Melbourne ,Australia - Man Assaulted on Simchas Torah
Melbourne ,Australia - AN ultra-Orthodox man spent the night in a Melbourne hospital after being physically and verbally assaulted in an antisemitic attack.
Menachem Vorchheimer who runs a textile company, was walking to Yeshivah shul with two of his children, when he was confronted by a group of young men in a mini bus shouting antisemitic slogans and motioning at him as if they were firing machine guns. When the bus stopped at the lights at the corner of Balaclava Road and Hotham Street, Vorchheimer, 33, approached the driver to inquire about the group, but the bus drove off, while two of the passengers reportedly leaned out the window and grabbed Vorchheimer's hat and kippa.
A passing car then pursued the bus, cutting it off down Carlisle Street. Vorchheimer ran towards the stationary bus, pleading for his hat, which was then thrown out of the window. But when he approached the bus window to plead for his kippa, he said two of the passengers grabbed him by the arms, while a third punched him in the eye. "I could feel the blood coming down my face ... I was in a lot of pain, but determined to ensure they were going to be made accountable."
To prevent the bus from leaving, Vorchheimer and others blockaded the vehicle until the police and ambulance arrived. He was later treated at Cabrini Hospital for facial injuries.
At 9:30 PM,
MimJap said…
terrible!!!! refuah shelaima
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did Those SheKoTZeM Get Arrested?
At 8:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
First of all the individuals concerned were behaving in an abhorrent manner and the man who punched mr Vorcheimer will receive the full penalty of the law, however mr Vorcheimer put himself in a position where he was assaulted and further more he left his children alone and chased the bus. The driver didnt realise that his yarmulke had been taken and subsequently stopped the bus when he realised what had happened.This story has been exageratted by mr Vorcheimers dramatics.How can all the rest of the team be accused and punished. The people there did the right thing the driver stopped the bus, the passers by blocked the bus until it was determined that the yarmulke had been returned etc but Vorcheimer insists on playing the poor defenseless jew when he should of just simply stayed with his responsibilty and looked firstly after his children and secondly he should of instantly called the police. He then wouldnt of been punched however he insisted on taking on a bus load of "perceived hooligans" further enhancing the problem.There is no possible way that minibus would of cleared st kilda without an interception from either st kilda, city west, prahan, or south melbourne police.
By playing the poor jew even though he is an australian born man, he has created problems and retribution for many jews and the problem will manifest itself on the streets. When vorcheimer displayed his vindictive nature by stating that the apology from the rest of the team was "10 seconds too late" he ultimately proved that he is a man who put himself out there and into the fray and reaped the rewards of the poor defensless jew.What jews dont realise is that it is very likely that the person who yelled out the window in the first place would of been punished by the club when he got home irrespective of the police simply because its the Australian way. Ive been assaulted and attacked many times by racists in melbourne but i give as good as i get and mostly walk away. If vorcheimer is a real Australian then he knows the rules of engagement on the streets of Melbourne however the whole story proves Vorcheimer is a lame excuse for a drama queen. Just look at "dave the jew" a very well documented jew in the 80s who was an excellent streetfighter and went where dave wanted to go in Melbourne because he gave as good as he got.Dave is an excellent example of a jew who earned the respect of most Australians. Vorcheimer is a pansy boy who has brought trouble upon the jews of caulfield whether they want to believe it or not.Vorcheimer approached the bus for confrontation he should of called the man responsible out and dealt with it in the street and i am certain that the rest of the team would of sat and watched the fight and as usual they would of supported the winner. They are from ocean grove not melbourne so they are country people not urban. This is where Vorcheimers foolish actions have opened a void. Now the skinheads who werent even involved at all are already talking about payback to the jews.I hope the full weight of the law comes down upon the imbecile who was involved in the racist slant and the violence. He needs to learn a very serious lesson out of this. But then so does Vorcheimer about sticking his head into drama he cant handle and leaving it up to the professionals like myself and Dave the jew and the rest of the guys who know the rules of engagement on the streets of melbourne.
At 8:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
You sound like you have some thing against"Vorsh". You talk about being man enough, he took on the whole bus, how much more can one man up?? I have witnessed him stick up for a Jewish kid in Woodbourne, NY and take on 5 goyim himself (about 10 years ago).
You talk about him calling the police, did you forget that it was yom tov?
In short, get a life!
At 12:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
is there a good medicine for someone who has diahrrea of the mouth and thinks it a mountain of riches? give some to lipe shnitzler.
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