East Brunswick, NJ - Deadbeat Dad Owes $2.2M Child Support
East Brunswick, NJ - A prominent East Brunswick, N.J., dermatologist has been found to owe his estranged wife nearly $2.2 million in support for their seven children. Dr. Sandy Milgraum, 53, was hunted down by Middlesex County sheriff's deputies.
Milgraum's practice exploded in the 1990s when he appeared on various talk shows talking about laser tattoo removal and other procedures, said attorney Patrick Collins who has represented Milgraum's wife in a contentious break-up that started 10 years ago. He said Milgraum's annual income soared past the $1 million mark back then, but claimed Milgraum's wife saw little of it.
"He was one of these guys who, when he got divorced, it was 'crash and burn,'" Collins said. Milgraum has refused to obtain a religious divorce from a panel of three rabbis, leaving his wife as an outcast in the Orthodox Jewish community.
At 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi - I know this man well although he is no tzaddik the reason he does not give a get is because his wife is trying to extort all his money away.
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
To anon 3:07,
That is not a reason not to give a get (devorce)! What!, he can't afford to pay a few bucks for his 7 children? No! he probably hates his ex so much that he's holding out just because he can. There are two ways a jewish woman leaves her marrage. One, is through devorce. The other is through the husband's demise. Why chance it?
At 6:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
hi- i dont know this man at all but there is NO EXCUSE for not giving a get!!!!!!!
At 10:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
6:06- AMEN!
At 11:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
When will deadbeat dads realize that the kids are not stupid and divorce is hard enough on them (kids)? All this does is fuel the fires for the kids not to talk to the father!
At 1:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
I too know this man very well for years along with his wife and all of his children. His wife is crazy. She is extremely abusive to her children and has almost no relationship with any of her children. Her husband keeps the get from her to protect himself. She wants whatever money he has left despite alreadying getting millions of dollars. It's simply to torture her ex.
At 10:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I too know this man very well for years along with his wife and all of his children. His wife is crazy. She is extremely abusive to her children and has almost no relationship with any of her children. Her husband keeps the get from her to protect himself. She wants whatever money he has left despite alreadying getting millions of dollars. It's simply to torture her ex.
1:45 AM
Every Rav in the Raritan Valley, including Rabbi Yaakov Luban, Rabbi Reuvain Drucker, Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman, Rabbi Yaakov Wasser and the rest of the Va'ad Harabonim of Raritan Valley, have signed a letter urging people to shun Dr. Milgraum and not to allow him to daven in any shul until he writes a Get.
He is probably just like most men who refuse to write a Get: They are almost all closet homosexuals who feel that if they write a Get they are implicitly agreeing that they do cannot 'function' properly and everyone will be looking to see if they get remarried. When they were younger they were able to fake it because at 22 most guys don't need much 'help' even if they are with the wrong kind of person but after a while they cannot fake it anymore, the marriage goes bad and if they had get married a second time so we all won't know they are 'like that' they know they wouldn't be able to fake it anymore.
Anonymous said...
I too know this man very well for years along with his wife and all of his children. His wife is crazy. She is extremely abusive to her children and has almost no relationship with any of her children. Her husband keeps the get from her to protect himself. She wants whatever money he has left despite alreadying getting millions of dollars. It's simply to torture her ex.
1:45 AM
At 11:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
why does a man have to always pay support if she is making her own money she should pay her own way
and if according to jewish law a man can withhold a get then thats the way it was meant to be
At 11:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
if jewish law would allow the ten rabbonim to permit her to remarry good ,but the jewish law allows only the man to make that decision not even a thousand rabbonim and i do not know the specifics of this case but if she is demanding an enormous amount of money thru the courts he is entitled to make his own demands
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
if jewish law would allow the ten rabbonim to permit her to remarry good ,but the jewish law allows only the man to make that decision not even a thousand rabbonim and i do not know the specifics of this case but if she is demanding an enormous amount of money thru the courts he is entitled to make his own demands
12:24 PM
I see you are avoiding answering two points:
1) You know better than the ten rabbonim who signed a letter against him?
2) Are you one of those closeted homosexuals who needs a wife to make sure no one figures it out?
There are two ways for men to stay married: The torah way,which is to keep her happy or the way for people who cannot keep up with the torah way and keep a wife by force.
Like rapists who can't have normal relations with a woman and can only get a woman by force.
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
no i dont claim to know more than the rabbonim .
I am very happily married with six children .
I cannot stand homosexuals i think they have a disease in the head .
all i wrote is that the torah somehow gave the men the power to either give a get to a woman or not. if it would be permissible for the woman to run to rabbonim and get a heter mao rabbonim and remarry fine unfortunately for them this is not the case . all i say is if she makes some monetary demands that are not part of her kesuba then he does not have to accomodate her with a get .
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
no i dont claim to know more than the rabbonim .
I am very happily married with six children .
I cannot stand homosexuals i think they have a disease in the head .
all i wrote is that the torah somehow gave the men the power to either give a get to a woman or not. if it would be permissible for the woman to run to rabbonim and get a heter mao rabbonim and remarry fine unfortunately for them this is not the case . all i say is if she makes some monetary demands that are not part of her kesuba then he does not have to accomodate her with a get .
12:51 PM
And the local rabbonim, knowing all the details, have decided she is entitled to a Get and she has been given a heter to go after his money in court as a weapon to getting a Get and whatever money she is entitled to receive al pi halachah.
Sorry, I am not going to cry for a homosexual who has forced his wife to take him to court because he needs to keep her locked up so the world won't find out he cannot have relations with a woman.
Let him free his wife and find a shiksa to keep up appearences.
He won't be having relations with the shiksa anyway.
At 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
how much money is a woman entitled to al pi halacha?
At 8:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Some people here just keep publishing the same thing over and over - this is a very sad situation - both sides have heart break - children have heart break - its very unfortunate when your life is up for everybody with a keyboard to just say their opinions. People's lives and feelings are involved here - so think before you speak.
At 8:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ironically, this Jewish site is the ONLY site that has comments on this story that even dares to accuse the abused!!! No wonder the Jewish community is known to condone domestic abuse of all kinds!!!
Withholding of a Get, for any reason, is emotional abuse, as written by Rabbi A. Twersky. Period. End of Sentence. There is NEVER justification for keeping someone hostage.
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a friend of the children of this family, I would just like to say that what has been disussed in this blog is explicit lashon hara and it is beyond me to understand how orthodox Jews can feel comfortable talking so freely about that which does not pertain to them. There is no reason to read such articles, let alone to post comments speaking out against any of the members involved. You are doing nothing but causing further embarassment to the children of the family, and I honestly think you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
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