Roosevelt, NJ - Boro Concerned About Possible Boarding House
Roosevelt, NJ - The yeshiva students' use of a local residence has prompted questions from borough officials. Borough Council members heard from Housing Officer Edward Goetzmann, who has looked into the use by Yeshiva Me'on Hatorah students of the house at 53 N. Rochdale Ave. The yeshiva is located in the borough on Homestead Lane.
Goetzmann said he has seen yeshiva students traveling up and down Rochdale Avenue and going in and out of the house, and where 12-14 boys sleep each night. "There are more people there than there should be." "The question is, what is the building being used for?" Goetzmann asked.
Phone calls to Yeshiva Me'on Hatorah Vice President Josh Pruzansky went unanswered.
Goetzmann said that he told Rabbi Yisroel Eisenberg, of the yeshiva, that the house is zoned as a single-family occupancy dwelling. He also said the rabbi is somehow related to the tenants.
According to Goetzmann, there are no sprinklers in the house, and have had septic issues several years ago.
At 11:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is just another example of this terrible city going after the yeshiva and all those who are for it. This is the city that recalled the mayor b/c of his support.
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
When the hell are the HEIMISHE going to learn that the laws apply to them also.
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe that people actaully see this as antis-semitism!
Laws apply to frum people too!
No fire sprinklers? I wonder if there are even smoke detectors.
What other building violations are going on there that the Yeshiva is afraid to show the inspector?
This usally goes on just long enough for some horrible tragedy to occur, then blame the town for not inspecting/enforcing the law.
A big, big..OY!
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm really not getting what's bothering Mr. Big Big so much, because it's a 1 family house it's dangerous for 12 Bucherem to sleep there? also, since when is a 1 family house required to have a sprinkler system, that it should make you wondering if there is a smoke detector? they are only saying that they don't know what the Yeshiva is using it, so it might require sprinklers for their actual use! it's time for you, to stop being a self hating jew!
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Big Big should know that there are 2 sides to a story, and he doesn't even know one of them. That town treats the frum worse than a baby treats a diaper.
At 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
They treat the JEWS of THIS yeshiva badly because they feel that the JEWS are getting special treatment.
Its a very simple logic.
Do the right thing and have it zoned for a Yeshiva dorm and i m willing to bet you wont hear much from them.
(assuming you guys behave like mention when you go in the street)
If you want to dress yeshivish in black and white thats fine but DO NOT dress like hudlums with your shirt tails out and wear your tzitzis like a mench.
Dont forget, We are still in galus.
We are in galus~~
At 12:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
All the houses in my area have more than twelve people, and they are one family houses and they are singlr families. What difference does it make that the house had septic problems several years ago? And if they had termites several years ago, or mice several years ago, who cares? Thats has to be the lamest excuse for anti- semitism I ever heard. Somebody should check with local plumbers and see if he had septic problems several years ago and see if you can get it printed as a front page story.
At 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
This has nothing to do with ANTIS_SEMITISM! It has to do with following code! We all have to follow code, why should they be any different? Were they not required to have a CO inspection prior to people living in the house? So in other words I can rent my house out to anyone I want and not get a CO right? Why don't we all just do whatever we want and the hell with code and laws! They have black plastic hanging in the windows, now that looks real nice! The comment about at least they do not have their shirt tails hanging out and their pants down their buts, was uncalled for! Who here is the racist? If everyone is so for the Yeshiva, why are you all selling your houses and leaving Roosevelt?
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Was anyone aware that Paul was going to let all these people live in his house? Are they renting it? If so then a proper C/O was needed was it not? These people seem to think that they can do whatever they want! I am so sick of this crap, think it time to sell and move to a place where rules, laws and regulations apply to everyone, not just a chosen few.
At 1:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Everyone is speaking like they know it all. Has anyone on this board gone down there to check out the building forthemselves?
I did because I have a relative in the yeshivah. This is a case of Anti semitism and everything they eyshivah did by code, the jews that are not frum complained. They are just as bad as SOME of the goyim. do you really expect the people to say they are complaining because they do not like jews? They have agendas and do not want jews in their town period. THEY HATE JEWS. This town including Westwood NJ jas a history of bigots and anti jews. Google this info and see for yourself.
The one good thing about this one is that President Bush supports this yeshivah. It's a story initself and not for now. The complainers and anti jews will not win because the yeshiva IS DOING evrything by code and is not stupid plus they have good lawyers and will outspend the idiots in the hood!
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