Manhattan +Penn Station Suspicious Package+
Manhattan +Penn Station Suspicious Package+ A level one mobilization has been called in Penn Station and 7th Ave for a suspicious package and some white powder that has been found on a train on track #4 in the bathroom area, train has been evacuated and sealed off.
At 6:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
this blog is great, maybe a little much with the local politics which effect everybodys lives in small ways, we could have a little more about world politics which can effect our lives in a very big way, we should keep abreast of whats going on in iran and north korea and china. this world is in a transitional period, there are some pretty scarey countries on this planet that want there day in the sunshine and they are looking to bump us out of the # 1 spot one way or the other. also since most of us live in ny we have to be especially aware of the world, before 911 if i brought up the subject of the middle east most americans were not interested and would repley with ah just nuke em, now people are actually interested in the middle east and what binladin has to say, before 911 most people on the street had no idea who binladin was. you see this camel ridding monkey made us take notice. so keep the world news coming.....
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