Highland Park, NJ +Fire Erupted in Synagogue+
Highland Park, NJ +Fire Erupted in Synagogue+ A fire erupted on the basement-floor which houses a youth center, of the Highland Park Conservative Temple and Center at 201 South Third Avenue this morning.
No one was there when the fire started, and all religious artifacts were removed without being damaged.
The fire was contained to the basement, but there was significant smoke damage to the several areas of the synogogue and office areas.
One firefighter was injured after being trapped in the basement but has since been rescued. The severity of his injury was not immediately known.
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rabbi Eliot Malomet said he received a call around 5 a.m. reporting a fire in the basement.
He als said that the temple will be closed for a significant period of time, and he is currently working on contingency plans for this weekend's and future services.
At 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nebach, to have weekend services
At 12:20 PM,
Nate said…
Just one correction... According to the Rabbi who spent the entire day at the scene, there were no injuries to any firefighters. The only problem occurred when a few firefighters used portable respirators after they exited the building which is quite common for firefighters who are on the scene.
The shul has started a Restoration Fund Raising Project. If friends want to make contributions, they may send them to The Synagogue's regular address:
201 South Third Avenue
Highland Park, NJ 08904
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