Sydney Australia - Orthodox Rabbis Block Bar Mitzvah Over Non-Kosher Circumcision
Sydney Australia - A traumatic row over a boy’s circumcision forced a Sydney mother to move her son’s bar mitzvah from an Orthodox shul to a Progressive temple at the 11th hour, because rabbis from the Sydney Beth Din (SBD) ruled that his circumcision was not kosher.
Rabbi Moshe Gutnick and Rabbi Yoram Ulman, two judges at the Jewish court, noticed that the circumcision, conducted by a Jewish doctor in 1993, was incomplete. “We immediately called one of the mohelim to check, and he confirmed that further circumcision needed to be done,” Rabbi Gutnick said.
He said he told the boy’s mother, that her son could either be operated on under local or general anaesthetic, and that “In order to become Jewish he has to be [properly] circumcised there’s nothing we can do about it. We feel terrible it’s devastating,” Rabbi Gutnick said.
But the mother said “I didn’t want my son to have that trauma [of another circumcision],” “I spent the week in tears,” she said.
The single mother, who had an adult bat mitzvah following her Progressive conversion, said she had to inform the 100 or so guests of the change of venue “due to a technical problem” just days before the occasion.
She also said that the pain had been magnified because her son had a bris milah, conducted in the presence of Rabbi Kamins, eight days after he was born. “You don’t take your 13-year-old son four days before his bar mitzvah and give him a general [anaesthetic]. He didn’t want to do it. Just imagine if there had been an infection,” she said.
Rabbi Kamins said it is the first time he has ever heard of such a case.
At 9:45 AM,
FrumWithQuestions said…
Who decided to check this boy? The mother agreed as well as the boy to have all these Rabbis check and inspect him? This story is weird.
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree this whole story doesn't sound kosher. if the mother is only jewish through a progressive conversion then why is she making the bar mitzvah in an orthodox shul
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
weird story!
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do they check each bar mitzva boy's millah in Australia?
Something's not kosher here.
At 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rabbi Jeffrey B Kamins was born in Los Angeles, California in the 1950s and attended Stanford University, where he was Phi Beta Kappa and received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. He then received his Juris Doctor from Boalt Hall (the University of California at Berkeley) and worked one year as a corporate lawyer in Los Angeles before pursuing his rabbinical studies.
He studied at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion from 1984-1989, receiving his Masters of Arts in Hebrew Letters in 1987 at the Los Angeles campus, and his rabbinical ordination in 1989 at the Cincinnati campus. He arrived in July, 1989 as assistant rabbi at Temple Emanuel in Sydney, and became associate rabbi in 1992. He was appointed senior rabbi in 1999. In that year, Rabbi Kamins joined the Rabbinical Assembly, the association of Conservative rabbis.
In his years at the congregation, he has been dedicated to enhancing the education, ritual and pastoral programs in the congregation. In particular, Rabbi Kamins has been responsible for reviving the Hebrew and Religion School, creating a teen education program and extending the adult education programs with a focus on family education. He also began a traditional-style, egalitarian minyan as part of his commitment to pluralism within the synagogue. This service has since evolved into Australia's first Conservative service, with complete daily, Shabbat and festival services as well as Monday and Thursday mornings..
Rabbi Kamins has been involved extensively in communal affairs as well. He serves on the executive of the New South Wales Board of Deputies, and on the board of the Shalom Institute, working particularly on their continuing education and outreach programs. He was one of the founding teachers of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School in Sydney in 1993 and still teaches in that program. As part of his commitment to social justice, he has been a member of the board of MAZON-Australia since 1991. Rabbi Kamins also serves as chaplain for the Australian Army.
At 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
if the mother was not halachicly converted, the boy isn't even jewish. isn't that reason enough not to bar mitvah him in an orthodox shul?
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
to all of you thst cant understand simple english this boy was not born jewish but was becoming jewish for the first time
in such a case he needs a kosher bris according to halocho
which he did not have
he had to go to the mikvah at age 13
these rabbis are the best in world on gerim
australia has more gerim then anywhere else in the world
i feel bad for the family but halocho is halocho
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
since the mother was not jewish and she wanted the boy to be jewish which you cant really do until his bar mitzvah at which time he needs a bris which he didnt have which would make him not-jewish
got bless us
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