Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Robbery+
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Robbery+ NYPD and Crown Heights Shomrim Patrol are looking for two black males in regards to a robbery of a purse from a female at Empire Blvd and Albany Avenue.
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At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
this just happened, These thiefs get away with these things here and it must STOP!
At 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
pick up any two blacks in Crown Hieghts. Chances are they are also criminals.
At 11:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
With regard to Today's incident in 770 it is a duty of each member of the Crown Heights community to voice their opposition to it and demand a Protst from the Rabbonim and especialy from Rabbi Schwei whom I was told was just sitting and allowed the big Chillul hashem go on for 25 minutes. I have a guest who does not want to come back to crown heights after seeing today's incident.Is this the way to bring Moshiah? Perhaps these people don't want him but would rather fight about him.May Hashem send a Refuah Sheleima to all those involved in Machlokes. I am very scared for my chldrens future as long as the current leaders are in charge.
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