Scranton, PA - Meeting Aims to Explain Orthodox Judaism
Scranton, PA - A University of Scranton faculty member hopes to foster better understanding of Orthodox Judaism as members of a Hasidic community from Brooklyn, N.Y., prepare to relocate to the city.
“I really don’t know how much Christians know about Orthodox Judaism or about the Orthodox community already here,” said Maria Poggi Johnson, Ph.D., an associate professor of theology. “I suspect it’s not much.”
Dr. Johnson will be joined by Ahron Davidson, for a discussion about the beliefs and practices of Orthodox Judaism at Immaculate Conception Church Hall, Taylor Avenue and Gibson Street.
The presentation comes as a Hasidic Nadvorna group from Brooklyn pursues the $400,000 purchase of the former East Scranton Intermediate School on Quincy Avenue from the Scranton School District. It plans to use the building as a school for the children of 80 to 100 families who would relocate from Brooklyn.
The newcomers are expected to settle in the Hill Section, which is already home to the city’s long-established Orthodox community.
At 5:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you think they will understand the complexities of Ulta Orthodox Judism? Wait until they see the streimlech in Mid-July.
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
What about the smells of fried cabbage and noodles?
At 8:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
well one thing i do know no jewish group is buying the school bulding in scranton the deal is over i know for a fact because thay could not come up with the $400.000 dollars...............
At 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a Litvak, I don't understand Nadvorna Chassidus either, but I don't think a presentation one evening would be enough.
At 10:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you don't understand Nadvorna Chasidus you couldn't possibly understand ANY chasidus. But the Goyim are usually more understanding than the Litvaks. (Basically because when the Litvaks start understanding they become chassidim, shhhh.)
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm orthodox jewish my entire life and I can't explain it either.
Explain boro parkers double parking and doing what the heck they always want to do without caring about the next guy.
Explain the sick attidue some or many boro parkers have all the time...
gee wiz- so many things to explain.......
At 1:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Did you notice that the meeting is in a church building?
At 8:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
what does double parking have to do with Chassidus. They don't double park in Lakewood do they.
At 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
10:38 obviously has an ax to grind against BP's. I don't see anything in this article that mentions BP. 10:38 must be one of those who think that anyone who wears dark clothing and/or sports abeard is a chossid!!!
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I thought it's ossur for a Yid to enter a church for any purpose. (????)
At 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Double park?
I live close to a huge shul where Litvaks and chassidim daven - I would say half and half! Guess what?!
98% of crooked/unlawful/un-secheldiga/stupid parkers are NOT the chasssidim!!
It's just a FACT!!!!!!!!
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I thought it's ossur for a Yid to enter a church for any purpose. (????)
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think the jews should learn first about the christians culture and then we can just may be hope that that things will go smoothly. Im ashamed to say this .But i think goyim are more tolerant about other ppls religion and customs then the yiddin are.
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yeh? Who has been killing who in the past 20 centuries in the name of religion???????
All the hate that comes from them, whether from white supremicists or radical islam is because we don't understand their religion? Gimme a break...
At 9:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
12:42: It's not that you just don't understand their religion, it's that you don't tolerate it.
The goyim in Lakewood have been trying to resolve the tensions there by doing the same thing. The theory being that maybe if we understood each other, we would respect and tolerate each other.
Only problem is that the orthordox community doesn't want to participate because it's anti-semetic. Who knew, wanting to learn something would be anti-semetic?
p.s. Not all Christians are white supremacist.
At 9:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
right & not all jews are not tolerant
At 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I live in Scranton, in the Hill section. The biggest problem in interacting with the goyim is when a woman tries to shake hands with a jewish man. They cannot understand the rejection and may be insulted. I found the best solution is to say what the Lubavitcher Rebbe once said to a woman who wanted to shake his hand. The Rebbe responded: "My mother told me not to touch a woman that is not my wife." I found from experience that the goyim respect this answer and some even like it.
Other than that, we find very little problems here, except with the shvartzes, which is a different story.
The real "frum" christians actually respect yiden.
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just so everyone understands, this meeting referred to above was NOT inside the 'makom tumah' itself; it was in the basement area which is not assur to go into, although the feeling is somewhat removed from a 'frima yid' to want to go there either.
Being that 99.9% of the frima yidden felt this was a Chillul Hashem for a number of reasons, I know of only 1 person attending from "unzera crowd". And that was totally wrong in most people's opinion.
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