Plandome, NY +Synagogue Fire+
Plandome, NY +Synagogue Fire+ Manhasset Fire Department on the scene at the Synagogue of The North Shore at 1001 Plandome Road for a working fire in the basement, Engin and Ladder from Roslyn also responding to the scene, fire is D/W/H.
U/D: 12:02
FD calling for a 2nd alarm eqiv. first two fast teams on duty, requesting 3rd fast to respond and additional engines.
U/D: 12:10
Fire is now a 3 alarm, 10 departments are operating on the scene.
U/D: 12:31
Fire Department requesting all available manpower to respond to the scene.
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
are they planning on "Reconstructing"?
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
12:50 PM
Shoin! The RBS"O's CPA has spoken!
Now that you've told us where the RBS"O places Deconstructionist Jewery on the hierarchy of humanity, perhaps you can tell us how much rain He has alotted us for this year?
I could make a killing inthe futures market if I knew how the crops are going to be this year.
At 3:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
One less source of goyishe yidden, or is it yiddishe goyim.
LEt us discuss which is more appropriate. After all, they take in anything that is willing to pay dues.
At 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
2:58 I assume that you're not aware that the Reconstructionist faith is a version of Judaism that doesn't recognize the RBS"O.
Its a cultural agnostic faith, a G-dless Judaism, not just a modernized American Judaism like reform. Kind of like the Ethical Cultural Society which was formed by the son of one of the early reform "rabbis".
At 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reconstructionist Judaism is a modern Jewish movement marked by views and practices including:
Personal autonomy should generally override traditional Jewish law and custom, yet also take into account communal consensus
Modern culture is accepted
The view that Judaism is an evolving religious civilization
Traditional rabbinic modes of study, as well as modern scholarship and critical text study, are both valid ways to learn about religious texts
Non-fundamentalist methods of teaching about Jewish principles of faith are acceptable, and no Jew needs to accept all, or any, principles of faith. This is because of the reasoning that if the rituals do not affect one's conscience or moral values in any way, then there is no point in doing them and so they do not need to be done
Rejection of belief that the Jews are God's chosen people, or that their religion is the one correct way for everyone
Miracles and theism are generally not accepted, at least not in a literal sense (although they are often believed in a symbolic way)
At 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reconstructionist prayerbook has changed the blessing before reading the Torah from "asher bahar banu mikol ha’amim" (has chosen us from among all peoples) to "asher kervanu la’avodato" (who has drawn us to your service). In this way we acknowledge the special nature of our relationship with God, while not putting down anyone else. Several of the prayers have been revised in this way, including the Shabbat Kiddush and the Aleynu prayer.
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Most of the chasunas - even "IN" town had goyim playing in the band. Neginah Orchestra used goyim! The music was much better then - The volume much lower, I remember when I was able to hear a conversation at a chasuna some 20 years ago in Willy!
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
2:58 I assume that you're not aware that the Reconstructionist faith is a version of Judaism that doesn't recognize the RBS"O.
Its a cultural agnostic faith, a G-dless Judaism, not just a modernized American Judaism like reform. Kind of like the Ethical Cultural Society which was formed by the son of one of the early reform "rabbis".
4:12 PM
4:12 PM
You apparently are not familar with what happens when you 'assume' anything. (You make as ASS out of U and ME.)
I am well aware of the beliefs of Deconstructionist 'Judaism' (and of the Reform and Conservative movements).
There is a major difference between writing off Reconstructionist 'Yiddishkeit' and writing of Reconstructionist Yidden.
We are mechuyav to know that the religion is not Judaism. It is real Judaism itself which teaches us that it is not our role to write off other yiddin. That is up to G-d. We should daven for them to find the truth and make sure that nothing we do chas veshalom keeps them from coming close enough to us to learn the truth.
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorry 12:20 but I don't see the word Yidden or Jews even once in 4:12. 4:12 speaks about a faith, about a (supposedly) kind of Judaism.
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