Brussels, Belgium - Jewish Interpol to Rescue Agunos
Brussels, Belgium - Men who refuse to grant their wives a Get (Jewish divorce) and disappear in order to avoid a verdict on the dissolution of their marriage may soon be forced to cooperate, with the launch of a new Jewish "Interpol" style organization.
A new enforcement and information organization will be discussed at a judicial conference of leading rabbis and Jewish religious judges, organized by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE), to be held in Brussels.
The organization would operate in conjunction with European rabbinical courts to ensure the immediate transfer of information to community leaders and rabbis on men who flee a verdict or refuse to issue an annulment and continue living in a place where their past is unknown. The organization will provide information on the person and will try and force them to issue a decree.
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Details please it's kind of importent!
At 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I had heard that this being done in the USA as well organised by Reb Berish Fuchs who has freed personally countless agunas.
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
who in the hell are you kidding
we can't even be confident that food we eat is kosher.
now they are going to send out bounty hunters to hunt down aguna makers.
You gotta be kidding big time.
Who is making money on this deal??
At 3:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I had heard that this being done in the USA as well organised by Reb Berish Fuchs who has freed personally countless agunas.
3:02 PM
"Reb Berish Fuchs who has freed personally countless agunas."
Anonymous 3:02 exaggerates for the millionth time today.
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I smell a pay-per-view reality show!
Open up the door!
Veer iz dort?
It's the "GET-cha" patrol.
Getcha patrol??
Yup, when we Gotcha, we GET-cha!!
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 3:56 PM,
J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said…
Hopefully it will be effective. Time will tell. Unfortunately whoever can afford it goes to a corrupt little Bais-Din to get a heteir meoh rabbonim or bitul kidushin. Those who get stuck are the poor agunos with rich and cruel husbands.
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Jewish Interpol to Rescue Agunos"
This is laughable :)
How many "real" agunos are out there? Not too many anyways. In most of the cases they try to rip the husband off of all his rights (money, kids, etc.) and then they scream agunah. Morons...
At 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
"Jewish Interpol to Rescue Agunos"
This is laughable :)
How many "real" agunos are out there? Not too many anyways. In most of the cases they try to rip the husband off of all his rights (money, kids, etc.) and then they scream agunah. Morons...
4:06 PM
B"H the number of women who have fallen into the trap of marrying homosexual men who then refuse to divorce them is rather low, but even a few is too many.
The more of these faigaloch who get away with claiming to be married (to avoid explaining why they don't get re-married) by keeping thier wives hostage the more other faigaloch like them are encouraged to use the same trick.
Anon 4:06 - Are you one of those who cannot keep a woman happy in a normal marriage so you keep her chained up with the threat that you will never give a 'get' even she leaves you?
Every time I meet a guy who defends these mishkav zachurniks it turns out his wife looks like she is trying to decide between a nervous breakdown and suicide as a way of getting out of the misery of living with the jerk who can't share a normal relationship with an adult female.
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Rabbinical Centre of Europe" is an (approx.) 4 year old Lubavitch organization that has no enforcement mechanism, no external recognition (there is a more widely recognized Orthodox umbrella group in Europe, formed in the 1950's), and out to make a name (with typical P.R. junk.)
At 5:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
You can actually SEE which anon is a man (animal) keeping the lady he terrorizes (called his 'wife') from living a decent free life!
The Day of Judgment will come, and then "oy vey"!
And Ladies "There is hope out there"!
At 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
B"H I'm happily married. I've just seen some of the Agunos out there that you represent and that's my take on it. I'm not saying that aren't agunos out there. But I've seen enough times where it's vice versa. So stop your foul language.
At 8:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
B"H I'm happily married. I've just seen some of the Agunos out there that you represent and that's my take on it. I'm not saying that aren't agunos out there. But I've seen enough times where it's vice versa. So stop your foul language.
6:08 PM
I made no mention of YOUR marital happiness. It is your wife's marital happiness I doubt. You faigaleh agunah-makers always stick up for each other. I never met a real man who needed to keep an agunah instead of a wife or a defended faigaloch who stay married that way.
A men are known by the company they keep. Faigaloch are known by the company THEY keep.
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
"How many "real" agunos are out there? Not too many anyways. In most of the cases they try to rip the husband off of all his rights (money, kids, etc.) and then they scream agunah. Morons...
4:06 PM "
No, They're not ripping off their husbands, they just want the kesubah that these shmucks don't want to pay. Ask any divorced lady if she ever got anything from her kesubah.
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
divorce cases should be handled my Beis Din from beginning to end. Monetary seperation, support issues, custody, etc. And it should be ajudicated stricly according to halacha. There is no place for a secular (legal non-Jewish) court in a Jewish divorce proceeding.
If a party to the proceeding tries to pick and choose what s/he wishes to have Bais Din adjudicate, and what they want to take to a non-Jewish court, they should be rightfully denied any rights by Bais Din. (i.e. If the wife tries to have custody adjudicated by a court based on non-Jewish law, and hence the husband denies her a religious divorce, the Bais Din won't force the husband to do anything until the wife drops/cancels any non-Jewish legal proceedings/judgements.)
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
kesubah? Kesubah is approximitely $5,000 by the standards of the Batei Din today. I don't think this is the issue over here.
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
divorce cases should be handled my Beis Din from beginning to end. Monetary seperation, support issues, custody, etc. And it should be ajudicated stricly according to halacha. There is no place for a secular (legal non-Jewish) court in a Jewish divorce proceeding.
If a party to the proceeding tries to pick and choose what s/he wishes to have Bais Din adjudicate, and what they want to take to a non-Jewish court, they should be rightfully denied any rights by Bais Din. (i.e. If the wife tries to have custody adjudicated by a court based on non-Jewish law, and hence the husband denies her a religious divorce, the Bais Din won't force the husband to do anything until the wife drops/cancels any non-Jewish legal proceedings/judgements.)
10:18 PM
Unless one party's uncle runs a yeshiva in yerusholayim where they teach torah or something.........
At 10:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
divorce cases should be handled my Beis Din from beginning to end. Monetary seperation, support issues, custody, etc. And it should be ajudicated stricly according to halacha. There is no place for a secular (legal non-Jewish) court in a Jewish divorce proceeding.
If a party to the proceeding tries to pick and choose what s/he wishes to have Bais Din adjudicate, and what they want to take to a non-Jewish court, they should be rightfully denied any rights by Bais Din. (i.e. If the wife tries to have custody adjudicated by a court based on non-Jewish law, and hence the husband denies her a religious divorce, the Bais Din won't force the husband to do anything until the wife drops/cancels any non-Jewish legal proceedings/judgements.)
10:18 PM
lets not mention any roshei yeshiva by name, of course. wouldn't want to upset the 'fringe' elements of the litvisher world.
botai din work fine, unless the other side has some extra weight to toss around.
yup, bais din today provides the best justice money can buy.
At 11:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Or unless you are some kind of Rabbi or Bal Machsher... And if the man has money and pull, then "och inn vay" far the poor lady!
It's never the $5000 - it's only the "ROOSHO" the "CRUELTY"!! That's it!
"Ich vell irr veizen"!!
All we can say is that the 'emmes' is known up there.
You aint foolin anyone but yourself!
At 12:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Or unless you are some kind of Rabbi or Bal Machsher... And if the women has money and pull, then "och inn vay" far the poor husband!
It's never the $5000 - it's only the "ROOSHO" the "CRUELTY"!! That's it!
"Ich vell eim veizen"!!
All we can say is that the 'emmes' is known up there.
You aint foolin anyone but yourself!
At 12:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I cant believe reading the first couple of posts..I assume it is written by men who obviously have no problem with this.... yes the jewish community does have other problems - Kasherus being one of them but how in any way does that negate the good being done here?? we do have a big problems with Agunos ..even I in my limited social contacts know more than just one or two! any little step is a step in the right direction- remember when we stand Din Vechesbon up there we have to be able to say that although we were not able to fix everything but AT LEAST WE TRIED!!! Yasher Koach to whoever is responsable for this organization!
At 12:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Anon 12:27
Very Well Said!
At 1:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think this idea sounds great. Agunos today need all the help they can get. I cannot even begin to imagine the agony (how close that word is to that of aguna!) they're going through. In the olden days, those men that refused to divorce their wives were hounded and beaten to within an inch of their lives in accordance with sanctioned aguna proceedings. Since that's no longer a viable possibility, this doesn't sound too bad.
Anyone have any better suggestions?? Bring 'em on!
At 9:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
I see it now.
New Jewish Organization.
Notify the Postal Service.
Get ready for the mailings.
Dinners, Teas, Parlor Meetings, Melave Malkas, Chinese auctions, french auctions, spanish auctions, lithuanian auctions, etc. etc.
SOmeone making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
At 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I see it now.
New Jewish Organization.
Notify the Postal Service.
Get ready for the mailings.
Dinners, Teas, Parlor Meetings, Melave Malkas, Chinese auctions, french auctions, spanish auctions, lithuanian auctions, etc. etc.
SOmeone making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
9:51 AM
You forgot the building fund and journal committee.
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
No one is forcing anyone to shop at any auctions - Just be compassionate to a lady in need.
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
you know why there aren't that many agunas? because in order to get a get today more and more women are forced to give up child support payments.
and almost every beis din makes the woman sign that she forfeits her kesuba money before they even begin talking to her.
and by the way - today a kesuba is worth at least 35,000.
and many women do prefer to go to a secular court because going thru beis din they are barely entitled to anything.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Warning to all husband withholding a get.
The first mishna in Kedushin says a women is freed in 2 ways
1. A Get
2. Death of the Husband
V' Hameyvin Yovin
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