Germany - World War II Bomb Explodes on Highway
Germany - A World War II bomb has exploded during construction work on the A3 highway, killing one worker and injuring several motorists who were driving by.
The worker had been cutting through the road surface near the south-western town of Aschaffenburg when his machine struck the bomb and triggered it. "The explosion seems to have been too small for it to have been an aircraft bomb," a police spokesman said.
The A3 Autobahn linking the cities of Frankfurt and Würzburg has been blocked off in both directions.
At 7:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
only one worker was killed toooooo bad, they should kill all the germans.
At 8:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree - there's no tragedy in the loss of a German life. They started the war anyway, so the old bomb was there because of their actions. No one to blame but the Germans.
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe it was payment for the sins of their fathers.
At 9:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
A real tragedy means when a whole bus of germans gets killed and there was one empty seat. Thats called a real tragedy that the bus wasen't completely overfulled!
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Such talk doesn't accomplish anything good. It may FEEL good. But it strengthens hate on both sides.
This is how the Nazis spoke, and succeeded. Even if you feel it's justified..., you can't kill a whole population. So you kill their grandchildren, and they kill your grandchildren.
This is how business was done for hundreds of years in Serbia. So now you know what FEELINGS can accomplish.
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey said...
Such talk doesn't accomplish anything good. It may FEEL good. But it strengthens hate on both sides.
This is how the Nazis spoke, and succeeded. Even if you feel it's justified..., you can't kill a whole population. So you kill their grandchildren, and they kill your grandchildren.
This is how business was done for hundreds of years in Serbia. So now you know what FEELINGS can accomplish.
9:49 PM
Your comments have caused me to rethink my core beliefs.
On the one hand, I have always believed that only a Yid could come up with something so krum.
On the other hand, I hold 100% that a person who does not hate the germans 'ad dor acharon' is not a Yid and without a doubt needs milah and mikveh in order to marry a bat yisrael.
Now, on to dissecting your comments:
A) Ever hear of Amolaik? We will one day wipe out the entire population, mena'ar va'ad zokain, taf venashim, and we might even make a brocha first, b'shaim u'malchut. So there is nothing wrong with wishing a certain whole population dead. We can argue about whether or not the Germans Yemach Shemam Vezichram are Amalaik or not but either way, a Jew who does not wish he had the chance to do to them what they did to our holy children is not a Jew. There should be nothing but the fear of the law keeping each of us from killing every german around who's neck we can wring your hands. We should mourn the fact that we were not zocheh to drench our hands in the blood of those who slaughtered our children, violated our sisters, gassed our grandparents and fed us to thier dogs.
B) According to your logic we must have tortured elderly germans and used german children as lab animals, otherwise they would never have done it to us.
C) No sane civilized person would dignify with refutation the equation of the cyclical mutual-butchering of the Serbs and Bosnians to the army of the 'most advanced culture up to its time' stomping its boot heels into the soft skulls of our infants to the delight of their polish neighbors.
The yearning to see the day when G-d will repay the german nation tenfold for every drop of jewish blood they spilled on the alter of racial 'superiority' should be enough to keep us each alive for a hundred lifetimes. Only a person lacking in appreciation of the holiness of one 'yiddisher kind' could have reservations about wishing to see the day G-d settles the account between the germans and the human race.
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
what's this chaverim dude blabbering on and on about?
At 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
diahrrea of the mouth and just about as much sense as contained in the same.
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous 1:19 PM
"what's this chaverim dude blabbering on and on about?"
You obviously cannot read. He called himself Chevrahman not chaverim.
I agree wholeheartedly with the Chevrahman, just read the last posuk of Al Naharos, that is the Holy Torah's view.
At 10:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Am I reading correctly???
Your Holy Torah promotes killing innocent people for the sins of their grandfathers???
Did you go to bin ladens schools in Pakistan, are you guys going to turn terrorists one day?????
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