VOS IZ NEIAS Breaking news and community news that might be to your curiosity as it happens, before you get it from your news source.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Perth, Australia - Tragedy When Yeshiva Bochur Is Swept Away By Wave Into Sea

Perth, Australia - A 19 year old yeshiva bochur from New York who came to Perth on an educational program to spread Torah in Western Australia, passed away earlier this afternoon after being swept to sea. He was touring a beach south of Perth and was standing on a rock before a wave hit the rock and swept him away into sea.

Attempts to recover his body are hindered due to stormy weather in the area.

The 19 year old bochur, Avinoam Grossman, leaves behind a grieving family and friends.

U/D: 07/09/06 18:01
HOPES are fading for an American tourist swept off rocks into heavy seas off the West Australian coast.
The 19-year-old man was with three or four other American tourists at Torpedo Rocks near Yallingup, south of Perth, when a wave swept him away.
An air search was conducted for the man who was last seen about 50 metres south of the rocks, waving in apparent distress, police said. An air and sea hunt resumed at first light today, WA police's Sergeant Brian Cowie said. Sgt Cowie said the search would continue until dusk but hopes of finding him alive were dwindling."If the man is not found today we will hold grave fears for his safety," Sgt Cowie said."The expectations of him being found alive are dwindling."

Heavy seas had so far prevented police divers from joining the search, he said.The search will continue tomorrow but may be scaled down.


  • At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    אבינועם גרוסמן, בחור ישיבה בן 19 אשר הגיע מניו יורק למערב אוסטרליה במסגרת תכנית חינוכית להפצת תורה טבע בים. הוא היה בטיול על חוף הים, דרומית לעיר פרת' וכאשר עמד על סלע גל סחף אותו והוא נסחף לים

    הם היו ארבעה בחורים, אחד מהם נסחף בים. טרם נמצא.

    מפלטבוש בברוקלין ניו יורק, יצאה הערב קבוצת חברים של המשפחה בטיסה לאוסטרליה.

  • At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ברוך דיין האמת
    זהו מקרה שני תוך זמן קצר הבחור החסיד אברהם בנימין הכהן כ"ץ שטבע מול קרית צאנז בנתניה

  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    from where is this boy??

  • At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    darchei torah in far rockaway

  • At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He was a great great bochur and he will be missed by all. Hashem should have rachaym on his parents family and freinds.

  • At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How sure are they that he was niftar, the body has not been recovered yet

  • At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He was a very fine young man, who travelled half way around the globe for Kiruv Rechokim. It seems that he died al kiddush Hashem. Yehi Zichro Baruch.

  • At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Were there others with him and if there was a storm in the area why were they out at sea?

  • At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this is an email that i just received:

    "my cousin AVINOAM BEN RACHEL was swept away into the indian ocean off the coast of perth, australia yesterday...he was in australia on a seed program for kiruv rechokim...three of his chaveirm have bh been saved yet avinoam is still missing...search crews are looking for him as i write. i ask that we all daven to the aibishter w the strongest koichos possible that we see a hatzala b'karov. we should only hear besuros toivos. "

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Quixotic said…

    Thats truly awful, i was just in perth last year and i know how dangerous some of the beachs can be.

  • At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He was an unbelievable masmid and very pleasant. Yehei Zichro Boruch

  • At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Such a good bachur should be taken away from us WHY WHY WHY??????????????????????????????????????? Hashem please save us .

  • At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    where is this bochur originaly from???
    how long was he in passaic for?

    only bsuros tovos

  • At 2:51 AM, Blogger Neo Coneli said…

    We are all shocked here in Perth. If there is anything we can do here to family and friends, please contact me on elibernstein@gmail.com.

  • At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    he used to learn in darchei torah in far rockaway and learnt in passaic for one year

  • At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As of last night the family was still requesting people say tehilim.
    Email- 8/8/06 9:41pm
    "There will be a special tehillim 10pm tonight in shar yashuv for avinoam ben Rachel. Only besuros toivos."

  • At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just got word that they found the body...
    Mi She'omar l'olomo dai, yomar l'tzoroseinu dai!

  • At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    His family lives in Cedarhurst, NY.

  • At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    not true

  • At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    whats the latest?
    they found the body?..news isnt saying much

  • At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    was the body found?

  • At 2:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As of 2 oclock the body was not found we have to daven and scream to our father in heaven to save us.

  • At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sry to say but for some reason these kiruv rechokim trips never work out i hope these bochurim learn a lesson what is the emes is our torah world

  • At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nude Beach?? Why are you spreading such rumors. Have you no shame?

  • At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    who the hell do you think you are to start spreading such a stupid rumor. it wasn't a nude beach!!!
    your letting your mind listen to ur own personal wishes. it's just a shame that ur so fat, ugly, bald and hairy and are not allowed on a nude beach.

  • At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    kiruv rechokim? part of aish ?
    what was he doing on the beach?
    such kiruv rechokim
    hope they find him alive

  • At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To Whom It May Concern:

    First of all, on behalf of myself, our group, and the whole Perth community we would like to thank you and your respective organizations for the outpouring of support and the massive Kiddush Hashem that has occurred throughout this entire tragic ordeal. As I sit here in Dunsborough, Western Australia at 8:30 PM Thursday Night, I report with sadness that no progress has been made. A massive recovery effort has been underway, and will continue at 5 AM tomorrow.

    At this point we have explored all diplomatic and political avenues and came to the conclusion that the team we have on site is the best in the region and is well trained for situations like this. Dozens of volunteers from the SES (State Emergency Services) on boats, jet-skis, and all terrain vehicles have been on site from dawn to dusk for the better part of 3 days. The entire Regional Police Force has been mobilized and are on site with Helicopters and Rescue Boats and have divers on standby. The divers went out today, but unfortunately due to the 6-8 Meter swells and treacherous tidal conditions they could not attempt a dive.

    When a Tragic situation such as this occurs, proper respect and privacy must be given to those involved as well as their families.Therefore there are a few rumors that I would like to clearly dispel:

    • First, at the time of the accident, we were not swimming in the water or engaging in obviously dangerous activities. We were standing on a rock many meters above and away from the sea. A freak wave (known as a king wave), well in excess of 10 Meters, was the cause of the tragedy.
    • Second, contrary to rumors circulating, Avinoam was the only member of the group who was swept away. The rest of us are Baruch Hashem, unharmed.
    • Lastly, I wish to reemphasize that the local authorities have mounted an unprecedented search and recovery effort and we must thank them for their tremendous efforts and commitment to this operation.

    It is with great sadness that I report that at this stage the case is being treated as a recovery mission and is no longer considered a rescue operation. This decision has been made by the relevant authorities based on current evidence and previous experience with sea drowning victims in the area.

    Lastly, we have to realize that only with Davening and pleading to the Ribono Shel Olam, will this tragic ordeal come to an end. So please keep Avinoam ben Rochel in your Tefilos and with Hashems help, Klal Yisroel will never know from such Tzaros again.

    Dovid Safier and Project SEED in Perth, WA

  • At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Every time a tragedy occurs within our community, some warped individuals with sick imaginations start inventing stories and scenarios in a pathetic attempt to change a tragic story into a scandalous one.

    Truth be told, when we hear these rumors, there are some amongst us who might even believe them. It certainly makes for more geshmacke news. Woe unto us!

    As it so happens, I am close with the bochurim involved. Each and every one are treasured Yiddishe neshomos, upstanding Yeshiva bochurim who have done no wrong.

    Anybody who knows a little about the Kiruv world, knows how many months of work goes into organizing these summer trips to communities who thirst for contact with the frum world. Contacts need to be established with local community leaders, flights and accommodation need to be arranged, and last but certainly not least, talented and enthusiastic young men need to be hand-picked in order to carry out this important mission.

    The bochurim who are chosen spend months preparing Torah material in a way that will be exciting and refreshing for those new to our way of life. These bochurim prepare a huge amount of material covering a wide spectrum of Torah, from Chumash, Mishna and Gemara to Halacha, Hashkafa and general Jewish knowledge. The bochurim prepare their material in a way that must appeal to both young and old, newcomers and those more familiar with Yiddishkeit. This is a task that most of us would fail at miserably - I challenge you to try.

    People who are ignorant of the Kiruv world might call these bochurim opportunists who are looking for a good time. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mornings (and I mean really early - before people leave for work) and evenings are spent in local synagogues giving shiurim and teaching one-on-one. Lunch hour is another opportunity to teach Torah and Yiddishkeit at offices that employ non-frum Jews. The hours in-between are filled by visiting local Jewish Day Schools and skillfully making Yiddishkeit exciting to the children. Shabbos is a chance to introduce a beautiful Shabbos atmosphere into homes that would otherwise never merit a chance to feel the tremendous spirituality that Shabbos brings. Weekends are utilized to allow families to participate in Kiruv related activities.

    As you can see, these “Kiruv Rechokim Trips” are far from the vacation some people think them to be. As a matter of fact, most Kiruv organizations make sure that the bochurim have some free time to themselves, so that they should have a chance to rejuvenate and recharge in time for their next Kiruv undertaking.

    It saddens me to see how the families and boys involved have to cope with both the enormous emotional distress that such a tragic event brings on, and the senseless, baseless slander spread by - and I apologize for my harsh words - sad, pitiable lowlifes.

    May Hashem have Rachmonus on all of us, and may none of us ever know of such distressing news.

  • At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Every time a tragedy occurs within our community, some warped individuals with sick imaginations start inventing stories and scenarios in a pathetic attempt to change a tragic story into a scandalous one.

    Truth be told, when we hear these rumors, there are some amongst us who might even believe them. It certainly makes for more geshmacke news. Woe unto us!

    As it so happens, I am close with the bochurim involved. Each and every one are treasured Yiddishe neshomos, upstanding Yeshiva bochurim who have done no wrong.

    Anybody who knows a little about the Kiruv world, knows how many months of work goes into organizing these summer trips to communities who thirst for contact with the frum world. Contacts need to be established with local community leaders, flights and accommodation need to be arranged, and last but certainly not least, talented and enthusiastic young men need to be hand-picked in order to carry out this important mission.

    The bochurim who are chosen spend months preparing Torah material in a way that will be exciting and refreshing for those new to our way of life. These bochurim prepare a huge amount of material covering a wide spectrum of Torah, from Chumash, Mishna and Gemara to Halacha, Hashkafa and general Jewish knowledge. The bochurim prepare their material in a way that must appeal to both young and old, newcomers and those more familiar with Yiddishkeit. This is a task that most of us would fail at miserably - I challenge you to try.

    People who are ignorant of the Kiruv world might call these bochurim opportunists who are looking for a good time. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mornings (and I mean really early - before people leave for work) and evenings are spent in local synagogues giving shiurim and teaching one-on-one. Lunch hour is another opportunity to teach Torah and Yiddishkeit at offices that employ non-frum Jews. The hours in-between are filled by visiting local Jewish Day Schools and skillfully making Yiddishkeit exciting to the children. Shabbos is a chance to introduce a beautiful Shabbos atmosphere into homes that would otherwise never merit a chance to feel the tremendous spirituality that Shabbos brings. Weekends are utilized to allow families to participate in Kiruv related activities.

    As you can see, these “Kiruv Rechokim Trips” are far from the vacation some people think them to be. As a matter of fact, most Kiruv organizations make sure that the bochurim have some free time to themselves, so that they should have a chance to rejuvenate and recharge in time for their next Kiruv undertaking.

    It saddens me to see how the families and boys involved have to cope with both the enormous emotional distress that such a tragic event brings on, and the senseless, baseless slander spread by - and I apologize for my harsh words - sad, pitiable lowlifes.

    May Hashem have Rachmonus on all of us, and may none of us ever know of such distressing news.

  • At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To the person who attempted to spread rumors: i doubt that you have a yiddishe neshama(eirev rav), you have a cold heart, and YOU!! are the reason mashiach is not here yet...K'lal Yisroel suffers because of people like you, You should be ashamed of yourself.. AND FYI the boy Avinoam was a Tzadik, a great genius in torah..and most probably was on his way to be the next gadol hador..This was a great loss for Klal Yisroel..Baruch Dayan Haemet

  • At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    was the body found already??

  • At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Whoever said such riduculous words should know, that the Seed Program has given many yidden, who otherwise would never get the chance, to nosh some varemkeit and yiddishkeit. To assume that chas veshalom, any bochur going out fror any seed program, is less than a "good, very good" bochur is mistaken. These bochrim are hand-picked, they are frum, they have good hearts, clean neshamos, and are pleased to be able to offer some of their knowledge to thirtsy Pintele Yidden.

    Perhaps the person, saying this not nice comment is very farbisen, and bitter. Watch your mouth, and clean it out with a little Ivory soap, or better yet bleach. Don't make assumptions, and spread rechilus; better yet, pick up a sefer of the Chofetz Chaim, and learn a Halacha or two. Your life will change, your mood will change, your bitterness will disappear.

    May Hashem have rachmonus on YOU: you need it, trust me.

    A shmutzike, leidige kop, thinks and speaks shmutzig. A reiner kop, looks for the good in their fellow Yidden and not the bad.

    May Hakodosh Boruch Hu have rachmonos on this mishpacha, and on all of us.

  • At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    never has this blogsite been so unified in condemning a reckless commenter. the achdus is inspiring. keep it up!

  • At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what an awful comment my guess is the only way to do tshuva for a comment like that is death

  • At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Though the comments left were indeed thoughtless, our attention should perhaps be turned toward the message Hakadosh Baruch Hu is sending each and every one of us.
    We need to introspect and to do teshuva so as to properly respond to such a heart rending tragedy. Please, let us take up this message - its up to each and every one of us.

  • At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The body of Avinoam was just recently found.
    Now that sadly we finally know with certainty that avinoam has passed away i think it is appropriate to praise one of the finest people i have ever got to know and someone who will be sorely missed. I personally experienced learning with avinoam and i can tell you firshand that he was an exceptional person. He was a true masmid, always finding free time to learn (i learnt with him during breakfast.) He learnt with such a clarity of the gemara, he was the best chavrusa i ever had. On top of all his learning abilities he was an emesdic bal midos toivos. I can never recall one time he was ever judgmental towards me, he always had something kind to say, always smiling, always happy. One thing that i will always remember about avinoam was that when you spoke to him, he cared, he listened, i never felt uncomfortable around him. He was such a likeable person, anybody who met him knows what i mean; people liked to be around avinoam, he gave off this special comforting, caring feeling.
    If someone would ask me one person i aspired to be i would tell you with all honesty i would like to be someone as special as avinoam.

    Avinoam you will always be an inspiration to me, and i am sure you have inspired many others.

    Avinoam, you will always be missed.

  • At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is official, with regret we announce the passing a great young man, Avinoam Grossman, 19, a bochur of Yeshiva Gedola of Pasaic for the past year and before that a bochur of Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway.
    His body was just found a short while ago off the coast of Australia.

  • At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when and where is the the levaya?

  • At 3:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They are working around the clock to try to get Avinoam Hakodesh ztl's body released.From the Australian Goverment .I beleive the Levaya will be in Eretz Yisroel Hakdosha .But only after the medical examiner can release the body. What I have heard about you AVINOAM ZTL from your morning chavrusa personally in Yeshiva G is unreal MAY YOU BE A MODEL FOR ALL OF KLAL YISROEL. HASHEM SHOULD SEND A REFUA TO all OF KLAL YISROEL .

  • At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when in e"y is he expected to arrive? where would the levaya be held?

  • At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    any updates on livayah info? when and where?

  • At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I spoke to a woman that works in the office in the yeshiva that Avinoam went to and she said that any time he would come into the office he had a smile on his face and he always asked her if she needed anything, he was just a very special person.
    May hashem spare us from this ever happening again and this should be a wake up call for all of us that one minute you can be here and the next you can be gone that we should use evrey minute of our life for good like Avinoam did.

  • At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I heard that the levayah will be on Monday in Yerushulayim.
    I would like to pay tribute to Avinoam Grossman. I was a classmate of his in elementary school. Avinoam was always a smiling, happy person. He was smart and a good learner. I will look back with pride on those years I knew him. May his family and friends be consoled.

  • At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am from Perth and I was mekaved and had the pleasure to be in the presence of Avinoam ben Rachel Grossman, this year and last year as apart of Project Seed, which was aimed to spread and teach Torah in the Perth. Avinoam has left a legacy in Perth, he has given us a chizuk. A Rav from Melbourne (which is in New South Wales, a state on the eastern shore of Australia), came to visit Perth this week and he gave a shiur just before Mincha on Shabbos, and because I am apart of Bnei Akiva, I was only able to came to the end. But what he said then was more powerful than any other thing I could ever hear, and what he said was emotional.

    He said that Hashem has done what he has done for the reason that Avinoam was so perfect, that Hashem wanted to take him at such a perfect state in the most pure and perfect way. The reason why he took Avinoam is such but why he took Avinoam in Perth, in Australia, that question needs an answer. Hashem took Avinoam in Australia so that we would receive a chizuk, the chizuk in the zchut of Avinoam. The Rav said that his effect on one small town was so powerful that his six year old on the other side of the country was saying tehillim for someone whom the child did not even get the pleasure and kavod to meet, a six year old! He left us from Perth in the most pure way, min HaShamayim did this only come and El HaShamayim must we only give thanks for being able to know such a fine young man, if not the finest young man I know.

    Earlier that day, that day being this morning, as now it is motzei Shabbos and I have just come home from saying farewell to the guf which Avinoam ben Rachel was once emulated through. So as I was saying, earlier that day Ariel Aber gave a drosh at shule where he said a pasuk from Parshat Ekev. He gave over the pasuk (Dvarim 11:22), “Ki im sham,or tishmerun et kol MITZVA hazot asher Anochi metzave etchem la’asota l’ahava et H’ elokeichemt lalechet b’chol d’rachav u’ldavka vo.” Now why would it say mitzva in singular and not plural, the reason being as the Kli Yakar brings, is that we must strive to do one mitzvah, and if all of clal Yisrael is doing that then Hashem will help us and complete what is in the next pasuk. Why is Ekev called so, and what does the first pasuk of Ekev come to teach us. The word Ekev really means a hell, the heel of your foot. That one mitzva that we should strive to do doesn’t have to be the hardest yet we should do those mitvot which we think is so easy, as we would with our heels over them. That is how we can mekaved Avinoam ben Rachel’s legacy, in his zchut we must try and do one mitzvah, which may be hard for some and easy for others, which may be easy for others and hard for some.

    Avinoam was such a ben Torah and Gum ki elech bgei tzalmavet, lo irah rah ki Atah imadi, perek 23 of tehillim. Although I walk in the valley in great darkness, I will not fear evil, for You are with me. May we only speak in zman oneg v’simcha and I leave with one bracha. The achdut which we showed throughout the world in Um Yisrael, may we only have the inspiration from Avinoam ben Rachel to have such achdut in times of oneg v’simcha – that will bring Mashiach b’karov b’yameinu!

    Saul Finberg

  • At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was a former classmate if Avinoam, and I dont think Ive ever know someone as amazing as he was. He was an incredible masmid, someone i looked up to for his tremendous abilities in learning. He was also one of the kindest, most caring people I have ever known. There was never a day that Avinoam wasnt smiling, always warm to everyone. I had the incredible pleasure of knowing throughout high school and after. Avinoam - we will never forget you.
    Also, to those who were brilliant enough to post rumors - Avinoam and the 3 other bochurim who were in Australia, you couldnt be more wrong. There are people i know very well and they are all incredible guys, tops in learning and chesed.
    May we only hear simchas.
    -Aryeh Kunstler

  • At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Unfortunatley tragedies always semm to happen to the best people:
    I was recently on a skiing trip bain hamznim with Avinoam ZTZ"L and 4 other friends. The trip was long, so we switched turns driving. The entire time while we were driving he was learning (chazering masechtas Kesubos which he learnt this past zman). As we pulled out of the reststop when it was his turn to drive he asked me if i would learn with him ( I also learnt Kesubos this past zman). For the entire 2 hours of driving we chazered the sugya of Buri V'shema!
    This was Avinoam's ZTZ"L life, Toirah!!. May he be the last Korban before we see Moshiach B"mharah B'yamanu Amen!

  • At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Rav of the Perth community, Rav Dovid Freilich Shlita, summed up the feelings of the Perth community in regards to Avinoam Grossman on motzei shabbas.

    When the niftar was driven past the Perth Shule, Rav Freilich, with great emotion, gave thanks to Avinoam for the tremendous chizuk he gave to the Perth Jewish Community in Torah and Chesed. Rav Freilich summarised the work that Avinoam had done for the community with the words of Tehillim and with which Shabbos is brought in "Mikolos mayim rabim adirim mishberai yam, adir bamorom Hashem - more than the roars of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea - You (Hashem) are mighty on high." Rabbi Freilich said Avinoam Grossman may have been taken from us by the waves of the sea but nothing will ever drown the profound impact that Avinoam had on the whole of the Jewish community of Perth. This will be truly everlasting and it will be l'orech yomim.

  • At 2:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Melbourne is the capital of the state of Victoria, not New South Wales. Someone from Perth should know this.

  • At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Update: 14/08/06

    We have been advised that the funeral is now to be held under the auspices of the General Chevra Kadisha, 15 Pines St, Jerusalem.

    Contact is Samuel Gelbstein phone: 02 538 4144 mobile 050 205 763

  • At 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It was a very tragic loss. An accident involving a young American who was blissfully unaware of the local environment of king waves coming from nowhere. May all those directly affected by this tragedy be ultimately healed, and draw strenght from each other and from Hashem. It is pointless to look for reasons or purpose in such events. Bad things happen and it is not for us to explain why. In his short life, Avinoam must have brought much pleasure, learning and enlightenment to many young minds. This is the legacy for which he should be remembered. Peace to all.

  • At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the levaya will be at 9 am tomorrow (weds) morning in yerushalyim at shamgar (off of yirmiyahu/bar ilan street in sanhedria) and will then continue onto har hamenuchos

  • At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There will also be a live hookup to the levaya at Yeshiva Darchei Torah Late Tuesday Night/early Wednesday Morning at 2AM DST which is 9 AM eretz yisrael time in the mesivta beis medrash

  • At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A gutte neshuma.

    Peace to all.

  • At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Avinoam was such a special person. He was a person who was friendly with everybody and had the potential to be one of our gedolim; its hard to understand how a person like him was taken from us at such a young age.



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