Sullivan County, NY - New Reservation System for DMV
Sullivan County, NY - Sullivan County's Department of Motor Vehicles will save a spot for you at a service window starting Dec. 1. Just call ahead and avoid one of life's enduring headaches.
It's all part of making government more consumer-friendly, local officials say. "People would rather have root canal work than go to the DMV," said County Clerk George Cooke, "and we're trying to change that."
Over the past 10 years, Sullivan County's DMV has added two rows of benches, a television set, an information booth, a ticketing system for waiting in line and a mobile van that makes stops in five towns around the county.
Sullivan hopes to keep its reservation system going through the summer, a time when 100 people can show up in a 15-minute span. "It will be insane trying to (arrange) it," said Sullivan's deputy clerk for motor vehicles, Moniquka Diaz-Corley. "We're going to see what we can do."
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
that sounds really good. It's such a pain to go to the DMV in Brooklyn.
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
i heard there was a big protest in lakewood yesterday. i heard it was infront of mayor meir lichtenstiens house on 14th st. it was all the jewish lanlords that want 2 sue lakewood twp. 4 all the fines that there getting as u had an article about it about 2 months ago. i dont know exact details but if u can find out and post it on the blogger. im trying 2 find out more info.
At 8:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
it has to do with the protest that was at 1011 14th because a meshaluni got a 30 day jail term for not cutting his grass! and the mayor and vaad does noting to help, only raising our tax so bmg could get property
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
well if the jews would stop makeing a big chilul hashem in lakewood by renting a single family house to 30 ilegel mexicans at a time which at the same time he is not providing electric or heat yes he does deserve 2 go 2 jail....its killing our town and every guy in town is blamming it bec. we have a jewish mayor. yeah welcome 2 the world ur not the only ones and u people r just so selfish that u think what ever ur doing is right bec, hey were jewish why should we care about the next person all i have 2 do is care about me and make sure those mexicans r giveing me that cash.....its time that u people grow up and relize that there r other people in this world...
At 1:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well you only moved in the mexican area because it was cheaper because of the mexican now you want to trow them out to be able to sell your house for much more what you paid! what a selfish person.
P.S. would you rent that apt.?
At 2:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorry buut i dont live near the mexicans
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