Swan Lake +Burn Victims+
Swan Lake, Sullivan County +Multiple Injuries+ Hatzolah requested for multiple injured in camp Yshivah at Brisco and Shore Roads with some burns, additional BLS and ALS requested with 2 busses.
U/D: 22:27
Just one aided, canceling the 2nd bus.
A camper was struck by a falling tree branch while sitting around a camp fire, and he was also burned to his face from the camp fire.
U/D: 22:36
Hatzolah on the scene requesting a chopper.
U/D: 22:47
ETA for chopper 15 min. Swan Lake FD setting up L/Z in rear of firehouse.
U/D: 23:19
Stat Flight Air-2 is transporting the camper.
At 10:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
chopper orderd
At 10:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
choper has 12 minute eta
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
i heard something about a tree falling and being burned do you anything about this, and if yes is it on the same person?
At 7:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
name of injured?
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
any one believes hatzaloh members in catskills now order the chopper much more, largely due to the critisisim vented on this site after the s fallsburg accident?
i know for a fact the infant with the burns in belz camp in elenville this week only had minor burns. was treated and released. so the chopper was basically called for nothing. (better like this, or not? they should use better judgement?)
At 3:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
a friend of mine that talked to Shloma Shamos, told me that some law officials contact him regarding that s foulsburg post to send it to them and since than due the top brass of the Hatzolah monitor this site very closely, and they even tried also to have a good relationship with the site administrators, they even update him on happenings what you don't get over the air.
At 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am amazed by the amount of BS generated.
This site gets special treatment from Hatzolah?? Yeah right.
At 7:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
why would law officials need to contact him? anyone could have read it, while it was still on!
in general i do believe hatzaloh was and is monitoring.
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