New York - Drivers Cautioned About Deer
New York - It's that time of year when motorists have to be on the lookout for deer and even moose. The state Department of Environmental Conservation says more than 60,000 collisions between deer and vehicles occur each year throughout New York
Nearly two-thirds of them take place during the peak period from October through December. Most occur between 6:30 and 7:30 a-m and 4:30 and 6:30 p-m.
Fall is the season for deer, and experts say they become more active and less cautious in their movements during this time of year. Autumn is also the season for moose in New York state.
Moose can be more difficult to see at night because of their darker coloring and because they're so tall that their eyes don't usually reflect vehicle headlights back toward motorists.
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
They should also issue a warning about the numerous Boro Park women who push baby carriages into the middle of the street, mindless of traffic before they cross mid block
At 7:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess those women don't find their children so dear. Can't blame them when Grand Sterling is having a sale...or is it Georgie or is it China Glatt having a lunch special? Run women run! Don't want to miss having an extra egg roll.
At 11:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Autumn is also the season for moose in New York state"
Can someone please quide me were I can see a moose in New York ????
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you men are so angry about your wives (if you have any, you seem married to the computer) why give them the money to go out. The more you give the more they want. they need more money let them take a job and then they will 1. not have time to go shopping or eating out. 2. See the worth of money. I can never understand why the men stand for it. Wait and then they are all nervous with thekids they had a hard day in the streets today.
At 2:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
To "anonymous 11:22 pm"
Moose can be found in New York in & around these counties, Jefferson, St. Lawrence, Lewis, Oneida and Herkimer counties; all of those are north of NYC with a travel time from two & a half to six hours via 87/87 87/90 or 87/90/81, (depends where you want to go)
Location of those counties is north/central New York the western part of the Adirondacks state park also known as region six.
A good location to find moose, near water, (lake, river, etc...)
(p.s. never heard of a car/moose collision in New York.)
At 5:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I've heard of a fatal 1 north of Albany a couple of years ago. Moose are much bigger than deer.
At 10:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
And how about the idiots that walk behind your car while backing into a spot.
Boro pArk people, many of them NOT all of them , stink with their disgusting attitudes.
Last week one creep blocked a driveway for an hour and a neighbor of mine lost time from work, could not take his kid to school, missed a doctors appointment too.
Stealing peoples time is stealing money from the person. SAME THING....
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