New York - Ruling Lifts Landlord's Responsibility From Installing Radiator Covers in Apartments
New York - In a blow to tenants' rights, the state's highest court ruled that landlords are not required to install radiator covers in apartments, even if children live there.
The unanimous ruling by the Court of Appeals will protect landlords from lawsuits if toddlers burn themselves on exposed radiators. The ruling is a victory for landlords and places increased responsibility on tenants to ensure that housing is safe for children.
Noting that no law explicitly requires landlords to install radiator covers, the decision said the responsibility for installing them lies with the tenant.
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why window bars yes and radiator covers not? How many children fall out of the window as compared to those who burn themselves on radiators. Especially when it is hot for a few days and there is a sudden cold spell. The kids are used to the cold radiator by then and touching it is dangerous. We have a nutty government. Question? If the child is disabled is the ruling then the same? Or do we go to the ADA.
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