have a gun with him - we need to raise money for that as well (I can be reached at for more information as to how to donate). I never thought that as an EMT I'd be trying to raise money for guns - the instruments of death, but times have changed. There are also other medical items that we need - reach me at the email address above.
More importantly, we must realize that our fate is decided in Heaven. When a decree comes from before G-d, we must take a deeper look at ourselves and try to find what is wrong spiritually. Each of us must make additional effort in the spiritual realm to do more mitzvot and study Torah, and through that may we merit the rescinding of the terrible sword that hangs above our heads.
Let us cry together. Let us understand that a Jew murdered in Jerusalem must have an impact upon the entire Jewish nation - we must realize the depths that we have reached. We are a splintered, fragmented nation - each of us finding fault with the other. At the very least, let us join together in sorrow, and cry as one for the blood of a young man, murdered in Jerusalem simply because he was a Jew.
Please pass this message on. We must wake up and realize where this is leading. We must arise to the challenge given to us and join together to be victorious.
Written in sorrow by
Moshe Simons, EMT
Hatzolah & MDA Volunteer
Hatzolah Newsletter Editor
Jewish Quarter, Jerusalem
הרשום מעלה, מובא על דעת הכותב בלבד.
At 10:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
the name of the second bochur is weissbrod from monsey
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
British student murdered in Jerusalem
By Sam Knight, Times Online
A Palestinian man wielding a 12in knife stabbed two British students in Jerusalem yesterday, killing one, as violence flared just 48 hours after the Gaza pullout.
Shmuel Mett, 21, and Sam Weisberg, 22, both from Golders Green, North London, were walking back to the orthodox Mea Shearim quarter of east Jerusalem when they were attacked, apparently at random, around 8.30pm last night in the Old City, close to the Jaffa Gate, police said.
Both men, students at the Mir Yeshiva, a large Jewish seminary, were stabbed in the stomach in the attack. Mett died an hour later at the city's Hadassah hospital after Mr Weisberg managed to struggle to a nearby police station to raise the alarm.
Mett, who had been studying in Israel for two years, was engaged to be married in three months.
Mr Weisberg, who was taken to the Shaare Zedek Medical Centre after the stabbing, is expected to make a full recovery from his injuries.
A huge manhunt is now under way in Jerusalem for the Arab assailant after images of the attack were reportedly caught on CCTV. The man threw away the weapon, a large kitchen knife, as he fled the scene.
Gideon Ezra, the Internal Security Minister, said investigators believed that the killing, the first deadly Palestinian attack for three years inside the Old City, was the work of a lone attacker.
"Without doubt, this attack was committed by a lone Palestinian who was not part of any movement which will make the search for him more difficult," Mr Ezra told army radio.
Police this morning agreed not to carry out an autopsy on Mett's body after his orthodox family requested that no surgery be performed on the corpse.
In the early hours of this morning, several hundred fellow orthodox Jews damaged a private ambulance outside Hadassah Hospital when rumours spread that the student's body was about to be taken to a morgue.
Three police officers were injured in the disturbance, in which four haredim, as ultra-orthodox Jews are known, were arrested, according to the Jerusalem Post. Meanwhile, at the site of the attack, a small memorial was set up and vandals scrawled anti-Arab graffiti and promises of revenge.
Shortly after the stabbing Israeli troops raided Tulkarem refugee camp in the West Bank and killed four Palestinians, including a leader of Islamic Jihad, Ribhi Amara.
The forces entered the camp and surrounded a house, intending to arrest five men in connection with suicide bombings that killed five people in Tel Aviv in February and five in Netanya in July, a military source said.
When the soldiers arrived, a gun battle ensued. Four people were killed, witnesses said.
Last night's violence was the first since Israel removed the last of 15,000 settlers and their supporters from 21 enclaves in Gaza and four in the West Bank. Shaul Mofaz, Israel's Defence Minister, said Israel's forces were expected to leave Gaza — occupied by Israel since June 1967 — in mid-September.
At 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
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