Brooklyn, NY +Belt Pkwy Closed Down+
Brooklyn, NY +Belt Pkwy Closed Down+ A motorcycle accident with injuries on the east bound of the Belt Parkway at Exit 13 Rockaway Parkway involving an off-duty NYPD ESU MOS, has NYPD Highway Units closing down all lanes both sides of the parkway.
EMS, ESU are on the scene and Medevac on stand by if needed, expect major delays.
U/D: 15:13
East bound lanes reopened ATT.
Blood Bank has been requested, MOS has serious leg injury, Highway setting up escort to Kings County Hospital.
At 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
dont take the belt take linden blvd
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why kings county and not Brookdale? Isn't Brookdale a closer trauma center?
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