Quebec, Canada - Gurer Rabbi And Rabbi Shteineman Cancel Visit
Quebec, Canada - A planned visit to Quebec by the Rebbe of Gur and Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteineman, from Israel, has been cancelled for now.
The reason for the sudden cancellation is reportedly the plans by members of the Satmar Chassidic sect in Montreal to hold public demonstrations against the visiting rabbis. Satmar Chassidim in Montreal have obtained a police permit for a protest scheduled for the day of the two Israeli rabbis' planned arrival in town.
U/D: 05/17/06
After all of the fiasco that was caused by a few from Neturei Karta, R' Shteinman Shlita will go to Montreal.
At 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why would they protest?
At 4:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
are the satmerers angry that they listen to the torah and dont use secular courts like them ?
what else can be the reason...?
At 5:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
rav sheinman said to go to nachal charaiedie
At 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
According to haredi media reports, Rabbi Moshe Menachem Tirnuar, a rabbinic judge and Satmar Hassid in Montreal called over the weekend to organize a large demonstration against Steinman.
At the last minute Steinman's entourage cancelled its trip to Montreal.
Rabbi Yitzhak Levinstein, Steinman's close aide, speaking from Los Angeles, denied media reports that the reason for the cancellation was the demonstrations.
"It was a choice between Lakewood and Montreal," said Levinstein. "So we chose Lakewood." He added that Steinman might still visit Montreal on Sunday.
In Monsey, where Steinman is slated to stay for Shabbat, Rabbis such as Neturei Karta activist Moshe Ber Beck, who has supported and met with Palestinian terrorists and others associated with the more extreme elements of the ultra Orthodox community, are expected to organize demonstrations against Steinman.
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am not saying they are right I am just responding to the question. They are protesting Harav Shteineman's views about NAchal Hachareidi.
Let's also not forget what the gerer chevra did a couple of months ago in Israel against Satmar (i think this blog had the article about it). This might be a pay back.
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
where is ahavas Yisroel????????, look at lag baomer in meron where people from every type of sect join hands together and dance, no diference if you are satmar, belz , gur, litvish, chaasid or misnagid, we all have the same torah,
shame on those that demonstrate against the ones that don't have the same hat on, you'll be surprised when mashiach will come what hat he will be wearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 6:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rabbi Stienman is one of the only
Rabbis who sport Isreal-A country
and only country against Hashem and against frum jews So he deserve a protest..
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
דאס איז סאטמאר געווען מיום הווסדה און וועט בלייבן לעולמי עד.
טראצדעם וואס זייער גרינדער הגה"ק בעל ויואל משה זצ"ל האט דאס פארשטייט זיך נישט געוואלט, איז אבער אזוי ארויסגעקומען אז זיי האבן פיינט עד התהום יעדן וואס גייט, האלט אדער טראכט אנדערש ווי זיי.
זיי וועלן זיך נישט אפהאלטן פון טין די ערגסטע אבי יענעם אין דער ערד צו שטעלען, אפילו סמיינט אז זיי וועלן אליינס פארשעמט ווערן
At 11:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
all you silly protesters should only know that your own rebbe rav yoel teitelbaum zt'l never protested another godol. he voiced his opinion and then gave the utmost respect for that godol even if he opposed his veiws. such as many who were part of aguda. rav ahron kotler and more. so how dare you be mivaze a godol who none of yours today come close to! look at what became of your own group because of machlokes. clean up your own mess first!
At 5:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Such a real shame that this gadol can't come to Montreal because of a few lunatics. Let Satmar concentrate on their own problems for now instead of ruining it for everyone.
At 8:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 6:23, what does ahavas yisroel have to do with which hat you wear? if i feel that someone did something against the torah, i'm allowed to demonstrate against him. that doesn't mean that i hate him because he wears a different hat.
At 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
who are you to stand up against rav shteinman?
"you hold" that rav shteinman does something against the torah?
rav shteinman has daas torah not you, rav shteinman spent his whole life learning torah day and night,
he wasnt fighting around like you and your satmerer chevra,
maybe he should make a protest against satmar that dont want to go to a din torah , and therefore make a chilul hashem by going to court?
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
FOR THE RECORD: the Rabbi Moshe Menachem Tyrnauer who created this whole ruckus is a big supporter of the Younger son Rabbi Zalmen and is the arch enemy of the older brother Rabbi Aron, he is a known extremist so lets not call names here for thr Satmat kehilla who most of them are not with Tyrnauer who does NOT represent 95% of the Satmars worldwide.
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Breaking good news:
Rav Shteinman and Gerer Rebbe, are due to arive this afternoon to Montreal.
יהא בואם לברכה ולהרמת קרן התורה
Reported from Montreal, May 17 10:00am.
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
There were two Satmar Chasidim in The Monsey Satmar Shul talking. One of them, was Chesky Tirnuar, Rabbi Moshe Menachem Tirnuar's son. Chesky said he just saw the article from the Jpost and faxed it to his father. His father told him he never told people to organize a protest, nor did he say people should protest Rav Shteinman's visit. ALL he said during a gemara shuir was something negative about "Rav Shteinman and the Tzionim". Chesky Tirnuar also said this is Niturei Karta organizing a protest and they can't get more than 100 people to come; similar to the protest in Monsey last year that didnt have more than 50 people. It's just that Niturei Karta give stories to the media and Jpost to make a big deal about it. [He was asked if this can be made public, (Ex: Yeshivaworld) and he said he doesn't have a problem with that as long as I understand his father doesn't support rav steinman.]
At 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
two years ago there were signs in the satmar shul on rodney saying not to protest - the only ones who protested were neturei karta and the talmidim of Rabbi Avraham Leitner of Montevideo, shlit"a
At 2:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
After this incident with Rabbi Tyrnaur who is a supporter of Rabbi Zalmen Teitelbaum (Younger brother) the supporters of Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum (Older brother)took matters in their own hands and threw out Tyrnaur's supporters from the Satmar Board and transferd all the buildings that belong to Satmar so as not to suffer again from this Extremist Tyrnauer's stupid actions again, so is a step in the right direction.....
At 3:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
satmar always causes problems!
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is what transpired in Montreal:
The Oilam had a chance to say Shalom and see the Gedolim from close. The Asifa for Bnei Torah in 'Yeshiva Gedolah' was very nice. The city-wide gathering in the Young Israel was short. Reb Shteinman Shlita gave a bracha- in Belz. The elderly Pupa Rov Shlita asked Reb Shteinman to speak. He spoke beautifully. They then visited the Sephardic Shul, Yavne, then back to the Airport where the Gedolim wished the local Rabbanim and leaders who were present Brochos.
At 11:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
The planned protest against the Gedolim was an utter disgrace. A community-wide assembly was planned that would have brought together chassidish, litvisch, sephardic and modern orthodox Jews to give kavod to these gedolei Torah. Instead what we got here in Montreal were threats, loshon hora, vandalism and physical attacks (a number of chassidim associated with Lev Tahor who are under the umbrella of Satmar were arrested for assault against Belzer Chassidim. Two of these "chassidim" were found to be living in Montreal illegally and will now be held in custody for quite some time.) The Gedolim did end up coming, but it was an extremely hurried affair as they tried to take in 4 separate locations in the course of a number of hours and many people who were very much looking forward to being part of all of this were now unable to attend.
The Gedolim taught everyone the lesson of what kiddush Hashem means. The Satmar community involved taught everyone a lesson in chillul Hashem.
The horrific intolerance represented by Satmar should be seen as reflective of the intolerance many others feel towards those who do not share their specific Torah orientation. Myriad spiritual lessons are to be gleamed from what happened here in Montreal. For that we should all be extremely greatful to Satmar.
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