New York, NY - A Top Cop Seeks Civilian Probe Of Borough Park Flap
New York, NY - In a rare move, the head of the NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau has formally asked the city's Civilian Complaint Review Board to investigate the police department's top ranking uniformed officer.
NYPD Chief Charles Campisi went to the CCRB, which probes allegations of police abuse, at the request of Mayor Bloomberg. Bloomberg wanted an independent review of the police response to April's fiery clash between protesters and cops in a heavily Hasidic area of Brooklyn NY.
The CCRB got at least 14 complaints related to the mayhem, which erupted in Borough Park when mobs falsely believed cops beat 75-year-old Arthur Schick during an April 4 traffic stop.
Campisi has asked the CCRB to look into the actions of Chief of Department Joseph Esposito.
City Councilman Simcha Felder had accused Esposito of yelling to other cops during the protests: "Get the .... Jews out of here!"
Esposito has admitted using inappropriate language but has denied uttering anything anti-Semitic. Police officials have said he shouted, "Get these .... people out of here!"
"There is something backwards with the head of the department's internal affairs bureau saying to an agency they hate, 'Here, you check this out,' " a police source said.
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
66 Sergeant's transfer
The 66 sergeant who made the car stop which initiated the riot, was transferred to the 60 precinct.
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
o.gevald- get off this blog, we were doing just fine before you got here.
Why dont you go back to Chaptzem Blog and post your ignorant comments there!!
At 9:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Had Cf. Esposito NOT blown his gasket etc."
And what????? Finish the comment, if there is any.
At 9:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
one of the shvitzers told me last week that the CCRB is calling people to give their statements about what happened at the riot.
I just hope everyone that is called should say the truth and not fear that they will lose their connections.
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 8:15pm Annonymous Post:
Why don't you post your name?
Who exactly is the "we" in the "we wer're doing just fine".
At 12:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I gotta tell ya guys, that I love when(supposedly non anonymous) people accuse others for being anonymous, have you exposed yourself by putting up some name, are you by any chance of the the Bender family of the Koshznitzer Magid?
At 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
One thing we can all agree on, the NYPD was out of control and very not professional, whatever complaints people have link to one answer,,,, The NYPD did not have a grip on the situation and behaved like a bunch of animals…
I saw a few clips of cops pushing 8-14 year old kids against a wall pushing a carriage in to the kids and when someone started yelling “WATCH THE BABY” the cops started pulling the carriage and screaming get the baby out of here…
The looked so frightened from these blue animals…
At 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
my wife parked illegaly near the 66 house and a officer told her that she can not park there and then offered to watch her car while she ran in.
At 7:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why do they think they are above the law in BP? Yes you may be the quietest, law-abiding community, does that mean laws don't apply to you? We write summonses in your neighborhood just as we do in East New York or Flatbush or any other community. We are not the ones who have made the mistake. 2 cops were injured and 2 rmps were trashed, yet none of the people of BP were arrested. If that had gone down in Bed Stuy, heads would have rolled.
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let's be honest here. The Hasid's who live in N.Y.C. and in Monsey, N.Y. are well known for taking advantage of the system and looking out for what best suits their situation. Can you please let me know what other group of people in the city of New York can walk around the neighborhood with shotguns, for the protection of their famailies? I believe that it is only in the Hasidic community that resides in brooklyn can do that. They do this without fear of the police. And have u noticed that through their very own admission mind you, they have no respect for the laws of this city? How many times have you read that they are parking illegally, talked on their c/ph. while their vehichles were in motion, etc. These are laws that are constantlly being broken by the very people who claim that they live in the most quiet, law abiding citizens in the city. So as those of you who are hoping that the time of recogning comes for the N.Y.P.D., keep in mind your time is coming. Preferential treatment for those who of a certain faith is both illegal and immoral.
At 9:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the politically correct who believe that we should all live in harmony; phooey. Because of the P.C. police, the actual police department are being handcuffed and beaten down everyday. The days of your local beat cop getting ANY respect in the streets are long gone. Whether it's in midtown manhattan or in crown heights, the police officers in THIS city are no longer able to do their job effeciently. This injustice is carried out by the special interest groups that walk around this city and believe they know what is right and wrong. Because of these groups, you have people who are suing the city soley based on the fact that an officer looked at them in a wrong way. God help those brave souls who are police officers in this city. Not only do they put their lives on the everyday, they are also putting their finacial and personal lives at risk.
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