Jerusalem, Isreal +Child Very Seriously Struck+
Jerusalem, Isreal +Child Very Seriously Struck+ A motor vehicle accident on Shmuel Hanavi Street with a three-year-old child that was struck very seriously, Magen David Adom BLS and ALS units were working on the child and transported the child with serious injuries to the Hospital.
Child was pronounced DOA at the hospital.
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
this was the child of rabbi march who came from isreal to be rav in north miami beach ,fl and just returned back with his family 2 weeks ago... very very sad
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
With deep sorrow we extend condolences to Rabbi Yaacov and Chava March on the loss of their dear son yehuda shevach, ע”ה.
The levayah was motzei Shabbos. Shiva is taking place in Israel. You may contact the Marches at 011 972 2 5821704 or
Rabbi March was the Rabbi of K'hal Chasidim. Just two weeks ago, they moved back to Israel. Their son was niftar as a result of a car accident.
.המקום ינחם אותם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
May the everpresent ONE comfort the family among the mourners of Zion & Jerusalem.
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you from our family to all for your postings.
I am a brother in law of R.Yakkov Hatzadik March Shlita,and just returned from Eretz Yisroel.This is by far the most tragic thing that i have seen and heard in my life.These are a family of Tzadikkim.
Our whole family is mekabel whatever the Ribono Shel Olam wants Behava.
We do not ask questions
!Vyedom Aahron!
Hamokom Yenachem.
Keep up the Chizuk they really can use it.
Binyomin H.
a brother in law
for any questions please respond to the above information,or you can e-mail me:
Please learn Mishnayos liully Nishmass Hayeled Yehuda Shevach A"H Ben R.Chaim Yakkov H'YV
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