Cook County, IL - Lawsuit Against Maker of Hot Dogs
Cook County, IL - Three Cook County residents have filed suit against Vienna Beef, alleging that the company mislabeled hot dogs as "pure beef" when the products had a pork casing.
The plaintiffs--Morris Gershengorin, Marina Smolyansky and Marina Bartashnik--suffered emotional distress after learning they had ingested the pork-intestine casing, according to the lawsuit.
Each of the plaintiffs is described in the suit as "an observant Jew." They are seeking to bring the suit as a class action on behalf of others who have eaten the hot dogs. The lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court seeks unspecified damages.
Vienna's advertising does not claim the hot dogs are kosher but does use terms such as "all-beef hot dogs" and "pure beef franks," according to the suit.
Company officials have not yet reviewed the suit but stand behind their labeling, Vienna Beef spokeswoman Susan Stoga said. "The few products that we do have (with pork) are labeled as such," Stoga said.
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Each of the plaintiffs is described in the suit as "an observant Jew."
They should have recognized that there wasn't even a claim of kashrus on the product. Must be that there observance is limited to not eating pork.
At 6:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is so stupid, using out halacha to sue! they cant eat the beef too cuz its not kosher!! i hope they lose! sick ppl using kashrus to make money.
At 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Russian scam as usual - some lawyer got these 3 to sue so he could get some publicity (or they decided to sue to try to get some money).
At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
What kind of "observant" Jew eats meat without a proper hechsher?
At 2:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dole lost its hechsher? Used to have a half moon K years ago (which I was told was fine for the pineapple in its own juice). Pepsi has a clear chof-K on the cap, at least in the NY area.
At 9:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
This may be money motivated. But I can understand the possibility that they suffered emotional distress / tshuva.
Imagine if it is exposed that the chicken cutlets at Moishe Finkels butcher was really pork cutlets. Wouldn't your emotional distress rise ten fold?
For them it can be worse, because this may be the only mitzva they kept and now they have nothing left to enter Gan Eden after their 12 months in gehenoim are up.
At 1:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
why pick on the pig?
theres no differnce between pork or meat from a cow that wasn't shechted properly
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Famous companies like Dole make such products found in yiddisher-heiser but are plain unkosher!!!!
Isnt this under the halfmoon k which is now BH a reliable hechsher????
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
what cereals are you talking about? i will guess you are talking about kellogs which IS under hashgocha on most of the items.
besides, the lawsuit does not say they were claiming this to be kosher. vienna beef is known NOT TO BE KOSHER! Also, i am not sure how "orthodox" these people are. I think this is a scam as someone mentioned by some low life lawyer.
At 12:27 AM,
Dovid said…
these people are am haaretzim, yes there is consumer fraud, but these people are pitiful.
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