Brooklyn, NY +Missing Person Search+
Brooklyn, NY +Missing Person Search+ Hatzolah, Shomrim and chaveirim are organizing a search for a special category 40-year-old male with a black beard that's missing in the Coney Island area of Surf Avenue and West 10th Street.
U/D: 20:44
Search canceled, person has been found.
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
the patient has been found unharmed
At 8:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
at 9:45 pm the patient was found.
his name is eliezer shorr
At 10:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
You sick shomrim man!! Blog owner, please delete the comment with the name!!
At 10:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
to Anonymous its crown hieghts shomrim what do you want
At 11:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
hello friends and foes.....this site is called "vos iz neias" because it tells people the "news". which includes the place, time and names of things and people is part of the news system...if you dont like how it works, then you better make sure you never make it to the news....tough!!!.the news says it all the way it is....otherwise it would not be called "news"
At 11:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, they ought to throw you out headfirst of the CH shomrim, unless of course you are only a CH shomrim wannabe, in which case they should never accept you.
At 11:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
What is "Special Category"?
At 1:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm not going to say who's right or wrong here, simply because I'm not qualified!
But I'll ask some questions, & perhaps someone will help me out here!
We all know, that no one is perfect in this world, some people suffer from physical problems & some are suffering from mental problems!
Now, would anyone say on a person that's suffering from a physical problem(ex. hypertension, cholesterol, etc.) that he's a sick person & he shouldn't be considered as "one" of the society?
I guess the same would be said on someone that's a relatively normal person, but who's suffering of some type of mental problem, correct me if I'm wrong!
Now, by considering the above, when you publicize a person that may very well belong to the category mentioned above, who's a normal person, with a regular life, he has a wife & kids, but he popped for some reason, & he'll be treated & he'll be fine afterwards, who will be ready to expose such a person to the public that he had some "mental" problems?? Who's ready to take that man's "Blood" in his hands? Who'll take that mans children's pain into their hands?? Who'll take that poor woman's sufferings into his/hers hands??
If you aren't exposing these sensitive info about a person, the healing would probably come much faster, by him knowing that no one knows about his problems, but by him knowing that his problems were widely announced, he'll be hiding from people for months, in some cases, so here's my question again, Who'll take that man's healing process in his hands??
Well, I don't know if that's the case here, I don't know the person, nor am I interested to know who that is, but who'll take a chance on something like this?
It's only an opinion of an individual, & I'm not forcing it on anybody, but these questions ought to be asked before posting highly sensitive info like this!
Truly Yours,
A Devoted Reader of VOSIZNEIAS
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am not arguing with anonymous, but in missing person cases, the fact that someone is 'special' or in this case Schizophrenic, does affect on the search, and the methods used. The same would be is someone is a diabetic and/or has a heart condition, it would affect the methods used in the search.
No one was putting this person down for being special, and it was not intended to do him harm. As for affecting the family etc, that was not the case here as this person was a resident in a home for the mentally ill.
In this case particularly, the fact that he was 'special' was important, becuase he looked and spoke totally normally and someone who would see him would not realize that he is missing. This person needed to take his medication, and when he doesn't he can get siezures and become unconcious.
As for posting the name, that is of course something that needs to be determined if it is truly serving a purpose. It can be argued that by knowing the name, then those that do know him could keep an eye out for him.
At 11:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
It may not be this particular instance that's wrong,however, it sure does reflect and quite negatively so on the attitude of this CH shmorim member.
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
at 9:45 pm the patient was bp shomrim (bssp) b-97 & b-95 the patient has been unharmed thanks.
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
11:47 makes a good point. But what is the use of publicizing the person's name when he has already been found.
That's unconscienable.
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
the patient was found by his own family menbers in boro park on 16th ave and 59th street. not by B97 or B95
sorry, the truth hurts,
At 12:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
oh goodness... grow up already... why does everything have to be an argument and a debate!!!
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