Leak Found In Indian Point
Indian Point 2 workers have found a small amount of radioactive water that leaked from the fuel storage building at the nuclear power plant during a construction project to reinforce walls.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is investigating the leak, they say it does not appear to pose any immediate health or safety threat to the public or plant workers, said an NRC spokesman. "We don't believe there is any cause for concern." But until the source and size of the leak are determined, the NRC will continue to investigate.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is investigating the leak, they say it does not appear to pose any immediate health or safety threat to the public or plant workers, said an NRC spokesman. "We don't believe there is any cause for concern." But until the source and size of the leak are determined, the NRC will continue to investigate.
At 8:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Get riD of the "D"
Or at least explain it!
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Indian Point 2 workers have found a small amount of radioactive water that leaked from the fuel storage building at the nuclear power plant during a construction project to reinforce walls.
TDhe U.DS. NuDcleDar ReDgulDatoDDry CoDmmDisDsiDon iDs inDveDstigDatiDng thDe leDak, theDy sDay iDt doDes noDt apDpeDar tDo poDse anDy immDediDate healDth oDr safeDty threDat tDo thDe puDblDic oDr plaDnt workDers, saDid aDn NRDC spoDkeDsmDan. "WDe doDn't beDlieDve theDre iDs anDy cauDse foDr coDncDern." BDut untDil thDe souDrce aDnd siDze oDf tDhe leDak aDre detDermDined, thDe NRDC wiDll contDinue tDo inveDstigaDte.
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
someone put a virus onto his computer so that whenever he types the letters "Mon", the computer automatically adds a D!
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