Jerusalem, Israel +Parade Has Been Called Off+
Jerusalem, Israel - There is a compromise between Orthodox Jewish leaders and parade organizers, the organizers are willing to move the parade to a closed area – the Rose Garden opposite the Knesset or the Givat Ram Stadium, due to large number of warnings of terror attacks following the Gaza attacks, and the Jewish community is willing apparently not to have a large protest in Jerusalem on Friday
In a meeting with heads of the charedi community, top police officials and organizers of the parade in Jerusalem, representatives of the parade offered to hold a gathering in a stadium without the parade itself, and the leaders of the charedi factions asked the police to release the rioters who were arrested during the demonstrations, and only then they are expected to officially announce their decision not to have a large demonstration.
At 9:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Baruch Hashem!!!
At 9:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
That's cool, they're heading back to their closets..... No more pride...
One question, will the demonstration scheduled for today in Manhattan, be called off, because of this?
Nisht Kein Groise Chuchem
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
"The Rose Garden opposite the Knesset or the Givat Ram Stadium"
Is it in Yerusalim Ehr Hakodash?
At 9:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
wherw was it supposed to originally? in Meah shearim?
At 9:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
can anyone please answer if the compromise a "100%" think?
thank's in advance
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Let the queers parde INSIDE the knesset along with the imbeciles who serve there!
At 10:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone out there has any idea about the protest here in NY, if it's being called off?
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a shame on the 1 hand Baruch Hashem they wont be marching BUT on the other hand they will be protesting. What difference does it make what they call it PARADE--HAFGANA they dont belong in YERUSHALAIM IYR HAKODESH.
P.S. Why dont the have their protest in Beit HaMishpat together with their GAY friends Manny Mazuz,Franko, and Uri Lip-on-ski
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
THis is a lesson in emunah and bitachon in Hashem for the world and certainly the conservative and reform jews to learn and experience.
On at least two separate occasions, the Yad Hashem directly intervened in an indirect manner to stop the feigilech from destroying Ir Hakodesh.
Several months ago, the Lebanese War which directly impacted on the feigel march to have transpired in August and now the "out-of --the blue" tensions running very high in Gaza which resulted in a reassessment of security needs thereby canceling this filth march.
How can one not see the Yad Hashem.
How many uneducted conservative and reform jews could be brought back to Yiddishkeit if only they were told of these stories of how Hashem runs the world each and every minute of every day.
Wars, disturbances, etc. in other parts of the country all with the intent to cancel the feigelich march.
Anachnu Maaminim bnei Maaminim. It is so crystal clear to me.
May we see the Yad Hashem lead us all back to Yerushalayim BBA.
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
TO 10:12
Do you have a clue what Mayor Uri Lupainsky did to stop this and last?
At 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is not confirmed. It wasnt called off definitley.
they're still negotiating and the reason is b/c the police need to focus on security and threats due to yesterdays incident.
Suggestion: the police should let them parade but not protect let them fight their own battles. and maybe then all *** will know that "stay out of yerushalayim"
At 10:33 AM,
thekvetcher said…
is it any coincedence that this all comes out during the parsha of sedom?
At 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
To: 10:26
Yes i know
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
All he said that He will provide Security for the parade
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ultra-Orthodox leaders call for end to protests against gay pride parade (Haaretz)
Is the parade also called off in NY?
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Compromise was the name of the game and each side was pressing to get the better deal
From the beginning the whole thing was a game of brinkmanship with so msny players that it would take a super-computer to sort out the agendas and the moves. It was great guerilla theater and every one wanted a role to play in it. The Israelis take all of this with a grain of salt, the americans are the ones sitting and crying.
Compromise was always the name of this game and each side was pressing to get the better deal
At 11:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is a Hatzolah Purta but not a victory. The very fact that the parade was not cancelled shows that we have a long way to go
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tp the: thekvetcher, You've said it weel. I agree. These people are like those of Sodom and Amorrah. May HAshem punish them in kind.
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
In our world, and especially in Eretz Yisroel, we really do not see eye to eye with our Moo-slim cousins. They are, on the most part, terrorists, trouble makers, and, in general, will do anything to get rid of their Jewish cousins. Yes, there are a few good Moo-slims, but most are nothing more than Jew hating scoundrels. And it would take some major catastrophe or event for us to see eye to eye with them. Unfortunately, this event seems to right at our door step.
Yerushalayim is our home. The home of the bais hamikdash. The home of the Kodesh HaKodoshim. Think of all the choshuva people buried in the mountains, on Har Hazaeisim and Har Hamenuchos. The hallowed streets of Meah Shearim and Geulah. The thousand of elter tzaddikim who live sheltered, but holy lives, doing nothing but pouring over sefarom all day long. Ah! Where could you find a more beautiful city than Yerushalayim. Yet, on Friday, a group of prustah menuvalim, the perah adom, want to defile our golden, beautiful city. They want to introduce tumah and pritzus to the streets of our city. And we have an obligation to stop it.
We are now at the point where we, as believers in the city of Yerushalayim, must do whatever we can to stop this atrocity. The rabbonm have issued a kol koreh to the Jeiwsh people, instructing us to do whatever is necessary to convince the authorities to stop this shameful act from happening. We will join our Muslim neighbors in protesting these aboniable people. We will fight to the very end. And, yes, unfortunately, we will lose lives.
Yerushalayim is coinsidered to be the holy city of Jews, Christians amd Muslims alike. And the Jews, Christians and Muslims have all pledged allegiance to their holy city. Hafganos (demonstrations) have been ongoing by the Chareidim for many days now. The muslims have promised to overflow the city during the menuvalim parade. And, unfortunately, if this parade does happen, many people will be killed.
Are these prusta menuvalim worth a life? Shame on Mazuz! Shame on Lupoliasnky! And shame on the Mishtara Yisrael for giving these menuvlim the permit to defile our Ear Hakodesh.
Hashem Yishmoir!
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if the protest in Manhattan is still scheduled or was it called off due to the cancellation of the parade?
Please let me know, so I know if I should leave work now and go.
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
it's still on, buses leaving lee ontop of the highway from 3;30
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can anobody answer me something that is bothering me, it is a known fact that most of the children in our Heimishe schools do not know what gay and their lifestyles are all about, now with all the publicity about the protests here and in Israel they are all asking what this is all about and are being told, isn't this what is called''Yutzei Sechurei Bihefsedei ''?
At 3:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
i think that the entire state of isreal is the problem
At 3:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anon 3:06
Just tell them that they want to march not tzniusdik, no more details.
At 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
For those who aren't well versed in the history of WWII, & you're still wonderin' what Enola Gay stands for, follow the link...
At 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
thekvetcher said...
is it any coincedence that this all comes out during the parsha of sedom?
No, it's no coincedence NOTHING that Ha-Shem does is a coincedence.
At 5:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
3:06 just tell them they are sick chozeirem with AIDS, and must run far from these people because you can get sick too.
You can also use it if you are concerned from heimishe chozeirem or abusers. It works like a charm.
At 12:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
It was probably called off because the Av HaTuma called for it to be cancelled and this crazy government will listen to him more than their own! Chaval!
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