Lawrence, NY - At Odds Over Schools
Lawrence, NY - The school district has been changing, house by house, as Orthodox Jewish families have flocked here over the last two decades, gradually at first and then in growing numbers. While not yet a majority, the Orthodox have nonetheless emerged as the dominant force in a clash of cultures. And the front line in this battle is Lawrence’s once highly regarded public school system.
In each of the last four years, Orthodox voters mobilized to defeat the school budget. Then in July, they took charge of the school board, though few of the Orthodox send their children to public schools. Out of seven seats, the new majority consists of four Orthodox members and one ally. “We have the control here,” one Orthodox resident, David M. Hiller, said recently as he walked along Central Avenue, a retail hub featuring shops like SuperSol (“the ultimate Kosher supermarket”) and Jerusalem Pizza.
Schools may seem to be a peculiar battlefield in this power struggle, since most Orthodox families here send their children to private Orthodox day schools. But many of this district’s Orthodox residents object to paying school taxes that average about $6,000 per home for a system they do not use. Their leaders also complain that more public money should be channeled to the Orthodox day schools, which by law are limited to tax-financed busing, books and special education services.
Others who live in the Lawrence school district, however, including many assimilated Jews, voice outrage that people who do not use the system are deciding its fate. They complain that the budget defeats have starved the schools and deprived its students. Since the law allows some increases after budget defeats, spending in Lawrence since the last approved budget in 2002-3 has risen an average of about 3 percent a year. The current total is $92 million. “We feel invaded,” said an Atlantic Beach delicatessen customer, a self-described non-Orthodox Jew and activist parent who declined to give her name. “We don't mind them being here, but taking over and shutting down the school system is not the right thing.” (Atlantic Beach is part of the Lawrence school district.)
But one of the new Orthodox board members, Uri Kaufman, a developer, said: “We want to get along. I know nobody believes it, but we really want what’s best for the district.”
Experts who track expanding Orthodox neighborhoods around the nation say the conflict in Lawrence has far-reaching implications. “Other communities are watching Lawrence very closely, for fear they may be next,” said Prof. William B. Helmreich, the director of the Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College. Orthodox adherents “are cohesive, they marshal forces and vote as a bloc,” he said. “It could happen anywhere.”
It has already happened in Rockland County, where Orthodox residents control the East Ramapo school board. Similar strains have arisen over the schools and other services in Lakewood, N.J., home to a large Orthodox population.
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
If they want us to pay taxes... provide us with services. Why should we pay for a system we do not use
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's no different from communities with a large number of retired people, who invariably vote against budgets for schools they no longer use.
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
If the 20,000 orthodox Jewish children in Lakewood (Monsey, Lawrence, etc.) would all attend the public schools would that raise opur taxes even more? When will these towns realize that we are saving them a lot of money. Our schools don't have their budgets, yet we provide a very high quality education. They should learn to budget like we do. The townships should either reduce our taxes or provide us with funding for our schoold.
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wasn't one of the founding principles of this country "No taxation without representation"?
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
1. You have representation, so the "no taxation without representation" doesn't apply here. Sorry.
2. Schooling is a communal responsibility. I don't wish a private tuition system upon anyone.
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
All people who send their children to private or parochial schools know that they have to pay high taxes in spite of the fact that they are paying large sums of money for their children’s education. That's a choice they make.
I am a senior citizen living in Rockland County and a retired teacher who has taught in the public Schools for 30 Years. I almost always vote in favor of School budgets, as do many of my contemporaries, because we know how important an educated populace is to the future survival of any democratic country.
I am saddened and ashamed of those in the Orthodox community who do not accept the reality that the entire population of any area must provide enough money to properly educate those children who do not attend private schools.
Non-Jews often judge ALL Jews by the articles they read in the press about the attitudes that many Orthodox express regarding their unwillingness vote for spending money for the education of children in their surrounding communities. This attitude can only lead to greater separation of the Peoples of our United States and perhaps an even greater increase in Anti-Semitism.
At 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is my understanding that the objection to the school budget for the Lawrence school district was based as much on the bloat and waste as the dollar amount.
In any case, sending our children to private schools is our choice.
We all have a stake in how the children in our communities are educated. It is in our best interests that all of the younguns are well prepared to be productive and contributing members of society.
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