Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY - Rocky Prayers At The Cemetery
Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY - A yeshiva student was arrested for throwing rocks at a car in which the daughter-in-law of the late Grand Rabbi Moses Teitelbaum rode to visit the cemetery where the late Satmar leader is buried.
The wife of the grand rabbi's son Rabbi Zalmen, and three other women went to the Cemetery in Kiryas Joel yesterday afternoon to pray.
But angry students from the nearby yeshiva, who are loyal to Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum, who's been fighting with his brother, Rabbi Zalmen, for control of the sect, greeted the woman with a rock-throwing crowd, young boys and men pounding on the windows, screaming, and throwing rocks on the car - a black Cadillac Deville - which State police said chipped the paint off the car.
The driver called 911 and cops arrested one student last night, 18-year-old Joseph Weber, and charged him with third-degree criminal mischief, a felony.
Police said the daughter-in-law didn't see the rock-throwing. But the driver, Yehuda Weinstock, claimed the woman was forced to run from the attack.
At 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
A spokesman for Aron's faction, said tempers flared when the wife of Rabbi Zalmen tried to enter the men-only yeshiva, which restricts women from coming in, to try to settle a dispute about the placement of graves at the cemetery.
At 8:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
from where do u take this info its compleatly false & why are you always writing pro zalis !!!!!!!!!
At 9:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
A job well done! You've been by far the best supporter for your brother. The more you'll do it, the more support your brother will gain, (as we've seen what happened for the last 25 years). Keep it up R' Aaron, & good luck!
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
יודל וויינשטאג האט געמאכט א בלבול דאס איז שקר וכזב קיינער האט גארנישט געטון
At 10:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
אינטערעסאנט נאר די זאליס מאכן אויף "" בילבילום "" וד"ל
At 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Lipa! my understanding is, that anon @ 8:48 is in denial of the whole report, not on the (so called) excuse, don't you see that he's bothered by the Zalis? Anyway what an excuse for stones throwing, are we in some uncivilized society that this should in anyway be justified? we're yidden & this shouldn't be justified no matter under what circumstances. period!
At 11:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
איין בחור וואס מען האט ארעסטירט ביי די תימענע פרשה דעם ווינטער האט אין טאג פונעם טרייעל געטוהן גאר גאר א חשובע שידוך אין יענעם טאג
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
אפשר ווייסט איינער פארוואס חי' שרה האט געמוזט ארויף פארן דורך די
ישיבה צווישן די בחורים
די סיין שטייט דארט אז פרויען אפילו עלטערן פון תלמידים טארן דארט נישט ארויף פארן.
האט זי נישט געקענט ארויף וואו יעדער פארט ארויף צום ציון
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Police said the daughter-in-law didn't see the rock-throwing. But the driver, Yehuda Weinstock, claimed the woman was forced to run from the attack"
Can you explain that?!
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipa whats your answer for that?
At 2:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
עס איז אומפארשטענדליך, ווי אזוי אזא מינדערוויכטיגע זאך זאל באקימען אזויפיל דעקונג אין די פרעסע
קיקטס אן די לינק'ס וואס די זאליס ברענגן צי, צענדליגער נייעס אגענטורען האבן דאס געמאלדן, פארוואס????
ווייל זיי שטעלן זיך נישט אפ פאר גארנישט
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's very obvious that the driver Mr. Weinstock made up this whole story since he has been expelled from his previous job being the driver for reb Ahron he has a grudge and now he had an oppurtunity to get even but the problem is that the Rebbetzin isnt cooperating with him and she says that she never saw any stones.
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipa! I undestand that you believe the Post more then the witneses over there, but between tose two -Chaya Sura Teitelbaum and Yidel Weinstock- whom do you beleive?!...
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would rather believe Teitelbaum because she is a Rebbetzen vs. Weinstock who is just a low IQ guy
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
we have here a machlokes min haotzeh el hakotzeh. she says she didn't see any rocks thrown. he says, not only were rocks thrown but she also ran away.
maybe she was in a rush to go somewhere & he thought that she's running away & when he saw rocks on the road he figured they were thrown?
or, maybe rocks were actually thrown but she was in such a rush that she didn't even see them?
does anyone have any other scenarios to be masveh this machlokes?
At 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
yidel weinstock lied it can't even be true if it would be true the reb. would have no problem saying its true btw he thought he had a good dream lol.
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
משה גבאי האט זיי געשיקט
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipe, what do dead presidents have to do with any of this.
btw, you sound like a real Zaliy, who doesn't care for anything, you were probably all this years a real Bniy Yoel
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipa: "i can accept that the new york post report is false, if you can assure me that the report of dow jones dropping more them 200 points yesterday is also false"
Why are jumping from being sure that "rocks were trown" to a "mob which caused a Chilul Hashem"?
And about the Chilul Hashem, when did it happen when the bucherim surrounded the car or when the Post wrote about it (which you know who supplied them with the info)?!
At 4:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its unbelievable the NY post is false WCBS is false There is a police report witch I saw & the police arrested some one falsely a spokesman from Aron side gave false statement every body is false
Next times don’t throw stones & don’t scream on people who are coming to the cemetery & it won’t be so much false reports
& also everybody still remembers how the KJ boys threw stones & screamed on the old satmer rebetzin was it also false?
At 5:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipe have you ever heard of pictures being doctored up?
At 5:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
At least You KJ terrorists are a shame with the story it’s also something
Its Mushiachs day already
At 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
to Anon 4:58
First you forgot to mention that the Blog is also not false...
Now to the point, thats not false that there is a police report filed, and thats also not false that Weinstock claims that rocks were trowen, and the Post and WCBS both write from the same source whice is the Police dep. but the same source also tells us that Teitelbaum didn't see any rocks
So if you believe this source then you can't pick just half of the story to believe and the other half (which gives light on the first half story) not to believe
At 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Anon 5:18
Since I am not born yesterday I know Them Good I believe it
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
[anan 4:58] "& also everybody still remembers how the KJ boys threw stones & screamed on the old satmer rebetzin was it also false?"
Do you mean to say that since that story, whenever someone claims something about stones it must be true???
At 5:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is it also false what they did Sunday night in 53rd in BP in what they are doing a whole week with Rabbi Katz there in 53rd Shul in boro park
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Anan 5:25
what do you believe? that Teitelbaum didn't see any rocks?
At 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please! no conclusions until you know Yidel Weinstock!
At 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reb. Teitlbaum was afraid to pick up her head & since she is a very chusheve Lady she didn’t want to say lei she sayd for the police that she didn’t saw any stones but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t any stones there
Let’s make it clear the yeshiva Boys there have a long record
At 5:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
anan 5:27
is that how you clarify if an alleged story did indeed happen in KJ?
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
since i don't see my post i'll post it again
[anan 5:27]
Is that how you clarify if an alleged story in KJ did indeed happen?
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
you may be right, that I don't know YW, but I surely know you "Aaroinem" so I'll have no choice, but to make conclusions!
At 6:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know yidel Weinstock & he is an angel against anyone by arons party
At 9:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
YIDEL WEINSTOCK came into the Yeshiva's beis hamedrash building to use the bathroom and he started chatting with some boys, chaya sura teitelbaum was in the OHEL while this happened Mr. Weinstock asked the boys where is ARON SHAYGETZ? and such similar stupid questions that you dont say even in your own territory and of course not in your enemy's territory so the boys yelled at him but it never came to throwing stones and of course it had nothing to do with Chaya Sura because she was at the OHEL when this happened.
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
FACT*** Aaron is the satmar rebbe..... He hast most of satmar he knows how to learn and he’s not Moshe Friedman’s puppet...
I wasn’t in Monroe but I’m sure the zalis instigated whatever happened just like they did in satmar all these years…
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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