Lakewood, NJ - Turmoil and Crisis in Town Hall
Lakewood, NJ - Shortly before Township Committeeman Charles Cunliffe walked into town hall, where he spoke against the firing of Police Director Al Peters, he was informed of an effort to kick him out of office.
A group calling itself the Committee to Recall Charles Cunliffe has filed a notice with the municipal clerk's office, the first step in a recall campaign. "It hasn't quite sunk in yet," Cunliffe said.
Fellow Committeeman Raymond Coles said that he suspected the people behind the recall effort are developers, angered by positions Cunliffe has taken. "I think it's a ridiculous move," Coles said.
The recall effort and the firing of Peters highlight what many residents have been saying for weeks: that turmoil in town hall is reaching a fever pitch, and Lakewood is in crisis. "I've never seen it like this before," said Coles, referring to the churning turn of events.
The Township Committee voted 3-1 to fire Peters, the township's third police director since 2003. Mayor Meir Lichtenstein and Committeemen Menashe Miller and Robert W. Singer voted to remove Peters. Coles was opposed, and Cunliffe abstained because his daughter is a member of the police force. Cunliffe said he was angered by the ousting of Peters, who he described as a victim. "It's unconscionable what they (other committee members) did," Cunliffe said.
At 9:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
when will there ever be peace in this town??????all u people r trying 2 do is make everyone in town hall jewish...what do u think this is...k.j.????? a jew can not be a police will never just stop with all this garbage already...lets get the facts straight the jewish people r not always correct in life...just bec. some jews think there better then cunliffe and he does not agree on some stuff...hey he might be the one who is correct..people just jump to conclusions in this world..enough is enough. i think cunliffe should stay hes a good man..
At 9:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Mayor Lichty,
Es shteit in Pirkei Avos.
Usna es harabonos.
YOu can be m'kadesh sheim shomayim without becoming a mayor. THerew are plenty of alternatives. Let the goyim do the administrative work.
Follow the ethics of the fathers.
At 10:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Cunliffe deserves to go! The only thing that concerns me is that his daughter is a cop and I think she'll be giving out tickets to the frum oilam non-stop if we toss our dad.
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
The mayor is in a difficult position. The orthodox expect him to only do things in favor of the orthodox jewish population. When that doesn't happen he has to face the fury. The jewish community has to stop seeing things only from their perspective. The township officials are to make decisions and act upon the best interests of the entire community, not just the orthodox. To Anon at 9:25, I agree that the current Mayor of Lakewood would be better suited to serve the orthodox community in another vocation, because being mayor is more than just "administrative work" and therefore would be better accomplished by goyim as you suggest.
Peters and Cunliffe should stay.
Anon in Lakewood
At 10:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
why dont they send cunliffe together with his anti semitic daughter.yes they should know that this is a predominantly jewish town and act accordingly and if not .u go elsewhere where their willing to put up with u.
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Cunliffe hates the fact that we're in town. On the other hand, Coles is a mentch.
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
why don’t they send cunliffe together with his anti semitic daughter.yes they should know that this is a predominantly jewish town and act accordingly and if not .u go elsewhere where their willing to put up with u.
10:19 AM
I hope you won't consider this too personal to ask, but what do you do on Tisha B'Av when the rest of us mourn the destruction of Yerusholayim and the beginning of GALUS??? Celebrate the beginning of the 1,900 year campaign to capture the holy city of Lakewood from the infidels?
We do not own America or any part of it. We are orchim here and should act accordingly.
Do you think that we have power here because we have a Jewish mayor in a fahrdurbinner luch?
Do you know how many 'heimisheh' members of the polish parliament there were prior to WWII? (Note to the Charaidi-educated out there: polish parliment is not the brand the bobover rebbeh smoked back in der heim.) Do you know how many Jewish mayors there were in Hungary, Poland, and Germany?
Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it. Those who ignore history cause its repetition.
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
The orthodox jews don't want to be part of the community, so why not just stay out of the governing offices? There are few to no orthodox jews serving in the police force, the military, the fire departments, the volunteer EMS, or any volunteer angencies that serve the entire community. The only community service or civil service done by orthodox jews, serves only themselves. I understand that doing some of the services I suggest is against religious laws/convictions, and that's fine. (Or do you think it's just below you to serve the community, as anon at 9:25 suggests, "let the goyim do the administrative work".) Either become part of the entire community or not. If you choose not to, then stop using services provided and stop taking advantage of the social programs that you don't contribute towards. Or at the very least, stop complaining about it.
Just because it is a predominently jewish town doesn't mean the police are to "act accordingly" (annon at 10:19 am). That suggests that you want the police to lighten up on the jews, but continue arresting/ticketing other offenders. Don't you want the police to be neutral? Not to favor/discriminate against any particluar group? Or is your contention that the police are to be neutral except in cases where it's a jew, then you expect to be treated "accordingly", with favor?
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
no suprises here .. i think the yiden are digging themselves a larger hole
At 11:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you think you are all so smart why then explain to me one thing.
WHy is it that only after an orthodox jew became mayor, is this town fast falling apart? Don't you guys get the message.
Was lakewood in turmoil when Rav AHaron and his son, Rav Schneur Kotler roshei hayeshiva at a time when proper derech eretz and kovod was given to gedolim????????
The anwer is simple:
It is not your town. Get is straight, THis is and will always be GOLUS YOU KNOW WHAT GOLUS means. GO ask one of the rosh yeshivas in Lakewood.
Stay out of high profile jobs and be a shomer torah u'mitzvos instead.
You will then see positive results come out of Lakewood.
Let us hear some normal and sane responses to this post.
The stupid stuff you can save for after davening tomorrow.
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anon 11;22
we do not own america ,however we still are entitled to the same rights as any american which includes the right to elect or unelect any public official ,
unlike any other country in history where we had mayors and judges etc.and no we do not forget history at all and will not put up with that kind of anti semitism our grandparents had to endure .
every dor has its own nisyonos and hardships we have a lot on our plate and anti semitism will never go away till moshiach comes and that is a fact of life ,but to put up with it ,never again
At 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
well maybe when reb aaron and reb schneur were in town they did not get involved in politics and received kovod and derech eretz because they themselves led the way ,they led their yeshivos
unlike today where i can proudly say that bmg is the largest corrupt institution in north america . if the leaders of the yeshiva would do what their parents and grandparents did which is to lead a yeshiva they would get all the kovod and derech eretz that should rigyfully be given
but they chose to lead if only under their auspices a yeshiva that gets invoved in dirty politics ie getting land in exchange for a stadium on me and taxpaying citizens and is one of the largest tax free landowners in lakewood .
all in the name of torah!!!!!!!
At 12:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
to anon 11;22
we do not own america ,however we still are entitled to the same rights as any american which includes the right to elect or unelect any public official ,
unlike any other country in history where we had mayors and judges etc.and no we do not forget history at all and will not put up with that kind of anti semitism our grandparents had to endure .
every dor has its own nisyonos and hardships we have a lot on our plate and anti semitism will never go away till moshiach comes and that is a fact of life ,but to put up with it ,never again
12:04 PM
You Write: "and will not put up with that kind of anti semitism our grandparents had to endure"
You think YOU will decide what you will put up with and what you will endure and what you won't put up with and will not endure???!!! You think you will enforce your decision by electing a few Orthodox politicians???
Bist a shtikel ah mittelmentch. Nisht kin groiser chuchem uber nisht kin kleiner na'ar.
You write further: "every dor has its own nisyonos and hardships we have a lot on our plate"
oy, your poor nisyoinos. You sound like a pathetic pampered second generation American who can't it thru his head that his worst day in America has not been even comparable to his grandfather's worst day in Europe.
You also sound either VERY frum or very young when you talk about your nisyonos. Yiddin in Eretz Yisroel are sending 18 year old sons to get killed and kidnapped, in the north 250,000 yiddin were homeless or living underground for a month, we still have the ghosts who survived the camps walking amongst us and YOU HAVE NISYONOS!
At 1:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
This should have read:
oy, your poor nisyoinos. You sound like a pathetic pampered second generation American who can't it thru his head that his worst day in America has not been even comparable to his grandfathers BEST day in Europe
WORST day in Europe
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Chayiv adom loymar bishvili nivra haolam". Yes, Lakewood WAS and IS created for the frum. And whatever is best for us, we WILL pursue.
We should never forget that we are b'nei melachim. We don't deal with simpletons. If you are not good for us, we'll get rid of you. If you don't like it, LEAVE!
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
"Chayiv adom loymar bishvili nivra haolam". Yes, Lakewood WAS and IS created for the frum. And whatever is best for us, we WILL pursue.
We should never forget that we are b'nei melachim. We don't deal with simpletons. If you are not good for us, we'll get rid of you. If you don't like it, LEAVE!
1:27 PM
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
not kochi votzem yodi but alittle hishtadlus the rest is up to der aibishter
ich bin takeh nisht kein groise chuchem nor a poshiter baal habos
and dont be a judge regading our nisyonus yes they had it much harder physically and we have ours spiritually and yes its terrible that yidden are still being killed and kidnapped in eretz yisroel and we daven everyday that no yid should have any tzaar and yes we r a pampered second generation american born children who by the way does have grandparents who went thru hell on this earth and managed to rebuild their shattered lives and came to respect their rebbes and rosh yeshivos
unlike todays group of rosh yeshivas and rebbes who r all out for the same thing {MONEY}
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
you need professional help. quickly
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
by the people
for the people
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Between the poor English skills and the lack of even rudimentary civics knowledge in this discussion, it is made plain that education needs to be encouraged in Lakewood. Alas for the youngsters growing up in your midst.
At 6:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
english is not studied above elementary level in lakewood .
after all what more do you need to cash a kollel check?
At 11:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
you need professional help. quickly
1:49 PM
Why? because you find it easier to insult the messenger than to accept the message?
This isn't an arguement in bais medrash. Yelling louder doesn't make you right.
At 9:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
My beloved lakewood,
is again under fire, but the fire of the torah will bes stronger.
My beloved lakewood will grow stronger and stronger,
Lakewood for ever untill moshiach
no one will destroy us of course not this stupit politicks we are stronger then this
At 5:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
by the people
for the people
At 11:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
I yearn for the Lakewood that was when I moved here over 30 years ago. There was no Vaad, no Jewish politicians, no builders, no stores, no restaurants, no gashmius, just ruchnius.
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