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Monday, September 04, 2006

Omsk, Russia - Opshern in Siberia: For the First time in 80 Years

Omsk, Russia - A historic event occurred in the city of Omsk as the ceremony of a toddler’s first hair-cut took place for the first time after 80 years. The ceremony was held for a three-year-old Zoshi Krichevsky, the son of the city’s Chief Rabbi Osher Krichevsky.

More than 100 community members shared the joy of the boy’s family, including the guests: Rabbi Krichevsky’s brother-in-law and father-in-law who arrived from Israel for this special occasion and the Chief Rabbi of Novosibirsk Zalman Zaklos. For this event, a local restaurant has been koshered for the first time ever in order to please the guests with strictly kosher and delicious food.

Rabbi Krichevsky spoke about the tradition of Opshernish and the opportunity of observing such old Jewish customs in a remote place such as Siberia. He thanked the guests and the community members and then invited them to snip a curl from the boy’s head. The participants performed this ancient Jewish tradition with great excitement. Then the boy licked off honey from a sheet of Jewish letters and the participants joined in cheerful dances.


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