Israel - Three Israelis Killed By Suicide Bomber Dressed As A Observant Jew
Israel - three Israelis were killed when a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated explosives in a car at the entrance to the West Bank settlement of Kedumim, located west of Nablus.
The vehicle blew up next to the Kedumim gas station. The three Israeli casualties had apparently picked up the suicide bomber, who was likely dressed as an observant Jew, as he was hitchhiking on the road. He then exploded in their car killing all four.
It was later learned that the car had "four" occupants. Details were a while in coming because of the flames that engulfed the car, which burned for a long time before anyone was allowed to go near it. Identifying the victims was therefore a difficult task.
The occupants were the owners, Rafi and Helena HaLevy, both 60, of Kedumim; Reut Feldman, 20, from Herzliya; and Shaked Lasker, 16, in addition to the terrorist.
The murderer, who was dressed as a religious Jew, apparently entered the car near Karnei Shomron, possibly together with the other two hitch-hikers, and the car drove east towards Kedumim.
Just outside Kedumim, the terrorist detonated his explosive, which was estimated at 10 kilograms, and all inside were killed instantly.
At 7:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rafaela Segal, a resident of Kedumim said, "I live opposite the gas station were it all happened, and we heard a tremendous explosion; the walls shook... We saw a car burning." Pieces of the car flew dozens of meters from the force of the blast.
A Kedumim resident who was driving a car behind them later said, "I saw the car veer strangely, then stop abruptly, and then, within seconds, there was a tremendous explosion." Another neighbor said that the HaLevys had acted heroically, refusing to drive the car into the community when they understood the terrorist's intentions. "They
bodily prevented many other people from being killed," she said.
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