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Monday, October 23, 2006

Manhattan, NY +Protest+

Protesters chained them self's to store in Manhattan 10/23/06

Manhattan, NY +Protest+ NYPD on the scene requesting ESU to respond in to 2332 Broadway between West 84th Street and 85th Street for a group of protester that have chained themselves together in front of location, ESU for the removel.


  • At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    for what is the protest

  • At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the war

  • At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No, it was a protest against Victoria's Secret and their catalogs. See story here- Virgin Paper Protest Held At Victoria's Secret

    Magee Hickey

    (CBS) NEW YORK There was a protest outside a Victoria's Secret store Monday morning, and it wasn't about the store's sexy lingerie.

    Victoria's Secret is destroying endangered forests, according to protestors in Manhattan Monday. They say that the North American boreal forest is disappearing because of the 365 million catalogs Victoria's Secret prints each year.

    The demonstrators are demanding that the sexy underwear company stop printing their catalogs on virgin paper.

    "Those lacy panties that are advertised are coming at a cost to our planet's environment," said protestor Adam Weissman.

    "They have a paper policy that is totally unethical and environmentally destructive," said Peter, another protestor.

    Police had trouble cutting off the chains protestors used to on the front doors of Victoria's Secret. First, extra large box cutters weren't strong enough. A power chain saw wasn't enough either. Finally, a hydraulic cutter did the job, and the protestors were led off in handcuffs to the 20th Precinct.

    There was mixed reaction on the Upper West Side.

    "I've already written to Victoria's Secret about this," one resident said.

    "This is a minor issue in terms of what's going on in the world," another resident said.

    A third area resident said, "I think it's a good idea to protest, but it won't make a difference."

    A spokesman for Victoria's Secret said they are using more and more recycled paper in their catalogs, but the protestors say the changeover is not happening quickly enough.

    This was the group's third protest in three months. They say that they are planning more protests in the future.


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