Katonah, NY +Kelly Concedes to Hall+
Katonah, NY - Six-term Rep. Sue Kelly, R-Katonah, has conceded her loss to John Hall, her Democratic challenger in last week’s mid-term elections.
"John Hall has won," Kelly said. "I congratulate him and wish him well as he endeavors to serve our nation and the people of the Hudson Valley."
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Finally, what did she think??
You can't beat KJ koach.
Show all the communities our achdus.
Don't mess with us , Miss Kelly
At 4:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
4;47 you right.this time it was KJ a united front The Repoblican Village and the democratic Alliance ,,what i wonder why Mr Hall got only 2900 vote's from close to 6000 registerd ??? ,,,,,2900 is close to ammount the Alliance have
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Most of he Alliance didn't vote this time, because of A.M. Goldberger who campaigned not to vote for the pro gay politicians
At 5:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
who is am goldberg ? what is his position ?
At 6:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kelly concedes defeat
Katonah – Congresswoman Sue Kelly Thursday conceded defeat to John Hall, who handily defeated her on election day last week.
“John Hall has won. I congratulate him and wish him well as he endeavors to serve our nation and the people of the Hudson Valley,” said Kelly.
Because of the closeness of the count, Kelly waited until the unofficial count was certified by the Boards of Elections in the five counties that are in the 19th Congressional District.
“It is apparent that no major mistakes were made on the election night count that would put the outcome of the race in doubt,” said Jay Townsend, spokesman for Kelly. “But we did not know that until the recanvas was completed late yesterday. While it is mathematically possible that the Congresswoman can still win when all of the paper ballots are counted, it is unlikely that she would win by a margin necessary to overcome the lead Mr. Hall has on the official machine count.”
“For historical purposes, we will ask that the paper ballots be counted, but none will be contested or challenged. The request to count the remaining ballots is consistent with our wish that all votes in this race be counted, but we do not expect such to change the outcome and there is no longer any reason to delay a formal concession,” said Townsend.
Kelly’s attorney Wednesday asked that the Court which impounded the ballots order a count of all paper ballots.
In Washington, DC for his freshman congressional orientation, Hall today thanked Kelly for her years of public service, and said he looked forward to a smooth and cooperative period of transition “so we can focus on the business at hand, which is serving the people of the 19th District.”
Hall agreed with the Kelly camp that all of the paper ballots be counted, though none will be challenged or contested.
At 7:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:51 Why would you be reading the Gay City News of all things? I didn't even know that they had news since what they do is as old as Sodom.
At 12:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
KJ sacrificed principle for cash. Sue Kelly a 'principled' Republican Member of the House of Reps was 1st in line to help the crooked members of the community who ended up in prison.......And this is how we thank her for her devotion to our unfortunate community members....
Do you think the musician gay rights activist liberal Democrat Hall who stands for everything we're against will even care when a frum Yid needs help in prison? He wouldn't know how or where to begin! But he did SAY that he will support the pipeline!
At 8:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
You are wrong, a Politician who lies shouldn't get re-elected no matter her position on issues are
, Lying is as big an abomination as gay rights, btw if she lies today she will lie tommorrow with other issues also if it will be politicily correct, so it was the right thing to dump her.
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