Lakewood, NJ - Police Boss On The Way Out
Lakewood, NJ - Al Peters, director of the Lakewood Police Department, confirmed that he is on the brink of losing his job.
The message was delivered in a phone call by Mayor Meir Lichtenstein, Peters said. He declined to elaborate on the reason for Lichtenstein's dissatisfaction. "You should talk to the mayor," said Peters.
Lichtenstein said it was premature to discuss Peters' job status. "We have not met about this as a committee," he said.
There has been talk for weeks around town about Peters being at risk of losing his job. Last weekend the Vaad, a council of Orthodox Jewish civic leaders, issued a political letter that called for changes in town hall.
Ben Heineman, a member of the Vaad, said Wednesday that there is a dissatisfaction within the Orthodox community regarding the Police Department.
The concerns, he said, include what's perceived as heavy-handed ticketing for parking violations downtown, the handling of the assault of an Orthodox woman last summer and a controversial skirmish between a rabbi and police officer. Peters is the third director in four years.
The message was delivered in a phone call by Mayor Meir Lichtenstein, Peters said. He declined to elaborate on the reason for Lichtenstein's dissatisfaction. "You should talk to the mayor," said Peters.
Lichtenstein said it was premature to discuss Peters' job status. "We have not met about this as a committee," he said.
There has been talk for weeks around town about Peters being at risk of losing his job. Last weekend the Vaad, a council of Orthodox Jewish civic leaders, issued a political letter that called for changes in town hall.
Ben Heineman, a member of the Vaad, said Wednesday that there is a dissatisfaction within the Orthodox community regarding the Police Department.
The concerns, he said, include what's perceived as heavy-handed ticketing for parking violations downtown, the handling of the assault of an Orthodox woman last summer and a controversial skirmish between a rabbi and police officer. Peters is the third director in four years.
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
The police chief must go. Can you imagine that yungerleit and bnei torah get tickets for parking illegally and driving like inconsiderate jerks tripping on crack and oxy?? Next thing you know, the anti semites will stop giving HUD money to people whose shver and bubba own more real estate than Trump. Down with the reshaim!!
At 5:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey when u do something ileagle ur going 2 pay 4 it so why r they complaining that there getting tickets 4 double parking and for driving like al peters the chief of lakewood police has alot more expriance then anyone on the job he was the fomer dirctor of the n.j. state police so lakewood vadd think before u talk he knows more then u and has been in the field 4 longer......hey just bec. were jewish it gives us rights 2 break the law???? i think yes everyone who parks ileagle and does stuff wrong while driving deserves a ticket ...enough is enough the lakewood vadd does not know from today 2 tomorro......there is no reason why hes getting fierd.just bec. the lakewood vadd told the mayor 2 fire him??go shmeff urself lakewood vadd no one needs u any more.all u do is cause chilul hashems all day.........i think the vadd needs to get there minds fixed up.
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:45 PM,
Shiduchim Crisis said…
& get a free Pizza pie, as your prez
At 10:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
3 chiefs ini 4 years?!
is the problem really with the chiefs?
At 8:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
go louie go
At 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
3 in 4 years what the hell is going in in lakewood.I know the Jews are unning things if you are the law and do your job look out your on there hit list they will get together and vote you _ss out why do they have one law and everone else have another ?why dont someone get in touch with Washington and have them check things out please do something before its to late or maybe its already to late
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