Brooklyn +Building Collapse/People Trapped+
Brooklyn +Building Collapse/People Trapped+ A building under construction collapsed at 924 Lafayette Ave between Lewis and Stuyvesant Ave. with people trapped, ESU enroute, EMS requested.
U/D: 10:19
Three victims have been removed with a 4th still trapped, Trk-8, A-8, B-8, A-6, B-6, U-3 and K-9 all enroute.
U/D: 10/23/05
The accident is now under investigation.
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
The owner of the house is Avigdor Gluck ? Nebech Nebech
At 12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
He is the brother of the hisachdas harabunim
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
only one minor inj, not such a big nebech most probably has insurance
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