Misleading and Shameful Headline in Times Herald Record
We at VOS IZ NEIAS are outraged on a misleading and Shameful headline article in today's Times Herald Record by Chris McKenna, on the story of the Treifa non-kosher butcher scandal that hit Monsey, NY. the headline reads "Did Kiryas Joel butcher sell fake kosher meat?
The headlines paints it as if KJ Meat Market was directly involved! But nothing in the article supports that, and as we all know, no butcher of Kiyras Joel had any suspicion of selling non kosher chicken or supplying anyone else with treifa meat.
We ask our readers to contact the reporter who did this news story, to clarify his mistake.
Chris McKenna
The heading to the article online has been corrected, however the print edition that has the same misleading headline, should be clarified or corrected in tomorrows print addition.
We where made aware that the misleading headline was done by a copy editor at the record without any knowledge of it to the reporter on this article Chris McKenna.
Chris Mckanea is known to the community, and has been a long time reporter for the Times Herald Record on issues about KJ, he has been fair and balanced through all the years of reporting, and has absolutely no negativity bias against KJ.
The real question remains was this a pure blunt mistake by a copy editor, or is someone at Times Herald Record trying to use negative and deceptive headlines when it deals with KJ.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
There is a space at the bottom of the article on the record website to voice satisfaction or complaint about the article please notate this in your article
At 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Chirs has been an outstanding fair reporter on KJ Issues, I am surprised on this headline.
At 10:31 AM,
We agree
At 10:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
I emailed the TH Record. You should too. Let them feel the pressure.
The headline was just to make a sensation. Had nothing to do with the article.
At 10:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Reporters don't write or choose headlines. That is done by editorial staff.
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
They just fixed the headline online.
"Faithful turn to KJ butcher after Rockland fake kosher scare"
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
they diden't changed just the headline, yjey added a note:
CORRECTION: The grocery store where a butcher allegedly passed off non-kosher chicken as kosher is in Monsey. A headline in the Times Herald-Record today incorrectly stated the butcher was from Kiryas Joel.
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Mr. McKenna,
As a reporter you have a moral responsibility to get your facts straight when reporting news, especially if it is damaging to an individual or a group. Your article seems to imply that butchers from the town of Kiryat Joel were responsible for deceiving their customers. Indeed, this story is not a KJ based story. You therefore misrepresented a group of people and an entire township unjustifiably.
I believe an apology in your paper is due ASAP.
At 11:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a Monsey resident close to the fact of "the butcher selling fake kosher meat"
I would like to PROTEST your dishonest Headline in Times Herald Record
and making it sound as a KJ issue
when in fact its not
Please be careful next time around
At 11:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Its abslutly not chirs falult, its the editorail staff that picked that headline
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just spoke with Chris and he said he did not make the headline and is
very upset at the staff member who did. He said there will be a
correction on line shortly and a printed correction in tomorrows paper.
Thanks for keeping us informed.
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
FYI…. Look at their response…
I apologize. I didn't write the headline -- some idiot on our copy desk
did. I will do everything I can to clear the record.
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I apologize. I didn't write the headline -- some idiot on our copy desk
> did. I will do everything I can to clear the record.
> Chris
>> What was with that misleading headline on the chicken/meat article that
>> came out today?
>> I think an apology is in order, as KJ was not involved in any way in this
>> scandal!!!!
At 12:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sent an email to chris and got this back:
I know KJ had nothing to do with it. Some idiot wrote that headline for my
story, and I have done nothing all morning but apologize to people. The
headline has been corrected online, and a correction will run in the print
edition. Once again, I apologize.
At 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, I didn’t’ realize that this is on everyone’s mind today. Here is what I wrote to the Record.
Does the Record have any Journalistic ethics?
Yes, the Record asks, “Did KJ butcher sell fake kosher meat?” But does it not know the answer?
No part of the scandal validated the headline’s questioning. In fact, you reported merely the contrary, that KJ butcher has grown more trusted since the scandal surfaced. But that didn’t help you connect the dots and conclude that KJ butcher did NOT sell fake kosher meat!
The headline to your article on the Monsey Meat Scandal raises a question, not whether KJ butcher sold fake kosher meat, but whether the Times Herald Record uses negative and deceptive journalism when it deals with KJ.
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think that there is another misconception in the article. Reading the article would make you believe that Hatzlacha Grocery perpetrated the fraud, while in fact it was Shevach NOT Hatzlacha. Hatzlacha is a victim along with everyone else. Perhaps someone acquainted with Chris can let him know that.
At 1:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
After corresponding with Chris Mckenna, he sent me the following text to be posted:
I deeply apologize on behalf of the newspaper for the inept and
inaccurate headline. I know how offensive it was to many people, both inside Kiryas Joel and elsewhere. Someone at the newspaper who obviously
misunderstood the story wrote the headline. There was no intention to malign Kiryas Joel.
I apologize particularly to Cheskel Landau of the Kiryas Joel Meat Market, who was nice enough to be interviewed and allow photographs to be taken in his shop yesterday. I am mortified that he was repaid for his kindness
with a stupid headline.
The headline has been changed online and a correction has been posted. The same correction will appear tomorrow in the print edition on page 2, the place where corrections always run. I'm sorry it will not be as prominent
as the headline which caused so much offense.
Chris McKenna
(845) 783-2764 ext. 6306
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
For a paper that covers KJ more often than the war in Iraq. What did you all expect??
Though, Chris IS A NICE GUY!
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 1:37pm
Well, I'm not sure that Hatzuluch carries no blaim. Mr. Green and his father R' Moshe Green were notified 8 years ago that there are problems with Shevach and they did nothing!
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
קרית יואל האט א מהודר'דיגע שחיטה מיט עכט היימישע שוחטים, אויך דאס זאלצן גייט אויף א מהודר'דיגן אופן. אבער די רבנים וואס האבן דארט באזוכט האלטן אז ס'וואלט געדארפט א תיקון ווייל היות דער סיסטעם אין דעם שחיטה פלענט איז זייער גרויס, מ'שעכט בערך 10,000 עופות א טאג, און ס'איז א גרויסע ווייטאג אז אז זיי האבן נישט קיין משגיח תמידי אויפן פלאץ. אזא הייליגע שחיטה ווי טויזענטער אידן זענען מהדר צו עסן די שחיטה וואלט געדארפט זיין א משגיח תמידי א בעל אחראי וואס זאל זיך אומקוקן אויפן גאנצן פלענט און וויסן יעדע פרט פון כשרות כהלכה און קענען זאגן מיט א פיל מויל אז אלעס ווערט געטוהן אויף זיין אחריות
At 3:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 1:37pm
Well, I'm not sure that Hatzuluch carries no blaim. Mr. Green and his father R'Moshe Green were notified 8 years ago that there are problems with Shevach and they did nothing!
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Guys, I see that you were all outraged at the incorrect and misleading comment made by the Times Herald Record and you were very successful in making everybody aware of that headline and it worked it was corrected.
well I have a similar story to tell you and I can use your help and input,I am the owner of a Food Distribution Business in Freeport, Long Island with the name of NASSAU PROVISIONS who has been falsley accused in this instant story of Shevach Meats, it all started out here on this blog by someone anonymously falsly accusing my company in this matter with a false accusation that one of my drivers sold to Shevach treif product, when the fact is that I didn't even sell this guy any product in the past several months because Shevach (Mr. Finkel)bounced a check on me in June so I stopped delivering him product all summer, and we never sell any treif products we only carry Kosher products, since that anonymous blog posting was posted it started creeping up all over the so called underworld of blogs and chatrooms that my company is involved and I started getting calls from all over that I didn't know what hit me....after getting phone calls from the investigative Rabbies whom I turned over all of the sales records it turned out that I sold this guy in the past 3 years product what Shevach consumed in one week!!!and we don't even carry the FRESH poultry products that shevach sells, (we sold him some pre-packaged cold cut's and some TURKEY parts a total of only 3 items that he bought once or twice a month)needless to say that I was wrongly accused and slandered by some people who were working hard all over the blogs, (I Documented all those postings) but the truth prevails and I was assured by the Investigative Rabbies that by now they already know the truth of where Mr. Finkel got the treif products and they will publish it after their investigation is over,
my question to you blog reader's is what would you do if you would be in my shoes?
At 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Horowitz, I feel for you and I think that we the readers and posters of this blog have an obligation to help you since you were hurt and it started over here on our beloved blog VOS IZ NEIAS, let me answer you like a jew answers with a question?? what shall we do to help you???
At 4:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey anon 4:34 lets convene a meeting of all the CHACMEI VOS IZ NEIAS and come up with a plan to help this guy!!! but were do we meet? I think that the editor should open for us a conference room where we could sit and discuss!!!!
At 4:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
LIPA SHNITZLER, MARK LEVIN, where are you????? give a hand to this fellow yid!!!!
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think that we all bloggers should give out a declaration (kol korah) denouncing what that blogger did to this man its not nice especially when this evil act is done in the month ELUL and we condemm the despicable act of this blogger, he should also be thrown out of our blogger community!!!!WHADYA THING MY DEAR BLOGGERRS?
At 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think that the suggestion about the KOL KORAH is good because our s will be more worth then the RA-BUNIM'S and it will also be history in the making..the first time bloggers give a KOL KORAH instead of RA-BUNIM..
At 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
TO: O.GEVALD I don't know where you reside, but if you reside in Monsey you can get my products at the following stores:
and other smaller stores
And you can have a Smorgesboard of a Kiddish or other products for the party from Dairy (cholov Yisroel,or Stam) Deli (Meal Mart,Empire,999,Hod Lavan,Hod Taim,Nathans herrings, Ba-Tampte pickels,Gold's Horseradish etc,)and Frozen (almost everything you find in the freezer)and Grocery (over 3000 items) is this enough for your appetite?
some of these stores make free deliveries (after you pay..) so no need shlepping to pick it up..
At 6:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
to O. GEVALD: OK OK I GIVE IN...I am not that cheap..I am inviting you to a big Kiddish which will be after Simhat Torah.
one of my friends in shul told me that he is going to buy me an Aliyah L'Torah as "Choson B'Reishis" on Simhat Torah and I will host a big Kiddish a week or two later for this joyous occasion, I Invite you and all of you bloggers to that Kiddush, it will be my pleasure to have you all there.
At 6:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
they should sue for libel
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