New York, NY - Architect and Floor Distributor Charged for Demanding Kickbacks
New York, NY - An architect, accused of demanding kickbacks from contractors and others in exchange for work, and a flooring distributor were arrested, for larceny and bribery charges.
Prosecutors said John Passaretti of the Kurland Passaretti Group (KPG) and a distributor from flooring company carried out the scheme on at least seven commercial projects in which KPG was the architect, collecting more than $300,000 in kickbacks. Almost all of the kickbacks providers gave the architects were paid by the clients in inflated bills.
Passaretti, 49, of Oradell, N.J., and the distributor 47, of Monroe, N.Y., surrendered to Morgenthau's office, and they are charged with second- and third-degree grand larceny, commercial bribe receiving, money laundering, restraint of trade and falsifying business records.
The Manhattan-based KPG used the distributor and his flooring company in Brooklyn on most of the architects' projects to facilitate the scheme, Morgenthau said. He said contractors were told to inflate purchase orders on Millennium's work and pay the inflated cost, or to issue checks to flooring company for work that was never done.
Morgenthau said neither flooring company nor the distributor had filed city state or federal taxes for the past six years.
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
which Feketa was it?
At 10:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Something has to be done about these basatards.They're gonna get us put into gas chambers.
At 11:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey gas chanber prick - what's your problem insecure imbicile. Ya know how much crime the Italians are into? The blacks? umm lets see shall I go on?
Every group/sect has its low lifes and corrupt ass holes - no need for chamber comments...get real!
At 11:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
And to the one who calls gas chamber prick....
Let me tell you something Mr Pricker..... So does it make it right if Italians and other sdo the same thing. I thought jews are supposed to be better than that.
At 1:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Pricker happens to be damn right,
Open any local newspaper, you'll find each 'n everyday stories like, a mother rapped her child, a grandfather killed his grandchild while hunting illegally, gang related crimes..... do I need to go on? & that's nothing related to our community, has anyone ever raised the gas ch....ers for these wicked people??
Now, should we be better than them? Yes, but if not, should we be sent to Gas Ch...ers??
Btw. I can't figure out who paid kickbacks for whom, & what was the kickbacks for? this article isn't explaining much!
Anyone with more insight to the story, it'll be appreciated to share it with Chachmaiy Vos-Iz-Neias, also he'll be allowed to the Kiddush for Congregation Vos Iz Neias, for more details contact O. GEVALD!
At 8:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shloma, please take out the name from the article
At 9:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey pricker, are yo telling me that the reason the ym"shniks set up the gas chambers was because the yidden made drei gesheftin?
At 9:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
me thinks the pricker dude is just saying calm down brothers. voz is neis happens to be on the forfront of delivering these tidbits and new items that you would have never read before. So you think we suddenly becoming crime polluted people.
In reality, if he would place all the crime done by another "GROUP" etc. he'd have to be on the computer all day long. You get the message. While no, we don't compare to Italians for example, we are on a holier level, but to add the chambers R'LZ is downright stupid.
I agree with his view absolutely.
For the record Italians are a cool bunch and many are downright great to work with. personally, I'd prefer and I work with italians faster then I would with some of my home boys. Viva Italy!
At 9:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Forget about the Chambers stupidity!
What I'm not getting here is, who paid the kickbacks for whom, the client for the architect, why should he? Or the flooring distributer for architect? I'm not getting it, can anyone explain please? Thanks
At 12:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
18 years ago, John Passaretti introduced me to my husband when I asked him if he knew an "intelligent, handsome, Jewish Mensch." 5 dates and 4 kids later, we are eternally grateful for John's shidduch.
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kiryas Joel man faces laundering charge
September 19, 2006
New York — A Kiryas Joel man used his Brooklyn flooring business to launder money that a Manhattan architect extorted from contractors on seven commercial building projects, prosecutors charge.
Zelig Fekete, 47, has been charged in Manhattan with grand larceny, commercial bribe receiving, money laundering, combination in restraint of trade and falsifying business records.
Fekete is alleged to have been a side player in a shakedown scheme orchestrated by Kurland Passaretti Group, a Manhattan architectural firm. One way the architects collected bribes was to have contractors write checks for inflated amounts to Fekete's Millennium Floors, which cashed them and kept a fee, prosecutors say.
Neither Fekete nor his business has filed a tax return for at least six years, according to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office.
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