La Jolla, CA - Council Approves Synagogue's Request for an Eruv
La Jolla, CA - After accusations and denials of anti-Semitism were thrown around at City Hall, a La Jolla synagogue will be allowed to create a symbolic boundary using city streets.
The San Diego City Council voted unanimously to support Congregation Adat Yeshurun, despite the concerns of opponents who said a religious symbol has no business in the public right of way and that it will encourage “resegregation” in a neighborhood with a history of discrimination against Jews.
Members of the Orthodox synagogue were overjoyed by the council decision. “I can tell you personally that the impact on our families will be tremendous,” said David Kupferberg. “This is something that is life-changing.”
Opponents were passionate about their many objections, including the argument that the boundary, or eruv, would be an eyesore that detracts from the enjoyment of living in La Jolla. “Why should a resident have to look out their windows and within 3 to 6 feet see eruv lines, adapters or reflectors that are only used by a specific religious group?” said Misti Coleman of La Jolla.
At 10:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
ווען וועלען שוין די וויליאמסבורגער איינזעהן אז עס איז נישט מער ווי בארעכטיגטעט פאר א יוד וואס וויל האלטען שבת צו אויפשטעלען אן עירוב, און אלע אנטיסמיטען זענען קעגען עירוב סיי דאהי, און סיי פארן קריג אונדער אלטער היים
עס איז פשוט א שלעכטיקייט און אן אינפארגינערשאפט צו צוקוקען ווי א צוויטער יוד קען הנאה האבען פונעם שבת
At 10:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Misty Coleman? ? COLEMAN ? - Jewish? no it can't be. Last time I checked, a name ending with a 'man' is jewish, and from the ashkenazik sector. Sometime in the late 1800's ashkenazi jews were forced to make a real last name. (it used to be your last name was your fathers name- ex: if a person named yehudah had a
father named shimon, you would call him yehudah ben shimon). People picked names like Brody, Hamburg, ect.. which were citys which they came from. Others picked names like Edelstein(shiny stone) or Grossman( Big man)ect..
coleman is a jewish name.
At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
There r leider alot of heimishe yiden that are antisemitic and wouldnt let others erect an Eruv, what a shame, and Chullil Hashem.
Its time to do teshuveh and let people live.
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
to non shomer shabos it is oser to make an eruv in all these big cities they are a reshus harabim and you need GATES AND DOORS. those people that are making the eruv you would not eat in there house so your jealuos of them. in der alte heim there were no wide streets and no 600,000 people in a city. the need for the eruv was important for the CHOLANT etc.
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Mechalel Shabbos. Perhaps no one ever told you that you resemble more the anti-Semites with your hatred / jealousy and disrespect to the beliefs of the Williamsburg Jewry, of which 85%+ do not carry with the so-called eruv. So, I won’t explain it to you either. But one secret I will reveal to you, shhh.!.. No one looks at your side, Period. You are just a foolish minority, your whole oneg shabbos stems from advertising your true nasty face and by your desire to trigger the nerves of 85%+ of the Williamsburg Jewry. Hope you get it!
Now bring on your organized eruv group to bash me post, and make the impression that most side with you, just as your group do every Shabbos on the main streets, impressing no one but yourselves.
p.s. Hope your still have some basic yiras shoomayim and you will not transgress the ’loilem al yeshaneh min haminhag’ and lo’ soni aish as ochiv-veyooreiso m’elokaichoo, on these Awe-Filled Days of Rush Hashono and Yom Kippur.
At 12:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
to 8:15
in perisheh says that an eruv is supposed to be erected cause of oinig shabbos, that people should be able to walk outside with kids, i have no idea what u r talking about chulent
2. inder heim the streets where also wide SHESH ESREH AMEH that is in the biggest shiur 32 FEET, n what u write about 600,000 people, as far as i know there is no 600000 people in williamsburg
thank yoy
At 12:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
to mechallil shabbos at 11:08 pm
1. there is no minhag hamokom that it is against shilchon orich, the some way u wont say there is a minhag hamokim in monsey to eat neveileis utreifes cause 85 percent of monsey ate it r"l.
2. there is no williamsburg, flatbush or monsey jury there is one and only 1 jewry thats the torah jewry and we wont move away from it even when u dont like it. the same way we dont shave our beards, and our wives goes tzniesdick no hair or flesh sticking out, the same way it was in our alte heim.
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Mechalel Shaboos 12:32
1) I will definitely not compare the Monsey nevaile scandal to the Williamsburg eruv scandal, in Monsey they were shogegim and in Williamsburg meizeedem! (Yes, in Monsey they also had a hechsher from a rov...)
2) Before you post about halocho please double check with a Talmod Chochom, Am-Heratzos is really annoying.
In SH”O you find numerous times about local Minhogim ’loilem al yeshaneh min haminhag’ this is such a fundamental concept that even a goy which isn’t an anti-Semite would also not hurt the feelings of a community. This is not to minimize the chilul shabbos involved and other reasons why the Gedolei Hador opposed a Brooklyn eruv ,which is not for a blog.
So you decide, who resemble the anti-Semites?
At 10:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous - You do not know what you are talking about. In der heim, there were plenty of streets that were sixteen amos wide, and there were cities which contained a population greater than shishim ribu. Additionally, until HaRav Moshe Feinstein zt”l, none ever claimed that the only reason to erect an eruv was for food.
At 10:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous - I would not talk about am haratzus if I were you. There is absolutely no minhag hamakom today in the USA. No one is being insensitive to the other side’s feelings by carrying unless the other side believes that the town is theirs. There are many issues where we disagree; why should eruvin be different? While there is no doubt that in Monsey they were shogegim, they definitely ate treifos and the rabbanim were duped. On the hand, in Williamsburg, the rabbanim hamatirim know the situation and nevertheless maintain that an eruv can be established. Of course one has a right to follow his rav. There is no machlokas haposkim in Monsey as opposed to eruvin in Brooklyn. Moreover, even if one’s rav was incorrect in his p’sak, he has a right to follow him. Please stop claming that the Gedolie HaDor opposed an eruv when there are contemporary Gedolim who maintain otherwise. We follow the present day Gedolim.
By the way, you resemble those anti-Semites with your inability to accept that there is another point of view e.g. that there are poskim who disagree with your rabbanim.
At 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous 10:35
Since I am prohibited by the Al Taan Csil C’evalto’ to debate with you I cannot answer you. I will just repeat what you said
There is absolutely no minhag hamakom today in the USA (85+% doesn’t count…)
No one is being insensitive to the other side’s feelings by carrying unless the other side believes that the town is theirs. (so, according to the SH”O, in this case you are allowed to make machlokos…)
There are many issues where we disagree; why should eruvin be different?
(Really? And because the SH”O doesn’t count there, eruvin shouldn’t be different. BT”W what are the other issues like a gartel by devennen and different style hats or bigger issues, such as Ladies driving and uncovered hair?.. )
While there is no doubt that in Monsey they were shogegim, they definitely ate treifos and the rabbanim were duped. On the hand, in Williamsburg, the rabbanim hamatirim know the situation and nevertheless maintain that an eruv can be established. (So the rabbanim hamatirim of the eruv can not be duped by the eruv-mafia…)
I can go on and on, but why waste time on this crooked nonsense.
Wish you a good year and hope you will stop this machlokos and respect the way of life of the majority of the town.
p.s. I am not saying that you are an anti-Semite, I don’t know you personally, but it’s possible, according to the gemooreh which says gedole sines Am-Hooretz Letalmid-Choochom yoser mesinas aki”m lyisroal, that your hatred against your neighboring Jews are greater of the anti-Semites.
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
As can be discerned from your answers you can’t debate the issues.
“85+% doesn’t count…”
Every rav has a right to pasken as he sees fit. There is no minhag hamakom.
“so, according to the SH”O, in this case you are allowed to make machlokos…”
The anti-eruv group is the cause of the machlokas. No one is forcing them to carry. No one is harassing their rabbanim or spitting in the face of those who do not carry.
“Really? And because the SH”O doesn’t count there, eruvin shouldn’t be different. BT”W what are the other issues like a gartel by devennen and different style hats or bigger issues, such as Ladies driving and uncovered hair?..”
This gives you away as a non-Williamsburger (or even a Chasid for that matter). Typical anti-Chasidic (anti-Semitic) rhetoric. Why are you mixing into this issue? Is it that you believe that your faction is superior in matters of Torah? By the way, there is no doubt that halachah would support an eruv. There are other d’Oraysa issues where we disagree such as zemanim and mikvaos.
“So the rabbanim hamatirim of the eruv can not be duped by the eruv-mafia…”
This is comical. There is no rabbinical supporter of an eruv in Brooklyn who was not terrorized. Show me a rav against an eruv who was intimidated? Read the teshuvos of the rabbanim who support the eruv and see if they were duped or not.
One who can’t think straight thinks the world is crooked. We realize your hate is based on a superiority complex. Come to terms with the fact that this is a case of eilu veilu, and stop harassing those who are following their rabbanim.
P.S. Which side is the one that is spewing hate? Let’s debate the halachic issues and then we will see who has halachah on his side.
At 6:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
שמחים לשמרו ולערב עירובו, און מיר זענען איבערגגליקליך אז מיר האב'ן אזעליכע הייליגע מורי הוראה וואס שרעקן זיך נישט ארויסצוזאגען די אומגעפעלטשטע דעת תורה, טראץ די טעראר וואס די ליטוועשע ווילען ארויף צווינגען זייער דעת פונעם אגרות משה ז"ל אויף יעדער איינער
ער אליינס שרייבט אז זיין חידוש אין ששים רבוא איז אנטקעגען די פשטות השולחן ערוך און עס איז קיינעם נישט מחייב
א פרייליכען שבת הייליגע יודן
At 8:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
די אונגארשע ע"ה חסידים האבן נישט געטראגן אין קיין עירובין דער תניא און דער צמח צדק זענען זייער מחמער אין דיני עירובין.
דער בעלזער רב הר"ק ישכר דוב זי"ע האט נישט געלאזט זיינע חסידים טראגן אין מונקאטש.
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