Woodbury, NY - Development Approved
Woodbury, NY, - A change of heart by Councilman Michael Aronowitz provided the critical fourth vote to approve a 451-home development that has had town politics in turmoil for a year and a half.
The audience at the IBEW training hall off Route 17 burst into raucous applause when the former opponent stated his new position, which set up a series of 4-1 votes on five zoning amendments enabling the project to proceed.
They gradually built their own vigorous support, some of which stemmed from fear that Kiryas Joel developers would buy the 400 acres if the developer were thwarted.
Supporters had submitted petitions signed by more than 1,000 people urging approval.
At 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its also a Halucha Beeyideeya that you guys Hate Goyim even the ones that are nice.
Do you expect them to reciprocate in a nice way?
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting, I never heard of such an Halucha!!!
well, we're teached not to befriend with them, so we wouldn't join their cultural lifestyle, but to hate them??? never heard!
perhaps by the litfaaken (as you proclaim yourself) it's common practice to teach your kids that way?!?
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've had doors slammed in my face, more dirty looks than I can count, numerous "inconsiderate" (I'm being nice here) motor vehicle incidents, and heard a father tell his 5 or 6 year old child not to come near my child because she was "dirty". I've only lived in Lakewood for three years now, and am flabbergasted by the outright dislike and general negative feelings towards me and my family from my Orthodox Jewish neighbors.
I have been wondering if I am somehow disrespecting or insulting these people in some way that I am not aware of. So, I thought if I learned more about the people who treat me as though they dislike me, without even knowing me, that I would understand them better. I would correct any inadvertent disrespectful or insulting behavior and we'd all be able to live together in a more positive and happy environment. I do understand that my neighbors do not, or really cannot, have friendships with people who are not Orthodox Jews due to cultural lifestyle differences. I respect this, and never attempted to extend myself in that way. I am not looking for friendship, just mutual respect, kindness and consideration from one human being to another.
Through my journey of discovery I came across this blogger site. I've been reading the various comments for about a month now. It has truly enlightened me. Thank you.
A nice Goyim from Lakewood
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