East Rutherford, NJ - Growing Kosher Market Arrives at Stadiums to Feed Hungry Fans
East Rutherford, NJ - Jeffrey Striks has taken a bite of a new niche in the American kosher food market: sports stadiums, and business is so good that he's expanded his company, Strikly Kosher.
His core market is the most observant Jews who follow the laws of kashrut, which restricts what food can be eaten and how it is prepared. But he's also attracting customers who aren't Jewish and perceive that kosher food is healthier. They enjoy his knishes, chicken nuggets and "knockwurst," not the traditional German sausage but a chicken product designed to look like a hot dog.
Striks, 49 a Queens, NY native, offers a dog and a prayer. In the seventh-inning stretch during baseball games and during halftime at football games, Striks coordinates a minyan, a Jewish prayer service that must have at least 10 men. At a recent New York Jets game, about 30 men joined in prayer near a Strikly Kosher stand. "We pray for the team to win," "we want playoff games because we make a lot of money."
Joel Felderman, an observant Jew, said the kosher stadium stands allow him to enjoy games more. He had always eaten before games because he didn't have glatt kosher alternatives in the stadium. "It makes me feel like I'm a real fan," "I can buy a hot dog like everyone else and not compromise my religious beliefs. I can get the total experience."
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
My understanding is that he is MESARIV LADIN and it is OSSUR to eat his product.He has threatened the STAR -K with a law suit if they remove their Hechsur. It is OSSUR GOMUR to eat his products.
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
I heard that is the owner of the shea stadium stand which is not owned this year by him.
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
If it really is Kosher, and someone should find out, then it's a great idea.
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
he has been in the local stadiums for a number of years. annon 1127, where do you get this info from? no one knows about this. I cannot be m'kabel such info. i am in the biz and I know NOTHING of the sort. why would they want to remove hashgocha? besides it jsut dawned on me ... arent they certified by the Vad of Queens anyway??
At 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Kashrus pro There was a PSAK issued by Bais Din in April which he completly ignored.
You can contact Rav Savitsky the Toen in the case or the Star-K and they will confirm that he has ignored the PSAK of the Bais Din.
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
The ribono shel olam must be so proud of this so called kidush hashem GEVALT
At 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Is the pupose of this to enable yidden to be a novol birshus hatorah???
At 11:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
what is anaon 1127 talking about?
Someone please explain.
Anyway, what is the price of a kosher hot dog at a stadium?
The gouyim already pay outrageous prices for their food at the ball games. Can only imagine what prices we must pay.
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