Brooklyn, NY +Suspicious DOA+
Brooklyn, NY +Suspicious DOA+ Police on the scene at 1295 Shore Parkway with a male white found DOA stuffed in a suitcase, active crime scene set up.
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At 5:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Of course it's suspicious if the body was in a suitcase!
At 7:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 5.41 Not really! He was looking for something in the suitcase, and it closed on him!
At 8:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
BROOKLYN, NY -- The body of an unidentified man was found inside a black duffel bag on a heavily traveled street adjacent to the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn last night, the police said.
The bag was discovered shortly between a Dodge Caravan and a Lincoln Town Car parked along the Shore Parkway between Bay 17th Street and 18th Avenue in Bensonhurst, the police said. A pedestrian made the grisly discovery and flagged down an EMS ambulance.
The body, which was intact inside the bag, is that of a white adult of unknown age, according to the police. The medical examiner will determine cause of death, the police said.
A 45-year-old school bus driver, was in the neighborhood visiting his parents when the body was found. He said the duffel bag was found half on the curb, half on the street.
He said the neighborhood, full of well-tended two-story brick homes, is nevertheless associated with other killings. “Years ago, this used to happen all the time. There was always action in this neighborhood,” he said.
Frank Vignola, 50, who lives in the neighborhood, agreed, saying, “This has always been a popular area for dumping bodies.”
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
...I never realized that there was such a thing as a "popular place to dump bodies"...
At 9:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
message re:
Anonymous said...
...I never realized that there was such a thing as a "popular place to dump bodies"...
9:24 AM
Yes, some Kohanim even shop at TARGET at the Gateway mall, built on one of the best known dumping areas.
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