Brooklyn, NY - Sanitation Agent Targets Innocent Store Owners With Bogus Tickets
Brooklyn, NY - A New York City Sanitation agent has been caught on camera breaking a light bulb on the street and then writing a ticket to the store owner where the broken bulb was.
A video showing the agent dropping a long fluorescent bulb in the street, and then writing a $300 ticket to the HK Tea and Sushi Restaurant for improperly disposing of the lights. The ticket was issued less than one hour from when the video camera caught the agent breaking the bulbs. Shortly after the ticket was issued, a sanitation truck cleaned the broken bulb from the curb.
Brooklyn State Assemblyman William Colton is furious that the sanitation department would target hard working store owners with bogus tickets. Colton will be holding a news conference outside the restaurant today.
A spokesman for the Sanitation Department, Vito Turso, says his department is investigating and will look at the videotape.
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Its about time someone is taking action against these low lifes. For every one caught on camera, there are many more that are getting away with it.
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bogus is an understatement, this is mafia style with government backing.
The problem is what in hell does the ticket writer GAIN by doing this?
The answer is probably quotes!
So now we see what happens when you mix government penalties with quotes.
We don't know yet if this was a quota issue. But we can't wait for the sanitation dept. to admit it...
There has to be an independent inquiry.
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's the meter maids and the traffic cops that are the problem.
I think it would be a good idea that whenever someone see's a traffic cop giving a questionable ticket or arguing with people TAKE A PICTURE OR A VIDEO CLIP and post it online either on "vosizneias" or start your on blog about this problem.
THERE IS NO ACCOUNTABILITY!! They can write as many tickets as they want to even if for no reason.
Lets drive these idiots out of here. Let them tey pulling this off in harlem.
At 11:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Certainly a way to make the job easier - no need to walk around looking for violations. Easy to meet the quota without a lot of effort.
At 1:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Harrassment of frum jews by sanittion cops/agents in Flatbush has been a long ongoing problem.
I hoep that if this story generates 500 complaints, someone will have the technology to print them all out and dump it on the steps of City Hall.
Where is Felder boy on this issue?
The only time you hear of him is when it is Purim and he takes credit for alternate side suspension and when he is mooooching a free ride to Israel on Bloomy's (not the candy company) private LearJet.
Where is that "frum" politician. Chances are he is once again in Bloomy's camp generating revenue for the city of New York as Felder boy did in voting for the significant rise in property taxes 3 years ago. Will do anything for a free ride to Israel.
Sanitiation was out in Flatbush this past SHabbos morning ticketing frum households. Someone tipped them off that frum people who choose not to utilize the eruv cannot remove the violating garbage from the curb. Being that is the case, it is an easy summons for the agents to write up.
When will the Jewish Community cry foul about this.
By the way, are these agents so brave to issue as many tickets/summonses in the totally schvartz neighborhoods.
Ask Felder boy the statistics on tickets issued in the frum community versus the all-black ghetto neighborhoods.
At 2:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 11:45 wrote,
"I think it would be a good idea that whenever someone see's a traffic cop giving a questionable ticket or arguing with people TAKE A PICTURE OR A VIDEO CLIP and post it online either on "vosizneias" or start your on blog about this problem."
Great idea! anybody wan't to start??
Its high time we hold them ACCOUNTABLE !
I just got a double parking ticket waiting with my blinker on and my car in drive for a car to pull out so I can pull in!!?? I was waiting for less then a half a minute, when boom there they are......
At 2:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
could you take the comment (shecker) about Felder down.
Whoever is writing these horrible comments obviously has something personal against Simcha and is USING YOUr blog to vent his anger out.
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hear hear! We need to make a serious effort to combat those who target innocent store owners, drivers, etc. If we start documenting and publicizing these accounts, who knows how far we can take this?
Bring it on!
At 3:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with the other commenter.
WIth Felder being a frum councilman, any and all issues related to frum citizens should be of primary concern to him and for him. Why else was he voted in?
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
sounds like anon 226 must be chief of staff to Felder or one of his gopher boys.
At 3:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
All those who received Shabbos tickets should please call their Councilman ASAP.
At 3:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 349 said something that finally makes sense.
Be sure to let Felder boy know too, even If he does not represent you.
At 4:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stop bashing Felder. He was elected to legislate.
No it's not only frum neighborhoods that have been hit with sanitation tickets.
The area between Ocean Ave and Nostrand north of Avenue H has been a source of numerous sanitation tickets during October. As far as I know there are no frum Yiddin there and Felder is not their councilman.
I've heard that if a neighbor reports another neighbor for sanitation violations they come down and hit the entire area. There are only 2 or 3 sanitation ticketing agents per sanitation district, not nearly as numerous as traffic agents.
At 4:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I spoke to someone this Shabbos about Felder. He explained to me that Felder is a little different then other politicians we are used to.
Politicians always run to the press, hold press conferences, so their name could be in the paper but when the issue is something not press worthy they do little to help.
Felder hardly runs to the press or holds press conferences he doesn’t care if his name is in the spot light, he just doesn’t want it. He tackles every issue small or big, community or individual, in the diplomatic way, quietly in order to get the problem resolved. If it doesn’t work this way then he will go to the press and make a big stink about the issue.
I saw this week a letter Fleder addressing Chief Scagnelli in regards to the meter tickets issued on Yom Kipper. Again meters are in effect on Yom Kippur, but Felder is trying the nice way to get the tickets dismissed. (Let’s see what happens)
Those bashing Felder, I’m wondering what their motives are. Let’s hear from the people that called his office and got their problems resolved (passports, birth certificates, arrests, Building permits, etc.).
Community Issues: fighting Congressman Nadlers plan on Cross Harbor, Getting Boro Park Hatzolah their Garage on 37th Street, Fighting to restore the Vouchers program, Budget money for our organizations, AND DID WE ALL FORGET THE DAY AFTER THE INCIDENT IN BORO PARK WHEN FELDER DID GO TO THE PRESS REGARDING ESPOSITO????? He didn’t cover up like the other guy in 1999 by the Gideion Bush story, He didn’t go kissing up to the Police brass the next day like the other big knockers, he stood up for the community he represents.
Yes there are bad apples in every agency in the City, but bashing and calling your Councilman names? HIS RECORD FOR THE PAST YEARS SPEAKS FOR IT SELF.
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
For what it's worth, I once got a ticket for trash in front of my house on Shabbos. I sent in a letter stating that as I was a Sabbath observer, I could not remove the offending material (which had been blown in bu the wind) until Saturday night. The ticket was dismissed without any problem.
At 5:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I too got a ticket for "double parking"while waiting for the light to turn green. I didnt even know it until i got a notice with a late penalty.
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I happen to manage buildings in east flatbush and we are infested with sanitation violations perhaps even more than in the heimishe neighborhoods. Kimmat every time there's a garbage collection day we expect a summons.
At 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did you contact your Councilman?
Did you file a complaint with 311?
Did you file a complaint with IAB?
Just complaining on the blog won't help you much.
Come on guys, You want to get someyhing done start calling 311 to complain, Call your Councilman and complain and I'm ready to bet that something will be done to fix all these happy ticket writters.
The one that wrote about pictures and videos come on guys lets get to work and start posting the pictures and clips and ......... you know what will happen. It will only take a little time.
311 WORKS, IAB WORKS, & I'm sure your Councilman will also work.
At 8:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey 5:04 anon,
You must be a renter or living outside the boroughs of NYC if you can stand behind Felder boy who raised or voted in support of raising our property taxes on average 21% several years back.
All for a free plane ride on Bloomy airlines to Israel.
Felder boy a big disappointment.
He won't support legislation to ban smoking for yeshiva age kids. We are talking about Chayim V'Hamoves and you support a bum who won't even ban smoking.
Did you ever hear of cancer.
Stay off this blog; you are not needed here. Get a job instead at Felder's office.
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
annoy 840am
First of all if Felder wouldn't of voted for the 18% hike it would've passed anyway.
So Felder should've voted NO on the increase and wouldn't be able to work with the administration about all the other issues.
USE YOUR BRAINS A LITTLE before just bashing a person that goes out of his way in helping everyone no matter how big of a knocker you are in the community.
To set the record straight:
Noach Dear in his 19 years in office voted 4 times to increase taxes.
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Annoy 840am
regarding the smoking ban get your story straight on what went on in the meeting at the city council and then post all your vermon.
At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
12:24 I assume you mean venom. That one guy seems to really have something against Simcha Felder, although I have never heard anything negative about him before. Unlike a previous council member there has never been any hint of scandal and Felder isn't a publicity hound.
At 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 1221,
You are right.
Boruch Hashem, the lowly Dear has lost every election since. That lowly creature has nothing to do but be political. That is why he is unqualified for anything. Now he has demonstrated in the last 6 years or so that he is unqualified for even a politically elected office. Boruch Hashem. He is a lousy tax and spend Democrat.
Do you know Dear once said on the Nachum Segal show while campagining for that mushchis Bill CLinton, that there is a Good and a Bad Hamas. I am not making this up. He said that on radio.
He does not belong in office. Nobody, black, white, green or yellow should ever vote for Dear.
Him and Felder boy went to same cheder. Although one appears with a more yeshivish look. I let you figure out wihich one.
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Felder not a publicity hound.
He stealthily destroys you.
Voted to raise taxes 21%.
Ask him why????????
You expect that free loading politician to publicize that he raised your property taxes 21% ?
Hello, get real.
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 1224,
You tell me exactly how and where I can get a transcript of Felder's involvement on this smoking ban and if necessary, I will retract my earlier statemetns.
This blog reported that Felder boy did not favor a ban on smoking. I did not make this story up.
At 3:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
annoy 321pm
Could you show me where on the blog this was reported??
At 8:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
sure, anon 337pm
The smoking ban story is just before THursday October 19 2006 postings on this blog site. Scroll down to just before 10/19.
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
As I said before You don't have the full story. Simcha was asking the other members what is the logic of this bill.
The only reason he got press covrage because he compared it to the army.
His whole point wasn't even printed in the news because it wasn't intresting at all to the media.
You have to understand one thing about the media these days; they are intrested in comments regarding the war in Iraq now and compairing anything to the army will be written in the paper.
FYI: Felder doesn't smoke and he is against smoking, He was just asking his fellow members what the point of the bill is.
At 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
is not the logic of the bill to ban smoking?
WHat is the full story that causes you to consider my comments wrong.
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