Middleton, WI - Jewish Man Upset He Had To Vote At Church
Middleton, WI - a Jewish man whose polling place was at a Catholic church said he was disturbed to see a crucifix hanging over a ballot box.
Dr. Zeev Bar-Av a 65-year-old Middleton man said, "If there is a place where church and state should be separated, the polling place should be it."
Wisconsin Elections Board executive director Kevin Kennedy said the state and municipalities struggle to come up with adequate polling places, and churches have plenty of parking. He adds that polling places don't have to be redecorated to protect voters from feeling uncomfortable, and voters who are bothered can always vote absentee.
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
...being forced to vote in a church seems to be a violation of "separation of church and state", in this case, literally. Elections should be held in a neutral setting with no religious affiliations.
At 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
vote absentee
At 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
true, he can vote absentee, but I think this is probably a real issue. The best way to work on it? Get some Muslims that are also uncomfortable, then you will see things change
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 4:14
Voting absentee does not make the polling center's place correct. If the US constitution garantees the sepparation of church & state then the polling stations (in essence a collecting center) should not be held there.
It seems that in the WI case there were not enough alternative places and that is why they chose that place.
Going into a church is ussur for a yid (rambam). Why should I have to vote absentee (they only count them if there is a problem) because someone is too lazy to rent an alternative place.
What this person was arguing was the state has to pay rental fees anyway. The Constitution requires that the church not be involved why choose a contested place when you can just as well rent a non-contested place?
What do yu think?
At 6:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I noticed that someone wrote:(they only count them if there is a problem) This statement is incorrect. Absentee ballots are usually counted first and are definately counted and are as important as a vote-in-person.
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
where in tarnation does it say anywhere in the constitution anything about sepration of church and state?!?! Gees you iliterate morons should sit down and read the darn thing.
At 10:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
maybe you should read the first amendment.
this illiterate moron did read it, in law school.
spend more time reading and less time listening to talk radio.
no the word separation is not in there, but it is the accepted meaning. there have been several books written explaining the first amendment. i am sure you could find one that you understand.
good luck.
At 11:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
i got the same problem so i vote absentee
At 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
i don't like voting in a shil either.
At 11:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
and if election day was on a thursday he would have had some cholent and kishke along with that kugel!
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