Israel - Deadliest Day, Many Are Killed in Katyusha Attack near Kiryas Shmonah
Israel - 15 Israelis are dead from a Katyusha that hit Kfar Giladi near Kiryas Shmonah, and another was killed nearby, in the latest rocket bombardment to hit the Galilee.
A massive wave of Hizbullah-fired rockets hit throughout northern Israel around noon. One of the rockets hit a group of people sitting outside the Kfar Giladi cemetery, killing nine and critically wounding four more. One person is listed in "moderate" condition, and six or seven more were lightly hurt. Several of the casualties were members of one family. Heavy damage was caused to the area, and two cars could be seen burning two hours after the rocket hit. It is possible that the deaths were caused not only by the rocket, but indirectly by the impact into the cars.
No warning siren was sounded before the rocket hit.
In Shechem (Nablus), the largest PA-controlled city in the Shomron, dozens of cars set off in a joyous convoy, honking and flaunting pictures of Hizbullah leader arch-terrorist Sheikh Nasrallah. Chants for rockets on Tel Aviv were heard.
Elsewhere in the area known as the Galilee Panhandle, another man was killed, and a man was seriously wounded in Beit Hillel. A state of emergency has been declared in Kiryas Shmonah - where a building suffered a direct hit - and environs.
A series of rockets that hit Tiberias, 50 kilometers to the south, sent several people to the hospital to be treated for shock.
Warning sirens were sounded in Carmiel, Acco, Tsfas, and elsewhere; damage was reported.
U/D: 14:02
Israeli military confirms twelve killed in todays hezbolla rocket attack were israeli soldiers.
At 8:47 AM,
Israel's army says it has arrested one of the men who kidnapped two Israeli soldiers.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Every day we hear of more and more killings on our side. Our job: to daven with more kavana and do chesed and give more tzedaka. Ain lonu al mi leheesaeym, ela al Ovinu shebshmayim.
And, of course, let's stop the loshon horas, even the little ones. Yes, they count!
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
May Hashem have rachmonus
At 6:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
this is a war that will not be settled with a UN treaty, these extremist muslims which seem to be taking over so much of the mid east want israel completely destroyed and want to take over the oil feilds so they can control world oil and shut off the tap tape to the U.S. . this will throw this country into complete caos. those are the 2 ultimate goals of the muslims. our troops over there are going to be there foreverer to control the oil because this country has no choice. it is being sold to the rest of the world and american public that we are there to bring democrecy to irac. what makes us think we are going to change the way of life of these people that have lived the way they lived for thousands of years. this is going to be a long fight for the very survival of western and israeli civalization, make no mistake. we have to win the battles yes but more important is we have to win the war. islam is looking at this in the long term, every treaty they accept just gives them time to reorganize.
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