Scranton, PA - Few Details Given on Hasidic Group Given at Meeting
Scranton, PA - Hill Section residents who came hoping for details about the Brooklyn, N.Y.-based Hasidic group that plans to buy a former neighborhood school left a presentation on Orthodox Judaism mostly unsatisfied.
“It was very informative, but we really need someone from that group here,” North Webster Avenue resident Patricia McGovern said after the hour-long discussion organized by University of Scranton theology professor Maria Johnson, Ph.D.
At the outset, Dr. Johnson told the 80 people who turned out at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall for the presentation that neither she nor co-presenter Ahron Davidson knew much about the Nadvorna Hasidic community led by Rabbi Alter Rosenbaum.
Mr. Davidson, said he had no first-hand knowledge of the group but believes its members are simply looking to get out of the big city and find a place “where they can make something of themselves.” “I do know one thing,” he said. “I will give them a chance to come in. I will not pre-judge them.”
Al Alunni, a Moscow resident who previously lived near the Satmar Hasidic community of Kiryas Joel in Orange County, N.Y., attempted to talk about the experience there but he was cut short by Dr. Johnson, who tried to keep the discussion focused on the city’s long-established Orthodox Jewish community and its beliefs and practices. “I understand what they’re talking about,” Mr. Alunni said later, “but I don’t think they understand what’s coming here.”
At 1:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
american jews fought to get people out of russia, some were jewish and some may not be jewish.
american jews set them up, helped them learn the english language etc.
these russians can only complain and spread loshon-hora as their way of saying thank you to the jewish community.
send them all back to russia, they have done nothing for the jewish community here and nothing for america.
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Like Mr. Davidson, I have no knowlede of the Nadvorna chassidim, but I do know that thwy would not have been present at a meeting in a church.
At 3:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Alunni is a resident of Moscow, Pennslyvania, a town about 15 miles outside on Scranton. It has no connection to Russia.
I assume the confusion between the 2 Moscows is what prompted anonymous' 1:35 attack on Russians.
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anon 1:35
chasididm can'tread english send them all back to school
I agree with anon 3:04
At 3:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
if scranton doesnt want chassidim thats fine cause philly is begging for them
At 2:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
People should do some research before they speak.
The city of Scranton has been experiencing a renewal for the past 5 years. Building, the arts, park renovations, and a sense of pride have been on the return. The last thing this city needs is Hasidim demanding everything their way. Social services don't need any more stretching. Building code violations are not wanted. No more property needs to be taken off the tax rolls. I know what tricks the Hasidim can pull...I used to live near Kiryas Joel, NY. What a mess!
At 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a resident of the Hill Section in Scranton for the past 40 years, anyone who would complain about having a group of people moving to this town, or of having properties taken off the tax rolls, needs not look far before they throw stones.
Have you seen what the 3 local hospitals, combined with the U of S have done to deplete tax income to the city? Has the Hill Neighborhood association accomplished much in the way of any of these "organizations" paying for the many properties they have removed? I think not!
The U of S has managed to close several CRUCIAL streets in the area, forcing more vehicular traffic onto Mulberry St at certain hours of the day. They have even managed to "buy" a city owned street and turn it one way! But of course we dare not remember that.
Perhaps before you're concerned about a group of people who MAY be coming who are law-abiding citizens and keep to themselves for the mostpart, look no further than what's in your backyard now and clean that mess up.
After all, the U of S students do wonderful things for the neighborhood. Like bringing in people and friends for alcohol parties, drugs and other illicit and immoral behavior. That's just beautiful for our neighborhood.
The hospitals buy properties and have not paid anywhere what the values of those properties were to the city tax coffers each year.
As far as social services and other things go, these people will be paying taxes and hence services will be due them, unlike the U of S and the hospitals. And they will open businesses and create jobs to benefit the entire city, not just the pockets of the institutions mentioned above.
So, be happy there's even an interest for people to move here. And before you accuse or raise concern about this group or any civilized and moral group group interested in moving here, ask yourself: where am I now in light of what my surroundings are.
You'll be very surprised to see that your backyard needs a lot of cleaning and repair before you go out worrying about fixing other things!
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